Thursday, June 04, 2009

Keeping in Touch

Writing the words "keeping in touch" makes me think of my high schools days, printing that phrase (or its abbreviation K.I.T.) and some random anecdote, to my friends in the back of their yearbook.

In any case, I'd love for us all - current MFAers, past MFAers, those starting their research or reapplying to keep in touch via the world wide web. your Twitter names, Facebook names/profiles, here, if you want to keep up with all the creative folks online.

You can follow me: or friend me on Facebook: Raina Fields.


yurchie said...

You can find me on other sites from there.

insertbrackets said...

I don't have "the" twitter. You can find me on facebook though:

[Tory Adkisson]

Jolie said...

I'll be going to Queens College this fall for fiction. Jolie Hale on Facebook, blog at, but I'm most active on Twitter: @joliehale

Emily said... (not too active, but i'm there)


you can find me on facebook by my email address emandermay @ gmail

NickOstdick said...

Elizabeth Tussey said...

Everything I write is tl;dr, but I'd like to have some friends!

Good luck everyone!

SurvivinginLA said...
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ajcourtney said...

i fall into the category of those just starting their research/app process.

Ross Markman said...

Ross Markman on facebook
Hit me up

shift + a said...

wahida said...

hey everyone : )

Nancy Rawlinson said...
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Nancy Rawlinson said...

I'm on twitter.

Lindsay said...

I'm just starting the research/application process and would love to keep in touch with those in a similar place, or who have been there before. Or who plan to be soon. twitter:

Alexandra Wilding said...

twitter: wildingout

facebook: Allie Wilding

I'm just starting to narrow down my choices for next year's application cycle.

Unknown said...

just starting to narrow down choices for the MFA and starting the application process.

on twitter @pjshull

Sara Ellen said...

I'd love any arbitrary online distractions / friends with whom to commiserate along the application way. I've just begun research / gre (blah) hoo-ha / manuscript stressing this summer for the upcoming ap cycle.

facebook: sara sams

spencer_ks said...

Hi Everyone,

I'm a former rat race participant with a BBA in General Business and I'm just beginning my research on MFA programs. I really love writing and I am excited to network with fellow writers. Please feel free to add me as a friend on Facebook.

Best wishes!

Lori A. May said...

Blog is

I just started twitter today!

I'll add all the twitter addies posted here so I get used to this latest e-craze. ;)

Kelly Kathleen Ferguson said...

I'm on FB. So far I have resisted the twitter.

Me and two other Montana MFAs keep a blog, for those interested. If you have questions about that prog, find me.

And I'll be at OU for creative writing PhD in the fall.

Nora Luongo said...

hi all ... i am a student in the Rutgers MFA program right now, as well as an employee there (i'm also a graphic/web designer in one of my many lives)... my work twitter is rutgers_newark, and my personal (much less used) is phigirl

Beauty and Bangles said...

I'm doing research on MFA programs and would like to keep in touch :)

you can find me on facebook as Kimberly Ann Keller.

Dwy said...

I am just beginning to think about programs for when I am done with undergrad.

Megan Dwyer (Seattle, WA) on Facebook.

Jenny Lane said... - I also try to twitter (tweet?) about playwriting opportunities that come my way.

Jennifer Styperk said...

Juliette said...
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Juliette said...

me on facebook
awesome blog, so much helpful info here. i'm considering my MFA/MA options for next year... :)

JayTee said...

starting MFA, Fall 2009.

(collaborative blog by MFA'ers entering in Fall 2009)

Gummy Bear Sacrifice said...


Anonymous said...

Gallo says:

It’s great that everything is moving forward. The pain is the problemw. I had necrotize faciitis. It’s 13the months now for me and I still have pain. It is not severe. I found the supports is big help. She is getting alot of it. Keep in touch.

Keeping In Touch