Sunday, March 04, 2012

Where Are You Applying? Part 4

And the posts just keep on coming! As usual, use this thread to post your lists of applications, acceptances, rejections, and waitlists. Fingers crossed for all of you!


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itsBarbieBiatchhh :) said...
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itsBarbieBiatchhh :) said...
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skywalker said...
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skywalker said...

Barbie is beyond brilliant!

In all honestly, that is the greatest reply I've ever read. I usually don't speak like this but I must say "You go girl!!!!!!!!!!" (Extra exclamation marks for you Barbie!) If she can write like that on a whim, I bet she's gotten into every school she applied to. And they are surely lucky to have her. I do hope though that she didn't apply to Sarah Lawrence. I have been rejected from 4 out of 5 schools as of today. Which is Including Emerson. Hence, I'm praying SLC comes through. But greatest congratulations to you dear Barbie.

As for you Rude Jude, you should watch what you say. Emerson is an amazing school and she was surely accepted because she is amazing as well.

itsBarbieBiatchhh :) said...
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itsBarbieBiatchhh :) said...
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itsBarbieBiatchhh :) said...

Aww :) Thank you like no other Luke Skywalker! You're too sweet. Beyond sweet! All the best luck to you with SLC!

P.S. I hope you get in everywhere you apply too, Rude Jude. I mean, you can't completely suck. Everybody has a good side, right?

blackhound said...

I heard from a reliable source at Boise State that the review process has been regrettably, unavoidably delayed.

daveeb said...

I admire your confidence, Barbie. Use it, for it is a strength.

As we approach the final leg of notification season, I just want to say that I hope all of your ambitions and dreams are fulfilled. A rather quixotic hope, I shall admit. My perspective may be more subjective than usual, may be wrought and cracked like a mirror or a shaky simile. However, there's no need to be sour, salty, or any other ingredient one might find plastered and advertised on a bag of chips. Reach into your sanguine side for a second or two.

phrased said...

It's an odd thing to hope everyone gets into everywhere they want. At the end of the day, we are all competing for the same few slots.

..... said...

anyone hear from USFCA? For fiction?

Dad Bubble and Me said...

I am still waiting to hear from LSU and UCF for fiction. Anyone receive anything?

Art Film for Girls said...

Strangely worded rejection from Oregon State for Fiction via email this morning. I think the strange wording is because it was from the Graduate School and not the Creative Writing department. It felt like someone asked their friend to tell someone else the bad news.

This makes 3 acceptances, 4 rejections and 6 I DON'T KNOWS.

Claire said...

Rejected from Oregon State this morning and Iowa last week. Ten more schools to go...are we all having fun yet?

mike333 said...

Blackhound, did your source tell you how long the delay will be? Like more than another couple weeks? I talked to a graduate student about a week and a half ago and he said that they only had a few applications left to go through (at least on the fiction side) and that applicants should be notified in the next couple of weeks (i.e., by the end of this week). Thanks for the update, though.

Unknown said...

still waiting on Montana, Wash-Seattle, and UC Boulder (all for poetry). It hurts!

ericakenick said...

Has anyone been rejected from Hopkins for poetry yet? I saw a couple people were accepted in late Feb. but I haven't heard anything. . . wooo just a couple more weeks of this, guys!

Claire said...

McNeese started notifying for poetry today - two acceptances so far on the FB group. One reports that they'll be taking 3-5 poets this year. Fiction finalists are apparently still being whittled down.

Eketer-Pietra said...

@blackhound: How delayed? Because I'm on the waitlist (for poetry), and if they took me I'd accept in a heartbeat.

I really wish there was a way to figure out what my chances are. I have no idea how high I am on the waitlist. I tried calling, but no one picked up. I just found an email address for Janet Holmes, but I don't want to pester them if they're already so busy.

Does getting a phone call mean you're higher priority? I've been charting this obsessively, hoping that the fact that I got my waitlist notice earlier than others means I have a chance.

your mom said...

My JHU denial came via post today. Check those mailboxes!

virginia slim said...

@Calgary, fiction or poetry?

Gene said...

JHU rejection by mail for poetry (genre specified in the rejection letter). The letter is dated March 1st.

your mom said...

Sorry. Poetry!

Lia said...

Hey guys, thank you for sharing the JHU info. I'm grateful for your willingness to tell us.

Now, I know not to check the mail. That was a close one!

Thank you, Gene and Calgary!

MisterSammie said...
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chi said...
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your mom said...

Those of you who are sniping at Barbie...did you actually see the comment in the former "Where Are You Applying" thread to which she was replying? Because it was snarky and uncalled for, with a whiff of sour grapes. I'm not sure why you guys are picking on someone for sticking up for herself.

virginia slim said...

All, please don't turn this into a snarky thread. Most of us are just interested in hearing updates about MFA programs, not bickering.

Brenda said...

@ Sarah--sorry for the delayed response to your question about Colorado State. FB reports the calls were by phone.

