Friday, March 09, 2012

Where Are You Applying? Part 5

Are we in the home stretch yet? Hang in there, folks!


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bentonwrtr said...

congrats on your acceptance, melissa!

do you plan on attending the program?

Melissa said...

Columbia University rejected more than 500 applicants this year, according to what I was told. (I got a "yes" from Columbia and spoke to one of their professors about this.)

Their program is large, yes, and their acceptance number is made large - in part, I think - by the fact that they accept a decent number of prospective students who work in poetry, fiction, AND nonfiction.

(Their number of incoming nonfiction students rivals that of the Nonfiction Writing Program at Iowa, which is notable when compared to the nonfiction acceptances of almost any other program.)

EDIT: I worry that I may have misremembered and have been thinking instead of what I saw here, which may still be helpful.

Melissa said...

Re: Columbia - So much depends upon funding, the answers that have yet to come, and my concerns about moving my whole family (including a husband, step-son, and two-year old) to New York City, so we will see!

(And I apologize. I added an edit to my note before I realized that anyone had responded!)

Scribbling said...

Notre Dame has already or is still in the process of rolling out acceptance notifications. This is the tally so far:

poetry acceptance via phone
fiction acceptance via phone
nonfiction acceptance via email

Whether or not they're done is dubious. No mention of waitlists have been mentioned in the Draft or elsewhere as of yet.

oneflew said...

New to the thread.



Virginia Tech


oneflew said...

Good luck in the homestretch, everyone.

RB said...

Accepted to Sarah Lawrence yesterday for poetry, via phone.

blackhound said...

Monica - congrat's on the acceptance! In this game that's something. Did you find out anything about a scholarship? Will you go if you have to pay your own way? Wichita is the only one on your list from which you haven't heard and to which I applied.

Jolly Green Giant said...

Congrats RB! Hoping for one of those calls myself.

Mitya23 said...
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jreneecummins said...

Hi all!

Waitlisted at McNeese (fiction) yesterday! I've had rejections from: Purdue, Ole Miss, VTech, WUSTL, UNCW. Still waiting to hear from: UVA, Texas State and NC State.

Yikes! This process!

Best Wishes to all!

jreneecummins said...

Hi all!

Waitlisted at McNeese (fiction) yesterday! I've had rejections from: Purdue, Ole Miss, VTech, WUSTL, UNCW. Still waiting to hear from: UVA, Texas State and NC State.

Yikes! This process!

Best Wishes to all!

Translation Page said...

U of O Rejection-Fiction

bloodisthenewblack said...

@Ann I also haven't heard from Hunter. Maybe we got long listed and won't hear until April?

ElizabethBennet said...

@Scribbling Wow, I had no idea that Notre Dame had already started their acceptance notifications. Ah, I feel incredibly discouraged right now.

Anonymous said...

Hi friends,

I've been waitlisted at NYU for fiction. Just got an email within the hour. I think the program is pretty notorious for not admitting waitlisters. This is my second year applying to MFAs. Maybe year three will do the trick.

Anyone said...

Congratulations, Elizabeth! You never know, you may be accepted off the wait list, but you'll probably need to be patient since it'll depend on the admitted people deciding to attend or not. You're lucky to have heard anything at all, I've still heard nothing from them. If they're notifying people on the wait list and my e-mail inbox is still empty, my fate is looking pretty clear and grim at this point. Best of luck!!

perfect accident said...

hi all,

My first post here, I haven't been keeping tabs on anything because I assumed I was getting all rejections. I was notified I am on NYU's waitlist today, though, for poetry, and I am wondering if anyone knows anything about the likelihood of getting accepted off a waitlist for an MFA program, especially one like NYU. I am thinking my chances are still not great.


Victoria (Canada)
UBC (Canada)
Guelph (Canada)

Thanks so much! Congrats to everyone who has been accepted and waitlisted.

Julia said...
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Julia said...

Poetry :)

Oregon State, Corvallis

Virginia Tech

Old Dominion University

Still waiting to hear back:
Virginia Commonwealth University

has anyone else heard back from VCU for POETRY yet? Why is it taking so long? My boyfriend already got his acceptance at VCU (we're both applying to MFAs. me for poetry, him for fiction). Is it usually a bad sign if you haven't heard back yet, but know someone who HAS heard back?

ihaha he got waitlisted at the one i got accepted at, he got rejected at the one I got waitlisted at. I haven't heard back from the one he got accepted at. We both applied to the same schools.... uggghhhh

Anonymous said...


Thanks! I am excited! At least I know I'm making some progress. And youre right, you never know what can happen. Good luck to you.

Monica said...

@Blackhound, thanks. This is my first time applying to schools, and I underestimated how hard it is to get in. I emailed them last night to ask about financial aid. They haven't responded yet. I'm not sure I can go without funding. I'm curious about program size, plus I want to know if they only offer day classes. I will definitely need to find a job there if I do decide to go. The letter said I have until April 15 to decide.

