Thursday, September 13, 2007

Someone else is Expecting--be on the look out in California

What should we think? This is great news...really. They are looking for bold souls interested in changing our literary landscape... This is NOT a sleeper program. This one is still being planned out. I wonder what the actual date is for cutting the ribbon. Check this out: It's worth mentioning again with questions about new programs. I think it's inspiring.


Karissa Chen said...

i saw this. bc i actually really want to be in san diego, and the only good option there right now is sdsu. dammit, why couldn't they be accepting apps a year earlier???

Keely H. said...

I was an undergraduate writing major at UCSD and took classes with several of the professors who are slated to teach for the new MFA program. If the feel of the literature writing B.A. is indicative of the MFA program I suspect the program will strongly foster experimental, cross-genre work as well as poetry and fiction with a postmodern sensibility. I have every confidence that the program will one day rival Brown University's reputation of training writers equally comfortable with theory and craft, and on the cutting edge of what poetry, fiction, and mixed media work can accomplish.

Unknown said...

well...i guess all the coolest and newest would-be C.W. M.F.A. get into Brown's program. How will i ever compare? maybe, i'll get a mohawk or something cliche' like that.

CrankyOldPoster said...

You have every confidence that a program that doesn't even exist yet will rival one of the most respected old programs in the country?

Gotta say I'm a tad more skeptical...

cath said...

I grew up in La Jolla, where UCSD is. It's a realy nice place to live.

Unknown said...

Mohawks are out. Bowl cuts are coming in. Mark my words.

Unknown said... little faith.

calpoet said...

SDSU is a great program! They just got a new poet on their faculty, and are getting a new fiction writer too. They have been a around for awhile. I know many grad students there and they all REALLY love it. It is a beautiful place too See:

Jeb said...

Maybe I'm drinking the Kool-Aid, but, seriously, how could any poet with "experimental" sensibilities not be absolutely thrilled by the thought of working with the likes of Rae Armantrout, Eileen Myles, Michael Davidson... Not to mention access the UCSD archives (Silliman papers), and emeriti like Jerome Rothenberg, David & Eleanore Antin, Fanny Howe. Noah Wardrip-Fruin is a rising star in the world of digital fiction, should they decide to offer electronic writing. SUNY-Buffalo just isn't what it used to be, and people like Forrest Gander and C.D. Wright at Brown are wonderful poets, but if you're after "innovation" without compromises, it certainly seems like UCSD would be a program to keep an eye on. That is if it can ever get off the ground!

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