@ Blackhound: I thought Boise State was done???? FB said they called a while back, for poetry anyway. Might not be true, of course, or you might be of a different genre. Do you know if it is for all genres? I applied there and curious. I haven't received a rejection yet.

mike333 said...

@Brenda. Boise State has notified for poetry, but they haven't yet notified for fiction.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Brown yet?

ElizabethBennet said...

I applied for fiction and was wondering if any of you had heard back from the BU, UMass Boston, Johns Hopkins, UCI, or Columbia yet?

TG said...

How do you know about Stegner poetry?

Anyone said...

@Unknown, a lot of people have been hearing back from Columbia but for nonfiction. No one has written about fiction yet that I've seen but I'm not in the Facebook group.

I'm waiting to hear from NYU and Hunter for fiction. Still no word.

Lisa said...

Still no word from FSU, Brooklyn, or Hunter for fiction, eh? :/

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Vanderbilt is finished notifying poetry (or at all) yet?

lola pistola. said...

New School - fiction/poetry

BJH said...

@virginia slim
Well said! There's a place for snarkiness and that place is Facebook.

I've heard nothing from UCI fiction yet and I don't think anybody has posted anything here so far.

For everyone finding this hard, here's something I've been thinking about. Imagine if the whole process was reversed and rather than submitting work to the schools, an applicant had to read a story by every faculty member from every MFA program in the country before choosing which one to attend.
Almost all of the stories would be good and choosing your favourite one or two out of hundreds would be damn-near impossible. But you would make the choice because you had to.
Would it be a negative reflection on all the stories you didn't choose? Would it mean that all those writers didn't have talent? Didn't have what it takes to succeed? That you were REJECTING them?

No! Of course not. They just didn't turn out to be your favourites...

Brenda said...

Someone got into Brooklyn for poetry per FB

Dad Bubble and Me said...

I got brave and sent an inquiry to UCF. I asked about how long it would take to hear back. The story seems to be the same at UCF as I've seen from some other posts. Everyone is in Chicago at the conference and no decisions will be made until the end of next week at the earliest.

Anonymous said...

Only applied to four places (how on earth do folks applying to a dozen or more places manage to juggle all those requirements and deadlines? my brain is not wired for that kind of multitasking). All applications were for fiction:

-Michener (Summarily rejected via hyperlink, i.e., "Click here to be told of your fate.")
-Wyoming (Rejected via nice letter)
-Washington University St. Louis (Rejected by email)
-Alabama (Haven't heard back yet)

Sounds like some folks have already heard back in the affirmative from Alabama, so I'm not counting my chickens. But I'm not quite despairing yet either.

magNcheese said...

This is killing me so if you have info, PLEAE respond:

Has Alabama sent out a waitlist/has anyone been rejected for Fiction? I know rejections have gone out for poetry and CNF but I haven't heard of anyone being rejected for Fiction so I'm not sure if they're just taking they're time with Fiction rejections or what but I'm so anxious waiting every day for my letter.

magNcheese said...


Nice to finally hear from someone else about Alabama. This makes me wonder if Alabama just hasn't done their Fiction rejections yet.

Bird said...

I got my rejection e-mail for Cornell (Fiction) a few minutes ago -- quite kindly worded, for what it's worth.

Adding that to the official rejections I got from Iowa and Oregon State yesterday...and I'm looking at 11 official rejections, 3 assumed rejections, and 4 schools that are still quiet. No acceptances.

I'm glad we're nearing the end! Good luck, everybody.

Anonymous said...

Rejection emails from Cornell and UT Austin English Dept (Fiction) within a minute of each other.... Lovely morning

Colin BW said...

Just got my Cornell rejection email, too, which leaves only JHU and Iowa. Are both of those schools doing everything via snail mail...?

Anonymous said...

@Colin: you're waiting on JHU too? From what I read via this blog is that some people already received rejecttion letters as of yesterday. I'm probably going to give them a call as I'm no longer at the address I gave them to mail good or bad news to me

virginia slim said...

I believe poetry notifications have gone out for JHU, but I haven't seen anything for fiction.

Anonymous said...

@Colin: you're waiting on JHU too? From what I read via this blog is that some people already received rejecttion letters as of yesterday. I'm probably going to give them a call as I'm no longer at the address I gave them to mail good or bad news to me

Colin BW said...

@Afrogirl: Yeah, I haven't heard a peep about fiction from them... since I live overseas, I'll probably get their letter, one way or the other, like a week after everyone else. Sigh.

blackhound said...
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blackhound said...

mike333 - When I asked about the status of notification, a comment was made by someone in the Graduate School admisions office that a family matter had called the director of the MFA program (I should have made that clear)out of the country. No ETA was offered. What genre did you apply in?

Anonymous said...

@Colin: I know where you're coming from--I just returned from Haiti. I did send an email to inquire about my status--I feel too akward calling. Im poetry though but I would assume fiction would take a little longer. Sending you good karma vibes!

blackhound said...