Jeff said...

"I feel like I am waiting to hear back from Harvard!!! :-)"

It's probably easier getting accepted into Harvard than into most of these MFA Programs.

Bird said...

Finally got that darn Johns Hopkins rejection in the mail today! It was dated 3/5/12.

ElizabethBennet said...

@Bird So Johns Hopkins is not accepting anymore people?

Bird said...

@Elizabeth - I'm afraid I don't know. I've just been reading about folks getting their rejections from JHU for a week and a half, so I've been expecting that letter.

Ann said...


i applied for memoir/nonfiction at hunter. did you as well? i hope we don't have to wait until april! i applied to only three schools: guelph, the new school and hunter. guelph rejected me. the new school accepted me, but their deadline for deposit is march 23! so i'm getting antsy ...

Anonymous said...

Did anyone here from GCSU today? I remember getting an e-mail that said decisions would go out today.

Mari said...

between Maryland and WVU, assuming funding is similar, i'm having a hard time weighing pros and cons. like, obviously, maryland is so close to all the fun stuff in dc, and wv rent and living expenses would be way less.

does anyone think either one has a better reputation?

Jeni said...

Hi everyone! New to the blog and thread, but spending anxious nights up waiting have brought me wondrous internet discoveries such as this! I have a question specifically for @Sirrah and @perfectaccident, who I notice have mentioned rejections from Guelph in Canada. I appleid to Guelph as well, and have heard NADA. No rejection, no acceptance, nothing. May I ask how you know you were rejected? I have received no email, snail mail, phone call, or anything. I did email the Admin staff this morning (12hr at this comment) and haven't heard back.

Thanks, and good luck, everyone!

Jeni said...

Hi everyone! New to the blog and thread, but spending anxious nights up waiting have brought me wondrous internet discoveries such as this! I have a question specifically for @Sirrah and @perfectaccident, who I notice have mentioned rejections from Guelph in Canada. I appleid to Guelph as well, and have heard NADA. No rejection, no acceptance, nothing. May I ask how you know you were rejected? I have received no email, snail mail, phone call, or anything. I did email the Admin staff this morning (12hr at this comment) and haven't heard back.

Thanks, and good luck everyone!

dessert1111 said...

Hi Jeni,

(this is perfect accident. I realized I had a more recent account I could post with than my one from four years ago)

I emailed the program directly a few times because I was getting anxious about knowing either way so I could decide if I wanted to sign a new lease here in Ottawa. I didn't consider at the time that the one other school I hadn't heard from, NYU, would wait list me, so when Guelph told me I didn't get in, I figured I just didn't get into anywhere. I applied to six clinical psychology programs too... :(

They mentioned that they had just sent out hard copy letters that would be coming in the mail soon. If you are anxious I would just email them directly--the woman who was emailing me was super nice about it.

Best of luck! Such a stressful time.

dessert1111 said...

Oh and @Jeni feel free to send me an email if you want me to forward you the email of the person I talked to.

Niva said...
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JL said...

@Ann I got into New School nonfiction and am waiting for Hunter memoir/ nonfiction as well. Maybe there's still hope?

Ann said...
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Ann said...

I hope there's hope. Do you think it's possible to delay the deposit date for New School? I can't believe it's next week. That seems so early to me ...

Anonymous said...

Columbia College Chicago (nonfiction)

It was my only application this year. Last year I was waitlisted. So excited for this program!!!

Mac said...

Just got an FSU rejection not 5 minutes ago. Not too disappointed though since I only applied because its my alma mata.

jayward wayword said...

received my rejection from JHU via snail mail yesterday
beware the ides of march alright!

so far that's four fiction rejections

No word from
Queens College

JL said...

@Ann My deadline is a bit later, since I just heard back, but I assume there is some flexibility...

How are you feeling about the decision? Are you hesitant about the New School?

Elena said...

Hi guys,
What's the word on Iowa CNF? Any news?

Unknown said...

Anyone know whether LSU has notified poets? And is the consensus that UVA generally notifies at the end of March?

I'm currently accepted at NYU, Ohio State, Syracuse, and Houston for poetry. NYU's low level of funding probably makes it too much of a stretch for me.

I'm new to this game and don't have a mentor in the field so I'll ask all of you: of the remaining three programs, is any one of them vastly superior to the others? Have any of you been taught (or had friends who've been taught) by poets at Ohio, Syracuse, or Houston? Any outstanding teachers?

Thanks for your advice

Samantha said...

Rejected from FSU (fiction) via email. That just leaves JHU and UVA. I'm assuming rejection from JHU based on evybody's rejection letters and wait list letters. I'm hoping for a miraculous acceptance to UVA now :/

Samantha said...


Ann said...

Yeah, feeling a bit hesitant about TNS. Seth Abramson and others have written some pretty harsh reviews of it, calling it an overpriced, overcrowded, impersonal factory. Not that his word is the be-all, end-all, but it does concern me. What's your impression of TNS?

