Thursday, November 01, 2007

CVs and Resumes

Jensen Whelan asks ...
When a school asks for a resume to be included are they asking for a CV? Or is there some other kind of resume? Like some kind of list of awards, publications, education outside of Uni, etc.? It gives a 750 word limit, which seems awfully long for a CV.If it's the latter, anybody have any tips for format?

When I applied, I used both a CV that focused on my recent academic work and a resume of my other work experience since I applied for grad school a little later in life. I'm guessing that schools that are asking for a resume over a CV are either using the two interchangably or are figuring that candidates have more "out in the world" work experience than academic experience.

While they do basically the same thing, the format for resume and cv are a little different. CVs are mainly for academia (on this side of the pond) and resumes are for the 'real' world. MIT has this guideline that sums up the CV pretty handily and describes the differences between CV and resume. Scroll down to the end that document and you'll find other great online resources for CVs and resumes. The one for Standford has examples for different fields. When I was applying, I googled CV samples and found a lot out there. Professors often post theirs online, so you may want to check out CVs for English and CW profs to see what theirs look like.

Anyone else with helpful suggestions?


Jensen Beach said...

thanks for the link and the tips! much appreciated.

mummy licker said...

Does anyone have an example they would mind posting or linking to? I'm really confused about whether to lean more towards the resume format or the cv. Thanks!

Spencer said...

From what I understand the Resume is more for a job/career setting and the cv is more for the appilcation process.

Andy Mohan said...

Resume writing is the primary need of any job seeker.One gets their first impression from their resumes.It plays a major role.For example

§ Your resume should be short on words but long on facts.
§ It should convey a sense of energy and purpose, reflecting your personality and personal characteristics.
§ Your resume must focus on your strengths and abilities.
§ It should deflect attention away from areas of your experience or work history that lack vigour or definition.
§ Your resume must reveal your work history through effective descriptions of your experience.
§ Your resume must be an advocate of your strengths and personal characteristics.
§ Your resume should give a flattering and factual representation of your skills.
§ It should reflect your worth as a potential employee.
§ Present a logically displayed resume that is appealing to the reader in its clarity and presentation.

Any many more tips,resume examples,resume formats,resume saples at

Andy Mohan said...

Resume writing is the primary need of any job seeker.One gets their first impression from their resumes.It plays a major role.For example

§ Your resume should be short on words but long on facts.
§ It should convey a sense of energy and purpose, reflecting your personality and personal characteristics.
§ Your resume must focus on your strengths and abilities.
§ It should deflect attention away from areas of your experience or work history that lack vigour or definition.
§ Your resume must reveal your work history through effective descriptions of your experience.
§ Your resume must be an advocate of your strengths and personal characteristics.
§ Your resume should give a flattering and factual representation of your skills.
§ It should reflect your worth as a potential employee.
§ Present a logically displayed resume that is appealing to the reader in its clarity and presentation.

Any many more tips,resume examples,resume formats,resume saples at

R.T. said...

Mummy licker and all, if you are still looking for a CV- you can email me. I have one that I sent to all my grad schools-- I made it like a resume w/ volunteer work and other relevant things to my writing/lit background. It also includes a list of coursework. You can get my email from

alamgir said...

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Unknown said...

Whether it's a resume or a CV you need to make, it needs to be at its best. My suggestion is seek help from professionals. Resume services Edmonton can do it for you. You can always count on them.

Anonymous said...

It must at least be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

For forming a complete and efficient resume you need to differentiate approaches that you sometimes mix up with your cv and resume, then it will be more interesting for you to move forward and enjoy every step to it. resume tips 2016

Unknown said...

Make your resume as creative and detailed as you can. It is very important in applying for a job.
School Teacher Resume Writing

aliyaa said...

A resume is a one to two page formal document that lists a job applicant's work experience, education and skills.Following site high school resumes will help you in making impressive resume. Thanks

Unknown said...

Wow, great post.