Okay. I'm reading all the comments now about Boise State. They were not showing up yesterday, at least not on my computer. I've only seen one notice about poetry and that is on the 2012 Notification Dates page. Maybe, the person making the comment in the Graduate Admissions office means that the rejection letters have not been delivered to her to distribute.

msipin said...

@Bird, I feel exactly how you feel.

I have 3 official rejections and 3 assumed rejections, with 5 quiet schools. I'm assuming the worst, but I am at least happy that this road is almost over. I want to buckle down and try my hardest to formulate a better, more accomplished sample, but with the waiting, it's sincerely hard to concentrate. I've been rewriting my sample for days now and have had no real progress (I'm trying to get them ready for summer conferences). All in all, I feel you, and thanks for posting. I haven't had an acceptance yet, and I doubt I'll get one, but the worst thing of all (for me) is the waiting. I just feel like I'm in limbo.

Best of luck to everyone and a hearty congratulations to those who have heard good news! I'm wishing everyone well, especially those in the tornado-hit states.

blackhound said...

Just called Virginia Tech. Person in English Department informed me that all MFA letters, both acceptance and rejection, would be going out at end of March (as they are this week on Spring Break). Guess if no phone call has been forthcoming, one can expect a letter of rejection.

Anonymous said...

Per Twitter, South Carolina is on spring break this week as well.

chi said...

@TG, a friend of mine was accepted. Not sure if by email or phone, but one of those, since he was at AWP at the time...

greenjeansgifts said...

Just got an e-mail rejection from Cornell (poetry).

coderam said...

I got the rejection email from Cornell this morning, for fiction. That's the first official notification I've received. Four to go.

Oh, and I found out my application to my "safety" school isn't being considered because two of my referees failed to submit letters before the review period. The graduate school contacted me a month ago looking for GRE scores, which they'd had since fall, but didn't contact me about the missing letters. I should have checked. My bad.

Off to fake my own death, ala Harold Chasen.

mike333 said...

Blackhound-I applied in fiction. That's a bummer about the director. Something must have gone down with his family right after the interchange I had with one of the grad students.

coderam said...

I was unable to log in to check application status at both UVa and UNCG just now. Being updated at the same time? Wierd.

Bracing myself for a double smack-down.

Chasch said...

I originally posted in the second "where are you applying" thread.

Like many I also received my rejection from Cornell (fiction) by email this morning.

Anyone heard from Guelph, in Canada?

Horatio Funktower said...

Waitlisted at Boise State for Fiction. Declined the offer.

My total thus far:




Ohio State (Accepted Offer)
Oregon State (Declined)
Idaho (Declined)

Wait List:

Boise State (Declined)

Haven't Heard Anything Yet:

Ole Miss
Western Michigan
Cincinnati MA

mike333 said...

Horatio-when were you notified by boise state? I can only assume that if they've wait-listed people they've already made their offers as well. . . bummer.

Bird said...

@msipin -- What a kind note.

I have to say that I'm finding the rejections easier to take than last year, even though I applied to many more schools. I'm more cognizant now of how strong the applicant pool is.

If it doesn't work out this time, I plan to have a go at round 3.

I agree that decision season is a powerful demotivator for the creative process. I haven't gotten anything written since it began.

@coderam -- My UNCG application was down for me, too, a few minutes ago -- but now I've just logged in again, and there's still no decision there. Perhaps it was just an issue with the applyyourself server, or some such.

Laura said...

Just got waitlisted at UNCW for nonfiction! I know (via the fb group) that there are at least 2 other people on the list... am doubtful that I'll be offered a spot, but here's to hoping!

KJL said...

Hunter has notified all its fiction admits. And they all accepted the spots immediately. Email from Colum McCann this morning offering the smallest glimmer of hope with "top of the waitlist," just in case...

greenjeansgifts said...

Rejection from Utah (poetry) sent via e-mail.

Anyone said...

@Unknown, thanks for the info. I am so sick of waiting and stressing over the complete silence from both NYU and Hunter. At this point, it looks like I can assume they're rejections. Just wish they'd inform me so I can stop checking my e-mail and mailbox and move on to something else. Looks like I was stupid to apply to only two schools but they were the two I truly wanted.

Sergio Serrano said...


NYU - Accepted via e-mail Feb. 28.

Columbia - Waiting

Anyone said...

Ha, eerie timing, it's like Hunter heard me. Just got an e-mail saying that my application decision was available online with a link directing me back to my online application. There was another link on that page that took me to a short form letter informing me that I've been rejected. Well, at least now I can just stress about one school.

I don't know how some of you go through this with ten or more schools and for years in a row. I'll admit that this is the first time I've had to deal with rejection from a school or job. Got into undergrad early decision and when I went to grad school for my first MA, I got accepted to both the schools I applied. I'm sure I'll toughen up after this experience. For now, it's hard.

HeatherT said...