BJH said...

Rejected for fiction from UF Gainesville just now via nicely worded (if grammatically odd) email.
"It is a difficult process; this kind of selection, fraught with error and speculation, and it does not confer a negative judgment upon the work of those whom we do not admit."

So I've now been rejected for fiction from MCW and UF. Assuming rejection from IWW. No word from UC Irvine. Accepted at UC Davis.

Stay strong friends!

Niva said...

Old Dominion rejection here.

Anonymous said...

@Nivaani, how did you hear from ODU? fiction or poetry?

popmartyr said...

Any one hear back from Columbia Chicago, San Fran State, or New Orleans regarding poetry? Eh? Eh?

JL said...


I've read those posts too and they are definitely troubling. But, I think TNS has a really good faculty and it is considered to be one of the best nonfiction programs around (even though there aren't too many). Competing interests (cost, quality of education, reputation, etc.), but it's nice to have the option.

If you want to correspond more about it, hit me up at It's nice to talk to someone in a similar position.

Dad Bubble and Me said...

Any UCFs yet? They told me they'd be making some decisions at the end of this week, but I haven't seen or heard anything. Anything on FB?

c said...

I did a quick read through and saw people had questions on LSU, GCSU, and CCC-

LSU- yes, they have notified poets for rejections and acceptances. I'm still waiting on mine, so I think they're not really sending out notificaitons in any order

GCSU- they couldn't meet their march 15th notification deadline. they're calling and notifing acceptances this weekend and early next week. all notifications should be out by the end of next week.

CCC- which is columbia college chicago , I saw one poetry acceptance on the draft with a follet scholarship via phone. Nothing more. I was told letters were going out in the mail wed-today. I live in the chicagoland area and haven't received anything yet. i'm not sure but I'm guessing i'm rejected.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, c! You're wonderful. Any information about U of Miami (FL)?

Oh, and if anyone is wondering, San Diego State said they wouldn't begin notifying people until mid April.

Amy said...


Do you know where you might be accepting?

Andrea Ruggs said...

U of Miami, Florida, is currently on Spring break and will be sending out letters mid-late March. This is from an email I received from the program assistant.

Anonymous said...

Thanks ARugs!

violet24 said...

@ ann and others --
i felt the same way about columbia as you might feel about the new school, based on this blog's outlook. but in the end, i've decided to go there based on my own priorities...

Melissa said...

Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program has notified everyone who is in, and will be sending out letters shortly, if they have not already. They accepted sixteen, and have no waitlist.

Melissa said...

(I didn't mean to say that in any overly blunt way. I just chatted with the program's assistant yesterday about all of this, and this is what she said.)

Sirrah said...

@BJH Grammatically incorrect, I'd say!

I emailed and didn't get a response. I think they may have been hoping the decline letter would do the trick, but I needed/wanted to know ASAP and didn't want to wait for the mail. So, I called, and I suggest you do that. The contact person's number is on the FAQ page, where you probably found the email.

Also, judging from the phone call, it sounded like she had contacted the accepted and waitlisted people already. Blah!

c said...

this is a complaint post:

I haven't heard from any of the 5 schools I applied to. Granted, I applied to ones with later deadlines but three of those have already notified acceptances, rejections, and some waitlists. Where the hell is my letter?

Taz. Devil said...


UC Riverside
U. of Oregon

No response:
U.A. Fairbanks
New School

Anyone heard anything from University of Alaska Fairbanks?

ElizabethBennet said...

Has anybody heard of any Johns Hopkins acceptances for fiction? Were they given through email or phone? I am too scared to go to my mailbox now because I really don't want a rejection letter.

nextstopeverywhere said...

@Taz. Devil - I heard from UAF on the 6th (accepted with no funding), if that helps at all? I'm not sure how they notify, if it's staggered or what.

Still waiting on responses from New School, UVA, and VCU. Anyone know what their protocols are? I'm not hopeful, but it would at least be nice to know. I'm another round of fingernail biting away from calling, but I assume that isn't kosher? This is my first go-around applying for an MFA, so the whole process is new and exhausting.

Congratulations to everyone who've received acceptances (and funding)!

daveeb said...

Well, I'm down to my final two, since news of Notre Dame acceptances filtered out earlier this week and I received a rejection from Cincinnati. My final two are GCSU and Ohio University, although I hypothesize that OU has almost certainly sent out acceptances by this point.

I just want to come out and thank all of the members and contributors of this blog for their efforts, especially those that jump on the comment train simply to post updates for all of us. You kept us informed. I greatly appreciate.

Furthermore, congratulations to all who were accepted, accepted with funding, or waitlisted. Given all of the factors that play key parts in this process, it is a momentous achievement that you should be proud of. Take advantage of the opportunities you deserve.

Thanks, and good luck.

Courtney said...

