Monday, November 27, 2006

Stanford Online Writing Salon

Many blog readers have asked about online writing courses. When effectively designed, they're a great way to get some workshop experience, create deadlines for yourself, and meet potential readers. I'm part of a group at Stanford that is launching our own online courses, called The Writer's Salon. It's through the Stanford Continuing Studies Program, and the classes are taught by former Wallace Stegner Fellows.

So, if this is something you'd be interested in, do check out the Writer's Salon Page, and then especially the FAQ page, which will explain how the classes run.

Registration starts today. There are four classes with fifteen slots in each one. Fiction and nonfiction. The first day of class is January 16th. I hope this proves helpful to a few blog readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took an intermediate fiction course through Stanford's Continuing Studies program. We met once a week during the evening and workshopped short stories submitted by class participants. So if anyone is interested in getting a feel for a workshop experience, they should look into what the colleges in their areas have to offer, as I'm sure that other universities offer similar classes. Has anyone else enrolled in a similar course elsewhere?