Has anyone heard from SFSU or St. Mary's for fiction? I was accepted to St. Mary's CFW via email on Friday but fiction was my first choice.

Max said...

Looking for Stegner buzz. Only peep I've heard is regarding @Chi's friend, who (word has it) was notified via e-mail (which I find strange -- pretty sure tradition is to phone). Any insight?

Lia said...

Those of you who know anyone accepted to JHU, has it been letter or phone this year?

KJL said...

@anyone, I was in the same boat last year, when I applied to five schools and was rejected across the board. If it's any consolation, I reapplied with the exact same application and manuscript this year and have been accepted at 3, waitlisted at 2. The process is extremely subjective!

I was an early decisioner undergrad also, so I feel you. Rejections can be soul crushing.

magNcheese said...

@Unkown: Did you apply to different or less competitive schools or did you keep your list?

VickyOnTheTown said...

Does anyone have any news about UW Seattle for poetry? They're the only school yet to give me an answer.

Also, Congrats to all of you getting good news, and I'm right there with all of you getting the bad. Let's hang in there!

Alyss said...

Has anyone on the poetry end heard from Hunter?

DMP said...

There have been some UW Seattle fiction acceptances posted on the facebook page...

Translation Page said...

Anyone know anything about Iowa State's notices?

cerclerouge said...

Just heard back from Hunter - rejection for Fiction. Am still waiting for Columbia, NYU and New School. I am guessing no news is bad news. Anyone else out there heard anything yet from these schools for fiction? Thanks! Hard to stay upbeat here and not take it all personally.

Kendra said...


you heard from UWSeattle?? I am waiting ever so patiently for word from them.

lottery player said...

I"m very interested in Stegner info as well...have read that in past years the acceptance calls go out very end of Feb. to March 5 or 6. HAven't heard of any this year, wondering if too early to give up hope!

TG said...

Well Stegner is a long shot but just curious, anyone else out here applying to post MFA fellowships?

I'm done with my MFA and have applied to a bunch of fellowships- FAWC, Exeter, UWisc & Stegner. Wonder when they start notifying (websites say April-May for most but I'm assuming acceptances go out before that).

Very Nice, how much said...

@ translation page. I'm also curious since it's my Alma mater. My educated guess is this, since Ben Percy has been extremely busy traveling and he's part of the admissions committee I guess their behind a bit. I'd expect a response sometime this week or if they plan on working over spring break, next week.

Accepted. Into : Texas State
West Virginia
MA at North Texas

Rejected : Minnesota
Oregon state
NC State.

Limbo : Iowa/ assuming rejection
Iowa state
Michigan./ assuming rejection
Florida state
Arizona state
South Carolina/ assuming rejection

All fiction.

Heads up people. Final home stretch

Art Film for Girls said...

@Very Nice, how much We should be friends. I was also accepted to Texas State, but rejected from Oregon State and am waiting to hear back from Arizona State.

Elizabeth said...

Has anyone heard back from Brooklyn College for Poetry yet.. or know if they are sending out information via phone or mail?

Colin BW said...

@demotivated folks: It's interesting to read that some people are having trouble writing. I've turned my disappointment into self-righteous rage and have been cranking out work since I started getting rejected. It helps keep me from checking my email every thirty minutes! I have to agree with @Anyone, though, in saying that all of this rejection is pretty brutal; I dunno if I'd do this a second time around.

@people rejected from Iowa: there was a question awhile back about Iowa admissions profile updates that never got answered. Has your admissions profile changed on ISIS?

Monica said...


Assumed rejection:
Ok State
Ole Miss?

No work yet:
GA College
GA State
Old Dominion
New Mexico State

Bird said...

@Colin BW: My Isis profile still lists my admission decision as "In Progress." I got my rejection letter from Iowa on Monday.

Dad Bubble and Me said...


Why do you assume rejection from LSU? Have you heard if anyone has been accepted yet?

and Colin BW
Do you really need an MFA to get what you want? If you do, keep trying. Most people out there doing what they want went through a lot of this. I used to be an actor. hen I graduated from university it was tough. I changed my goals (because I realized I'd rather teach, and write). But classmates who continued on... it took them quite a long time. Now I see some of them on television, in movies, and on Broadway. They went through tons of rejection. I guess it matters what you actually wnt and how much you want it. I don't want to sound sentimental or throw out platitudes but it's true. I recently heard about a study. Something like 85% of Americans aspire to something greater. Only 12% actually attempt to get to that "greater" aspiration. Stay in the 12% is my advice.

Colin BW said...

@Bird: Okay, then there's probably a rejection (or hopefully waitlist) letter in the mail for me that simply hasn't arrived yet. Mine says "In Progress," too.

@Dad Bubble: No, I don't need an MFA, but I'd like one. If I don't get into a program this year, though, I have a lot of incentive to stay overseas and do something else (like study German or Comp Lit). I'm going to write till I'm dead, MFA or no. I simply can't see my way to shelling out another gazillion dollars again next year in order to go through the same rejection gauntlet. But thanks for the advice.