Just found out I'm on a waitlist at Sarah Lawrence for fiction. I know it's still a long shot, but I was expecting an outright rejection, so I can't help but do a little happy dance at this news.

Niva said...
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Niva said...

@Caitlin- Applied for MFA Fiction. Was told that I had incomplete items missing which was strange. Called in and was told there was already a decision on my application and I hadn't gotten in.

Niva said...

Has anyone heard from NC State, Georgia State or Eastern Washington in MFA Fiction?

coderam said...

Everyone should probably be aware of the need to verify receipt of materials through both the academic departments AND the graduate schools individually.

I found out my app to the MA rhet/comp program at USF was not being considered because of missing documents that the English department needed. I assumed my application was complete because the graduate school sent me an email asking for GRE scores (which, ironically, they'd had since fall of 2011), and so I figured they'd let me know if anything else was missing.

But ultimately, it's my fault because I didn't verify receipt of the materials with both of them.

And I'll bet these MFA programs work more or less the same way.

Oh, and I got my Cornell rejection. Still waiting on UF, Greensboro, and UVa.

Bird said...

@Courtney - That's superb. So happy for you!

Monica said...

@ Navni, I'm also waiting for a decision from GA State. I don't think many people applied there, so I expected to hear back sooner rather than later; however, they did have a Feb 15 deadline, so maybe they just haven't notified yet. I checked my status and it still says, "no decision."

Niva said...

@Monica- I called in today and they said that the MFA decisions hadn't come out yet. On grad cafe, however, I saw a few Creative Writing Phd admissions from Georgia State.

your mom said...

@Navni I was notified of my acceptance to Eastern Washington by phone on March 4th, but I think they are staggering the calls...I noticed someone posted on gradcafe that they'd been accepted as recently as yesterday.

Niva said...

Definitely agree about checking in with the grad office/department about materials.

Niva said...

@Calgary- Did you apply for MFA in Fiction? I keep seeing poetry results come out and very few MFA Fiction ones.

lottery player said...


Haiya Sarwar said...
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Haiya Sarwar said...
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Jolly Green Giant said...

Got that infamous Sarah Lawrence rejection letter yesterday. On to the next one: does anybody know about Hunter (poetry) and New School (poetry) acceptances?

ElizabethBennet said...

@Jolly Green Giant What genre did you apply for Sarah Lawrence?

Has anybody heard of any acceptances for Johns Hopkins? I can't seem to recall reading any on here.

Anonymous said...

Email rejection from Boulder for fiction...way to ruin my Saturday.

Melissa said...

Got an e-mail rejection from Boulder for nonfiction, and it's my birthday.

The timing makes it a complete bummer, even while I wasn't all that worried about a yay or nay from that program.

squirrelbash said...

Fiction. Rejected: Oregon State, Hunter. Accepted: Portland State

Lisa Palin said...

Also got an email rejection from Boulder. Le sigh. Keeping my fingers crossed for SDSU and a chance at funding. I'm excited about the one acceptance I do have, but I was sort of hoping to move out of Boston...

Antecedents said...



Iowa (assumed)

Keeping my fingers crossed for Montana, as it is the last chance for admittance.

Congratulations to everyone who has received news of acceptance. Best of luck to everyone waiting for such news.

violet24 said...

@ melissa and anyone else: don't take these decisions personally! it is a highly competitive, highly-flawed process ...

Jolly Green Giant said...

@Elizabeth Bennett: I applied for poetry. The nice thing about SLC is that they keep all the materials for the next year, so if I decide to apply again all I have to submit (other than a new application) is a new statement of purpose and writing sample.

Silas Hansen said...
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kathryn said...

Finally have all of my results:

New School, MFA, Creative Writing for Children: Accepted with scholarship
Hollins University, MA, Children's Literature: Accepted
Vermont College, MFA, Writing for Children & Young Adults: Accepted with scholarship

I will be attending Vermont as it's the most reasonably priced, made the best recruiting efforts, and I can keep my current job.

Andrea Ruggs said...

Kathryn, congrats!! I will likely be reapplying next year and am thinking of adding some writing for children programs to my list. Were there other programs you applied to besides those 3?

Haiya Sarwar said...
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Niva said...
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Niva said...

Congratulations to everyone who got accepted and also congrats to Haiya! Wow, what an opportunity of a lifetime. So pleased for everyone!

Horatio Funktower said...

Just curious: anybody hear from Western Michigan?

I already picked my team, but it was the only school I haven't heard from. Be nice to know they didn't just take my 60 bucks and run...

Haiya Sarwar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura Dimmit said...

Just got a phone call--I am accepted at Boston University! Completely shocked and excited!

egordon28 said...


Was that call from BU for poetry or fiction? Did they mention anything else about acceptances?

Laura Dimmit said...

It was for poetry; I believe he said they would be accepting 8 total in poetry.

egordon28 said...

So weird that they'd call on a Sunday. Guess I can count myself rejected since I didn't get a call. Congratulations to you! Are you going to go to BU? Boston is an amazing place, and that program looks phenomenal.

Laura Dimmit said...

Thanks very much! I don't know for sure yet where I'm going; I've got an offer from a very different program as well, so once I visit both places hopefully I can make a decision.
Also, I couldn't tell whether they were making all the calls today or not, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Mari said...

So I emailed the University of New Orleans to see if all decisions had been made. This was the response:
Our early acceptances have indeed just gone out. Unfortunately, your application was not one which made that particular cut. The process is not over, however, and we will be in touch with you shortly. I can tell you that the admissions committee was impressed with your application and found your work perfectly suitable for this or other MFA programs in fiction. An extraordinary number of applications this year has made the ordering process extremely difficult for us, and we are continuing to make decisions.

So it's
WVU (with funding), Maryland (funding pending)

Johns Hopkins

and UNO.

egordon28 said...


Thanks for the encouragement. If you need any advice about Boston, I'm a current resident so I'd be happy to oblige. Congrats again!

Niva said...

Ikdimmit- Amazed and jealous (in a good way) for you! I applied for Fiction at BU. By the way, has anyone noticed that poetry admits always seem to come before fiction? I hope we'll be hearing news tomorrow.

Christina said...

For fiction...


George Mason w/ funding
American w/ half funding
University of New Hampshire w/ no funding
Florida Atlantic w/ funding


UMass Amherst
University of Arizona

I'm leaning towards George Mason. Anyone else planning to attend there?

Lia said...

Are you reading that message as a flat-out rejection?

Mari said...

Not quite, but I'm not optimistic.

lottery player said...

great news all!

KoreanOutpost said...

If you haven't heard back from UNCW check your spam folder: apparently gmail has been sending addresses to spam. I found a waitlist (fiction) notification in there from 3.6 :I

Anybody heard from CSU? I know some acceptances went out, but are rejections out yet? Just waiting on them and any word at all from Irvine.

Anybody else accepted offers from Hollins yet? I'm probably going there :)

BJH said...

Is anyone else still waiting on their Iowa (fiction) rejection letter, or has mine just been lost in the mail? I need closure damn it!

Ypr222 said...

Hi BJH, I also have not yet received my Iowa fiction rejection (or my Alabama one for that matter) even though I have heard a bunch of people say they have already been rejected from the program (some as early as three weeks ago).

Anonymous said...

Email rejection from ODU for fiction just now. That makes 7 rejections and 3 more assumed, given they've already started notifying...

Monica said...

Did anyone else get accepted to NMSU?

Also, any word from Wichita, GA State or GCSU yet?

blackhound said...

Still nothing from Wichita!

violet24 said...

anyone else considering columbia and want to discuss pros/cons?

c said...


from what I hear, GCSU has notified at least two people from the draft

and someone on the draft said that as on thursday, they had their top picks but did not decide their waitlist yet

and everyone accepted/rejected should know by the end of the week

HENRY FRY said...

Hi. I'm English and have just got accepted onto the writing MFA program at California College of the Arts. Does anyone know anything about this course at all? I feel like an ignorant foreigner, so if anyone could enlighten me I'd be super grateful!

WDS said...

Got my Iowa NWP rejection letter today! It was super nice, and I didn't really want to go there, so I'm not taking it hard. It did say the program had its funding cut this year, and more applicants than usual. They accepted 11.

popmartyr said...

Just got accepted to Columbia Chicago for poetry. Holy Hell, after 5 rejections I feel like I've just gotten a free pass to the red light district of angels in heaven!

popmartyr said...
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ElizabethBennet said...

Just got my rejection letter from Sarah Lawrence. I feel like crawling into a hole right now. I guess I'm still waiting for a rejection letter from Johns Hopkins at this point. Btw, what is up with Notre Dame? I haven't heard of any rejections or any acceptances for Fiction. Has anyone else?

Jolly Green Giant said...

Still waiting on Hunter and The New School for poetry. Any info out there?

Scribbling said...


I received a waitlist notification for fiction at Notre Dame today. Two other writers were waitlisted for fiction on the MFA Draft group as well. I'm under the impression that they're done notifying, but I may be wrong. I'd suggest you call the department tomorrow for clarity; their contact is extremely congenial and straight-to-the-point.

Bonne chance!

lottery player said...

checking in

nicole hoelle (pronounced Holly) said...

Taz, sorry to hear about your rejections. May I ask when the one from uc riverside came in?

nicole hoelle (pronounced Holly) said...

Taz, sorry to hear about your rejections. May I ask when the one from uc riverside came in?

oneflew said...


I apologize for my very late reply; I have been away from the blog for a few days. It looks like I will be accepting Virgina Tech. They have offered me full-funding and a three year teaching assistantship. Additionally, they have two faculty poets that have had a great influence on my writing. I am absolutely thrilled. Have you had some fortune in this process?

zagan said...

has anyone heard from columbia, NYU, or UVA? i'm guessing if i haven't heard anything by now, it's not a good sign.