Monica said...

According to someone on this site, there was at least one acceptance from LSU on the Facebook page. So far I've only received 1 formal rejection out of my 10 prospective schools, but the fact that I haven't heard back from 9 places makes me think I won't get in anywhere. Basically, I'm expecting the worst but trying to stay hopeful.

Oh, and good pep talk about the 12%. A lot of my friends tell me not to give up, but none of them write, so they don't really understand how exhausting/heart-breaking this process is, you know? I guess that's one reason I like this blog so much--lots of people going through the same thing I'm going through :)

Dad Bubble and Me said...


What genre? Because I've also seen that many programs have sent out acceptances for Poetry but not fiction. I called UCF and they told me that because of a conference no further decisions will be made until the "end" of next week, so there is still time.

Colin BW

I respect what you say. And I get a feeling you are a true artist. I lived in the Czech Republic for 5 years and want to go back.
Aren't there a few fairly good programs (I know there are tons of terrible ones too) on the internet? In my research, I remember seeing a program out of New Orleans?? You could apply as an online student or a living breathing one. If I ever go back to Europe, I was thinking about trying something like that. No matter how good/bad the program you still obtain that MFA at the end.


we say in theatre that absolutely agitating "break a leg" when we mean good luck. I just had a thought. I say "Break a pencil!". And I mean really break one. I am doing it right now (it's a mechanical pencil, makes it a little tougher.) Break a pencil and beat all that frustration back. Then, like Collin, grab a new pencil (or the stubby end you just broke off) and write something.

Andrea Ruggs said...

I got my LSU rejection for fiction via email yesterday. I think they sent out all their acceptances already.

violet24 said...

someone posted a columbia fiction acceptance on gradcafe -- any other columbia fiction news?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Brown in poetry? Just wondering...

Monica said...

@Dad Bubble,
I applied in poetry.

Claire said...

Hey all! For those not on the FB group who want info on specific schools, ask away and I'll do my best to give you an update. There's been a lot of activity recently.

virginia slim said...

Any Johns Hopkins fiction news?

Claire said...

Nothing so far from Johns Hopkins. No one seems to know when they'll be notifying, except hopefully soon?

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire,

Thanks for the offer. Have waitlists gone out for NYU or Brooklyn College yet? And what about acceptances at Columbia and New School in fiction?


Claire said...

No waitlists for NYU or Brooklyn yet so far as I know. There have been fiction acceptances for both Columbia and New School reported - however, the general consensus seems to be that they stagger them and are not done yet.

Mari said...

@claire @virginia slim

I got an email from Hopkins yesterday saying that one of my recommendation letters hadn't uploaded correctly on my application(just asking me to have the prof try it again). I think that means they haven't made decisions yet-- another week before calls, I'm guessing.

I'm hoping that's a good sign, though, like if they are looking at my file this late in the game maybe there's hope. But maybe not.

Mari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Claire, is there any action of FB for ODU, VCU, or McNeese? Specifically for fiction.

virginia slim said...

thanks @mari and @claire!

Claire said...

So far nothing from ODU or VCU (I'm waiting anxiously on that one myself). McNeese has notified its poetry acceptances but according to someone who spoke with Amy Fleury, they are still making decisions about fiction, and I don't think anyone has been notified yet.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your help, Claire. Good luck to you.

Ama said...

I got my rejection email from UT Austin English today. Still waiting on an official no from Vanderbilt. Poetry for both programs. I guess I'll try again next year. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Claire. Good luck to you!

magNcheese said...

Hi Claire,

Any word on Alabama's fiction waitlist? I called and was told a while ago that rejection notifications were in the mail or on the way but I haven't gotten anything.

Not holding out much hope but I'd like to know all the same.

magNcheese said...

I think I'm in the same boat. Just going to have to work doubly hard for next year. Good luck!

Claire said...

Not sure what's going on with Alabama's waitlist. Some people received emails from Martone telling them they were on it. Lots of other people (myself included) got mailed rejection letters in the last couple of weeks. Sorry I don't know any more than that!

Samantha said...

@Claire- Thanks for all the information! It's really nice of you to pass on the fb comments. Has anyone heard from FSU? Last I heard, people were saying there was a good chance we'd have decisions this week.

Claire said...

FSU is being weird. Some PhD's have been notified and I think there's been at least one poetry acceptance. Mostly quiet, though. Who knows?

magNcheese said...

Thanks for the info, Claire.

mootante said...

Hi Claire! Any news on Brown for fiction?

Samantha said...

Thanks, Claire! Best of luck!

Anyone said...

@Claire, have there been any rejections from NYU? thanks.

Claire said...

Nothing definitive so far from Brown (only rumors of someone on twitter getting a poetry rejection - hah!), and no rejections yet from NYU.

Bird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CloudyTiel said...


Do you know if Brooklyn College is done accepting people?

Also, has anyone heard anything from Queens College? I haven't heard a peep.

Bird said...