Anyone said...

I haven't heard anything from NYU either. They've already sent out acceptances and wait list notifications in both fiction and poetry, according to posts on this blog. So if we haven't heard a peep, I'm guessing it's not the best sign.

Lisa Palin said...


Simmons College has an incredible Writing for Children program (where I'm likely going in the fall). It's full time rather than low-residency like VCFA, so if you need to keep a full time job in a location other than Boston, it wouldn't work for you.

Michael Critzer said...

UVA added a sign to their webpage saying that they will notify by April 1st, which most likely means 11:59pm on March 31.

Amy said...

Hi. I'm a first time poster, long time lurker. I applied, rather unsuccessfully it seems, to Fiction programs. Is anyone else waiting on Miami, Fl and/or UC-Irvine? They're my last two and I want them to put me out of my misery already!

Andrea Ruggs said...

Thanks Lisa! I actually applied and was accepted there last year but opted not to attend because of the cost. They only gave me a little bit of money to attend (like $5000 or something) which was great, but I'm trying not to go into debt for my MFA since I'm still paying off undergrad loans. Congrats to you, though, I live in Boston and love it here, and hear great things about Simmons!

Andrea Ruggs said...


I believe UC Irvine has begun notifying (at least one fic notification on the FB group). U Miami was on spring break last week and we should be hearing before the end of the month - I'm waiting on them as well!!

Britt said...

hello, new here! just wondering if anyone has heard from SIAC/knows anything about when they'll be sending responses? congrats on everyone's acceptances, btw!

California College of the Arts

Sarah Lawrence
U of Iowa

The New School
Uni of San Fran

All for poetry.

Mac said...

GCSU rejections have started going out. Just got mine via e-mail. Its weird how they seem genuinely sorry they couldn't take me.

jbabson said...

Anyone heard from Warren Wilson or Bennington for fiction? Thanks!

Monica said...

I was just notified via email that I'm on the waitlist at GCSU for an assistantship. I'm a Georgia resident and they offered me admission without an assistantship, but they can't guarantee funding at this time, though they did say they would try to help me get a university assistantship. I feel so lucky, especially after getting so many rejections. Ok State just sent me a letter yesterday saying I wasn't ready for graduate study, and now I've been admitted by 2 schools ranked higher. And a few weeks ago I was sure I wouldn't get in anywhere. It's so weird how luck turns.

Mike Baugh said...

Got in to Queens College's MFA. Because I wanted to apply with a focus on translation and I need to stay around NYC for a job, it's the only school I applied to.

Is there anybody else out there who's thinking of Queens College? Or does anybody have any comments on the program?

Lady Dramatist said...

Columbia College Chicago w/some funding

Johns Hopkins
UC Riverside


Is anyone going to Columbia? I am interested in discussing the program and weighing the pros and cons.

Lady Dramatist said...

Edit: I applied for Fiction.

c said...

there seemed to be a lot of gcsu acceptances today...i know there were a few rejections as well. any waitlisters? or can those of us who haven't heard anything hope?

Amy said...


I'm on the waitlist at VT, and I'd really love to move up off of it. I know of 2 people from the FB group that were accepted and wasn't sure if you were one of them.


ElizabethBennet said...

Has BU started notifying its Fiction applicants?

nextstopeverywhere said...

Any word yet from VCU? I've heard UVA will be notifying by the end of the month, but I'm still anxious about New School and VCU. Anybody know anything?

Samantha said...

Rejected from JHU, Brown, UNCG, NC State, and FSU. That just leaves UVA. Guess it's time to find a job...

Bennett said...

Is anyone else still waiting to hear from UNCG? I've seen a lot of people posting rejections, but I've heard nothing but radio silence...

coderam said...


I've still not heard anything about my UNCG application in fiction. And my application status still just says "submitted."

Bennett said...

@coderam. Thanks! Let's take it as an encouraging sign. (Trying the patented glass half-full approach.)

Art Film for Girls said...

Has anyone heard of Fiction notifications for Arizona State?

Art Film for Girls said...

OK I finally braved it and checked my ASU admission status and it says:

"IN REVIEW: Your application is currently being evaluated."

Arizona State is driving me crazy. But I am still hopeful somehow.

Manias said...

I was accepted to rutgers newark-little funding, But accepted an offer to wichita state with a gta position (received phone call a week ago.)

Manias said...

I was accepted to rutgers newark-little funding, But accepted an offer to wichita state with a gta position (received phone call a week ago.)

Ann said...

@Jolly Green Giant

I have yet to hear from Hunter as well. I emailed them a couple days ago asking about when I could expect a decision. Here was their reply:

"By end of next month, at the latest, but most likely before then. Gabriel"

If I have to wait until the end of April, I'll go mad.

I'm nonfiction, by the way.

VickyOnTheTown said...

I was accepted to UW Seattle but wait listed for funding. It's my only acceptance. Anyone know anything about navigating this situation or have any advice? Do I accept the the offer and hope for the best? Should I call and ask about my position on the wait list? Maybe cut my losses and go for a second round next year? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

coderam said...


At this point, you might want to contact the program director and express your interest in the program, ask some questions, maybe try to find out how far you are from the top of that waiting list for funding. Get more information before you make any decisions.

P! said...

I feel like all the programs should come to some type of consensus as to when they will notify applicants of their acceptance/rejection. I know that each school probably has a different application load, but still...

I already made up my mind about which school I want to go to (University of Massachusetts - Boston), but I still wanted to hear from the other schools. However, I would prefer to not lose my place in the school I'd like to go to anyway.

Again, congratulations and good luck to everyone :-)

Amy said...

@ARugs Thanks for the information! Right now I'm not sure if Ignorance is bliss or Knowledge is power. Here's to meeting you on the beach in Miami! A girl can dream...

c said...

In at GCSU! which is really where I feel like I belong. "high" on the waitlist for a TAship/funding. Hoping that I get some/enough to be able to go this year.

coderam said...

I'm back with basically the same cautionary tale: boys and girls, ALWAYS verify receipt of application materials to the department and the graduate school INDEPENDENTLY.

Just got off the phone w/ University of Florida program in creative writing. The reason I haven't heard anything from them yet is because there is no record of my application. Apparently the writing sample, which they required to be snail-mailed, never made it to the university, department, office, in-box, or hand of whichever person it needed to go to. Not late. Just never arrived.

Again, I assumed that since I completed an online application to the graduate school and paid the application fee that I'd be notified if there were any problems. And again, there is no communication between the graduate school and the department regarding these kinds of things, and therefore it is, again, my fault for not verifying the receipt of materials w/ each of them.

And now I'm just very curious as to where my manuscript is.

c said...

similar to what @codearm said

-always verify that both departments have your materials. LSU never recieved the materials their website stated to send directly to the graduate school and not the english office. the graduate school was behind in reviewing my application and didn't even make note that they had it on file anywhere. which means LSU was sending out acceptances before they even had my transcripts or knew my application was "complete." they never emailed or notified me that they didn't have them. I had to repeatedly call the graduate office to find out where in the hell my application materials were. so yeah, always double check.

meese said...

i *still* have not heard from the Stegner folks. i know some people have reported rejections, and i read that 3 people from Wisconsin got in under fiction. me, i don't know what to think. is anyone else still waiting for ... something? gah.

Christina said...

@P! -- How long did UMass Boston give you to make a decision? All schools are technically required to give students until the national deadline, April 15th. I'd suggest waiting until then because you'll probably hear back from the other schools by that point, and at least you'll be able to make a decision knowing all your options -- another school might give you more funding, etc.

Very Nice, how much said...

To Those waiting for Arizona State,

Just got off the phone with them, basically if you haven't heard from them, the best you can hope for is a waitlist--so that rules them off my list.

And for Florida State, they are finishing up accepting the final few, so if you haven't heard from them, chances are that you are rejected--so that rules them off my list.

Final tally, 13 rejections, 2 MFA acceptances, 1 MA.

Damn this process is exhausting. Now waiting on some damn funding otherwise I may not go anywhere...

Jolly Green Giant said...

@Ann- That is terribly frustrating! I really don't want to wait until the end of April. I feel like some have been accepted and some have been rejected on this thread. I just can't figure out if this length of time yields rejections.

P! said...


I don't recall a decision due date, but I've already made up my mind.
...Also, I'm not too sure if another school is going to offer me full-tuition, so...

blackhound said...

Manias, what genre at Wichita?

blackhound said...
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blackhound said...

Manias, what genre at Wichita?

Monica said...

Congratulations! I'm also in at GCSU and waitlisted for funding. I emailed them back yesterday, but did not give them an official accceptance yet. GCSU seems like a good school, and their email acceptance letter was very personal and inviting. Are you in for poetry or fiction? I'm poetry.

Monica said...

I know I've asked this a million times, but did anyone hear from GSU yet?

Jenna Rae said...

Anyone in here also on the wait list on Emerson? I'm trying to figure out the likelihood of getting in off the wait list.

schmaiden said...

has anyone heard from Portland Srate? i only applied to 2 schools, the first one i got a reject letter form pretty quick, but no peep from PSU. im getting very nervous!

Santino said...

I got accepted to CSU Fresno with full tuition waiver as well as Northern Arizona University's MA program, but won't know about funding for a few weeks.

c said...


I'm poetry and I've also emailed but haven't heard back. for a plethroa of reasons, they're my top choice. you mentioned that your email seemed personal. a few of us on the draft have put together that we all seemed to have received the same email. did yours mention anything else?

Niva said...

I'm sorry but this entire process is so incredibly frustrating!