For fiction:

Any action from Colorado - Boulder?

Have there been rejections or waitlists for Indiana or South Carolina? I know they sent acceptances more than a month ago.

Also, any waitlists for North Carolina -- Greensboro?

One love!

Anyone said...

Thanks Claire, it's tough knowing so many NYU acceptances have gone out for fiction but no word on waitlists or rejections. There's hope and there's not.

Claire said...

CU Boulder - hasn't notified yet, so far as I know

Indiana - waitlists have gone out, no rejections listed on the FB group

South Carolina - no waitlists or rejections reported yet on the group

Greensboro - has notified a couple of waitlists. Don't know if they are done - they just accepted someone yesterday long after some other acceptances had gone out.

Gene said...

Claire, could you say more about the Brown rejection rumor? Did someone tweet that they've been rejected, or did the rejection actually take place on Twitter?

qqqq said...

How about Ole Miss and University of Florida for Fiction? Thanks in advance!

Anonymous said...

Are the 2 FB message acceptances the only acceptances reported for South Carolina? Or has anyone heard from a more traditional method?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Vanderbilt? Poetry?

Ashley said...

Heard back from NYU, first acceptance.
Got denied from both UT programs yesterday.
Still waiting on:
New school
Boston University
... The freak out still continues. Good luck everyone! So close.

Ashley said...

Also, I applied for poetry.

RB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire said...

@Gene I think someone saw a tweet from someone saying they had been rejected from poetry. Let's hope Brown doesn't tweet acceptances!

@qqqq, nothing from Ole Miss yet. Florida has notified at least two fictioneers.

@CaitlinM, there have been several South Carolina acceptances via email earlier in February

@CH, Vanderbilt poetry went out around February 13th

Bird said...

You're a dream, Claire!

Claire said...

@Bird, more like an unemployed Type-A neurotic, but thanks :)

Michael Critzer said...

Has anyone heard from Hollins yet? I found this posted under FAQs on their site: "We'll be aiming to get our first round acceptance and wait-list decisions out by the second week of March (by email, so please make sure we have a correct e-dress for you)."
Let the nail biting commence!

miraclebeast said...

Question: Do schools stagger their rejection notifications, and if so, why?

Mostly, I'm just wondering why others have received rejections from schools I applied to, when I have yet to hear anything from them.

I'm specifically wondering about Cornell and UT English Dept (which both notify by email.)

Has anyone else applied to either of these & heard nothing yet? Any thoughts?

Anyone said...

Congratulations, Ashley! So I guess NYU has somewhat staggered their acceptances for poetry at least, if not for fiction (unless you were notified a while ago). Hunter and Columbia seem to just be notifying people now so you still have time.

Anyone said...

@Ashley, forgot to ask, but did NYU notify you by email, phone, or snail mail? Thanks.

Terrence said...

Got rejected today by e-mail by LSU. Knew it was happening, but still tough. Bummer about UF too, it looks that is unlikely as well.

Ashley said...

Email. I got it on the 28th, so it was a little bit ago.

Ashley said...

Thanks! And sweet.

Claire said...

Check your email, Hollins folks. Acceptances seem to have gone out a little while ago.

Dad Bubble and Me said...

I also got rejected by LSU. Or maybe I'd rather say "not accepted". Rejected is a terrible word.

Michael Critzer said...

Claire, where did you hear that? Did you get a notification from them? I've checked my email, but I haven't heard anything.

Michael Critzer said...

At this point, even a rejection would lower the blood pressure!

stonebem said...

I'm reading a story called "Foster" by Claire Keegan, and this line caught my eye: "I am in a spot where I can neither be what I always am nor turn into what I could be." Reminded me an awful lot of this purgatorial waiting business. Just thought I'd share.

phrased said...

@LingeringScholar: Be careful what you wish for. :)

blackhound said...

stonebem - like that a lot! If only they (admission committee) could see what I could be. Thanks, for posting.

nrs said...

Anybody hear anything from NC State fiction? I've noticed a few rejections and nothing else except one acceptance a while ago.

nrs said...
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Gene said...

To the people hearing from LSU, what is your genre?

blackhound said...

Someone reorted today (3/7) at grad school cafe that they were accepted to Boise State in Poetry. Wish it was me!

Samantha said...

@nrs- You may have seen it already, but I posted earlier that I got a rejection via email/status update from NC State in late February.

Claire said...

Several people, at the same time about an hour ago, reported fiction and CNF acceptances to Hollins via email.

Jeff said...

McNeese State University.

There's another program I would go out of my way to avoid.

chi said...

My poet friend who got a Stegner was notified on Thursday evening (the 1st) by email AND by phone. This is not a rumor. This is true. Still haven't heard anything about fiction acceptances yet, though I think those may generally come a few days to a week after the poetry ones. That may just be wishful thinking though. It's getting kind of late in the game...

Terrence said...

Oh I forgot to specify, I got ejected by LSU for fiction

Terrence said...

Errrrm, rejected rather.

Gene said...
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Gene said...

Thanks Terrence. Dad Bubble and Me also applied in fiction, so I'm assuming that their poetry rejections have not gone out yet.

Dad Bubble and Me said...

LSU was fiction for me as well. And maybe just jected, since its my first time. Next year I look forward to being re-jected.

KoreanOutpost said...

Accepted: Hollins! (just now, crying into my yogurt.)

Rejected: Minnesota, Syracuse, UMASS

Assumed rejection/holding out hope: VTECH, CSU

Waiting: UNCW, Brown, UCIrvine

Monica said...

Jeff, why would you avoid McNeese?

Art Film for Girls said...

Has anyone heard anything from Arizona State?

Elizabeth Smith said...

All of the following are in the poetry genre:

Feburary 24: short waiting list for Boise State, the acceptances definitely went out for those that have been asking. I know of one other person on the waiting list thus far, called to ask how long it is, but haven't heard back yet.
March 2 short waiting list for University of Arkansas

Michigan Ann Arbor
Penn State (out of funding for MFA this year)
Washington St. Louis

Waiting on:
Bloomington (though I heard some acceptances have already went out)

Does anyone know about Tucson? I know Fiction acceptances went out, and I saw one for poetry, but I haven't received a "no" letter yet. Tucson might be my only hope for a yes at this point so I'm really wondering about it. Thought about calling, but I don't want to bother them at the same time. A website a visited that has acceptance times from last year had acceptances all the way up until 3/18 I think, more towards the middle of March.

Also Bloomington seems to have sent out some acceptances, but I also haven't gotten a no for them. It also still says that my application has been submitted, but not denied or accepted on the application screen under status, anyone that's been denied or accepted, what does yours say?

Carbondale probably hasn't gone out yet it looks like, but their application wasn't due until February 1st. Best of luck everyone! Keep me updated.

Jeff said...

"Jeff, why would you avoid McNeese?"

I did avoid McNeese, last year. The town, Lake Charles, is an open sewer, complete with petrochemical plants on the banks of the lake--and an atrocious-smelling haze that hangs over the immediate area.

Rental property--decent property--is way overpriced and hard to get into. Likely because the entire city is hurricane bait. The so-called university resembles a ramshackle urban community college wedged between four very busy streets. Ah, the scent of diesel smoke as you cross the campus lawn. Oh, the roar of a pack of Harleys as they launch through the intersection outside your lit class. Why ever did I choose not to attend? Gosh, I wonder...

Even the instructors call it "Modest McNeese."

So, there you go...

wlinn751 said...

All fiction applications

South Carolina - notified I was #1 on waitlist 2/25, accepted via email 3/7

Syracuse - via email, late Feb.
Michigan - via mail, March 3
Minnesota - via email, mid-Feb.

No word from:

Elizabeth Smith said...

Another note, I just found out that SiUC will be making and sending out decisions after their spring break (which is next week) for any who were questioning that.

ElizabethBennet said...

I applied in fiction and was wondering if people have heard back from UMASS Boston, BU, UCI, Notre Dame, Sarah Lawrence, or George Mason?

Brenda said...

Attention Brooklyn Poetry people:

Rumor has it via FB that 3 people have been called. 2 over the weekend and One was emailed on Monday because he is overseas.

I'm not one of them, but I saw lots of inquiry here, so I thought I'd offer this tidbit. Hopefully they're not done.

Hollins acceptances: which genre?

adivasi said...

Accepted into UMass Boston for fiction via email on March 6. Are there folks who can share some info about the program?

Max said...

For the few of us with Stegner interest: I've heard too that the fiction calls are made after poetry. Today marks one week -- should we assume if our phones don't ring, we're not one of the tremendously lucky & honored (and talented and deserving) five? (This question assumes no one knows of fiction notifications having occurred in the past seven days.)

Bird said...

Just got my rejection from Brown (fiction) via an e-mail that linked to an online status check.

Samantha said...

@Bird- Me, too. That makes 3 rejections: Brown, UNCG, and NC State.

Still waiting on JHU, FSU, and UVA.

Lia said...

I *heard* that all letters of all natures should go out by the end of the week for JHU.

And guys, chin-up. Remember that there are lots of people too chickensh!t to even try.

Samantha said...

Thanks, Lia. I'll be sure to check my mail. Do you know if they're calling the people they're accepting or is it all by mail?

jayward wayword said...

Got my Brown rejection this morning!
Cornell rejection two days ago
UMICH rejection last week

waiting on:
University of Miami
Queens College

all in fiction

Chasch said...

Hey all, it's Brown day. I got my rejection by status update 17 minutes ago.

KoreanOutpost said...

@what genre Hollins acceptance: Fiction, by email. All other schools I mentioned declines from were also Fiction by email, sorry I didn't report that. I was excited.

Also just got rejection from Brown via email to check app status.

That's ok, if it were between the two of them I'd pick Hollins anyhow :)

Becky said...

University of Central Florida
-Accepted, Poetry
UNC Wilmington
-Waitlisted, Poetry
Emerson U.
-Waitlisted, Writing & Publishing
UT Austin-English
-Rejected, Poetry

12 schools left to hear from! I'm taking my present and any future rejection to mean that my opportunities are elsewhere.

egordon28 said...

has anyone heard from BU or Umass Boston for poetry?

SpunkyJess said...

@Elizabeth Smith

RE: Indiana - I haven't received a concrete no or yes, and my status still shows that the application will be reviewed shortly.

However, I have also seen acceptances and waitlists are out for I'm not holding my breath for that one unfortunately. That's my dream program too...

Anyone here apply to BGSU in poetry or care to share any thoughts on the program? I've only seen a couple acceptances for fiction at BGSU, but nothing from poetry.


Ashley said...

Denied from Brown for poetry on the embark site thing. NYC here I come...

Lia said...

I think phone calls are the usual, but when I asked, that prev. response was restated.
Could mean, of all things that go in letters, letters will go out. I don't know!

Horatio Funktower said...

Accepted at VCU for Fiction this morning. Declined offer.

My total count is: 5/12 (Still haven't heard from 4 programs)

I hope the people that don't get in this year keep applying. This was my third time applying over the past five years. First time I got blanked, second time I got on one wait list, and this year I've had five acceptances so far.

I'm not trying to be some motivational speaker, but I do think your persistence and dedication will pay off eventually. Keep writing!

Kate said...

6 poetry rejections:
Wash U

Still waiting to hear:

Not feeling hopeful. Thank you all for the stories, information, humor, and understanding. I keep thinking I'm over the pain, and then I get another sucker punch. Ouch! Ah well, will likely try again next year.

violet24 said...

After texting my mom about Brown rejection, she responds, 'Those b...stards!' (her punctuation, not mine).

Sirrah said...

I wrote to Guelph on Feb. 28 and asked what the deal was; their response: "We are in the process of making final decisions. If you would like to check in with me the end of next week, I will be able to verify the status of your application at this time."
I haven't heard anything so I'll write them tomorrow morning. You could do the same, if you haven't heard. If you have heard, though, I would like to know!

Unknown said...

Has anyone heard a peep out of Portland State? And, or did anyone else apply there?

Michael Critzer said...

I called Hollins to find out if the acceptances sent out yesterday were the extent of them, if there would be waitlist notifications, and so on. The office of graduate studies was very nice, but didn't know anything about it, and the director of the English program claimed ignorance, but seemed a bit evasive. Has anyone received notice of rejection or a waitlist?

Anonymous said...

To folks who are on their second or third or fourth year of applying: what did you change from year to year, if anything? Different writing sample? Different approach to personal statements? Just applying to more/different schools?

lottery player said...

Max... I've been poking around and in the past it seems Stegner fiction people know by now- but, I"ve also not heard or seen any word of fiction acceptances yet.

Elizabeth Smith said...

That's strange, good to hear that yours is under review, mine still only says submitted. Maybe they're going over them again for a waiting list? Hopefully there's still some spots left! Seems strange that they didn't send out their no's first, the director of the program here that I'm on the waiting list for said that no's almost always go out first so the longer we wait, then the better it often is for us. But maybe he was just trying to make me feel hopeful... Blah.

Maggie said...

Does anyone know anything about Emerson?

MisterSammie said...
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Dad Bubble and Me said...


Im curious about this whole process too.
To those who are getting accepted: Do you think you were accepted based mostly upon your samples? Or have you published many things? What is it about your applications that you think caught the eye of the faculty and enticed them into wanting you? I understand that the writing sample should be your best, but what other aspects do you think have helped you?
I hope I don't sound like a pathetic nudge, but I've been writing all my life (without ever even trying to publish) and on a whim (that became a passionate desire as I got deep into the process) I began applying to programs this year. Am I a fool? I don't even have an English undergrad, I did theatre with 30 credits of English tacked on.
I guess I want to really know if everyone getting in has a BFA in writing; has written published work; knows lots of people in the system; etc.?

Anonymous said...

@Dad Bubble and Me: I know where you're coming from. I was a double major with two minors. I'm fluent in five languages. I always wanted to write but b/c my parents are from Africa they wanted me to do something that I would make a lot of money at. It wasn't until my senior yr that I said f it I'm going to do what I want. That was last yr.

It's your writing sample and also I believe publishing plays a key part. Letters of recommendation really don't matter. Keep writing and be careful that you fit are embody at least some segment of the school's general philosophy. I learned my lesson when I applied to ASU and they didn't accept me last yr b/c I didn't fit their discourse. That is very important--MFA is worse than any other program b/c it is SUBJECTIVE--you're writing could be the best and if they don't like your genre your screwed.

Best wishes and sending tons of good karma your way

I haven't published anything either...although I had my manuscript critiqued by two prof in the MFA dept at ASU.

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