@ Monica- Called GSU on Monday and they mentioned that we should expect to hear back MFA results by the end of...APRIL. Yes, you read that correctly. I was surprised and the lady said "They have a lot of applications." Isn't that way too late????

NC State people- anyone heard from MFA Fiction yet?

ElizabethBennet said...

Did anybody apply to Mills College for fiction or anything, really? Yesterday I got an invitation from the graduate department for "newly admitted students," but I have not received an official acceptance notification from them. I tried calling the department to no avail. They won't pick up. Is anybody in the same boat as me?

schmaiden said...

@Elizabeth i went to Mills as an undergrad and they are sort of notorious for accepting students and inviting them to things/getting fin aid started before the student has even received their acceptance lol SO CONGRATS! and they didnt pick up because Mills i on spring break right now

Niva said...

Tree#1- When did you get the NC State rejection and did you apply for Fiction or Poetry?

Monica said...

@c, my email said I was accepted and listed as first on the waitlist for an assistantship. I think GCSU is the best fit for me, too. NMSU is the other school I got into, but I'd rather stay in the southeast region. I am probably going down to visit GCSU soon. I'm not on the MFA Facebook group. I tried to join last month, but it was closed. Anyway, if you want to exchange email addresses, that'd be cool with me:)

@Navni, shame on GA State! I can't believe they have so many applications that it takes them til after the deadline to respond. Sux.

Niva said...

@Monica- Agree about the suckiness factor. They might not even get their top picks of applicants if they wait that long. GA State is not a signatory of the April 15 deadline.

I wish they'd just come out with it. I'm still waiting on four schools.

Anonymous said...

@C and Monica,

Also accepted at GCSU in Poetry without funding, but on the wait-list for it.

It might be my first choice with funding, but I don't know if I could go without it. I'd really prefer not to take out anymore loans.

Still waiting on Boston and Miami. I don't think San Diego State will make it in time, nor do I think I'll get in with enough funding anyway. They said they weren't notifying until late April and if the LA Times is correct, then Cal State is making a lot of budget cuts.

ElizabethBennet said...

@schmaiden Thanks for all the info!

Art Film for Girls said...

@Very Nice, how much --> Thanks for the ASU info. Bummer as I never heard back from them either and feel I must visit the 4 schools that accepted me (or at least my top 3) next week so I can make a decision by April 1st...when the school that offered me a 3-year Fellowship (i.e. the best funding of the 4) has asked me to make a decision by. Yikes. I feel completely overwhelmed that this is "really" happening. But I guess it's a good "yikes"!

What was the other school besides Texas State you got accepted to? Where are you leaning toward going or is it all based on funding for you?

And FYI I never heard back from ASU (Still hopeful even though I probably shouldn't be), UT-El Paso (Emailed them yesterday and they said they hope to make decisions "IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS"...!) and Boise State (Assuming rejection).

This is all for Fiction MFA programs by the way.

Good luck, everyone.

BJH said...

I had the same experience with UC Davis, ie. they invited me to visit before they offered me a place. I guess that's how they roll in Cali... Either way, congrats on the good news!

@those whose materials were lost and never processed
I really feel you should be asking for a refund of your application fee. It just seems virtually illegal for them to keep your money when they failed so profoundly to provide the necessary service!

msipin said...

@ElizabethBennett, hey! I got an acceptance from Mills College last week (also received a nice assistantship too). I just got that invitation in the mail as well.

I think they're planning to notify admitted students either this week or next. I personally think it's a good sign, so congrats!

Andrea Ruggs said...

I think Miami notified all acceptances according to the FB group. Both fic and poetry. :/

Very Nice, how much said...

@ art film for girls

well right now i'm hoping west virginia opens up some funding for me. they said they were hopeful a TA spot would be available and they'd let me know before signing day (april 15). but texas state did not offer me funding the first year unfortunetly. they said almost all people who are not offered funding the first year get the TA job the second and third. right now, i have no clue where i'm leaning towards. if wvu gives me the money, i'd go there. but texas state is cheaper, tution wise so right now it looks like if i do decide to go, i'll go there.

i'm also pathetically hopeful for florida state since they haven't rejected me yet...

this is all fiction as well.

cheers everybody and congrats to those accepted/and with funding! to those not, i know exactly how you feel. this is my second time around. first time was a disaster. chin up, if you try again and work hard, it WILL happen.

c said...

@monica and ch

it appears that i'm last in line for funding. so that sucks. I hope you two have better luck!

Samantha said...

@Navni- I got my NC State rejection in February, but I was missing a recommendation letter, so I think I got rejected earlier than most.

Samantha said...

For fiction ^

..... said...

Talks to U of San Fran, said they won't get the acceptances out until about the beginning of April. Just got back from Spring Break and are deliberating now. Carbondale said that notifications will go out this week sometime. Blah.

Niva said...

@Tree#1- I hope they didn't penalize you for the lack of a recommendation letter. It's out of your control. I sincerely you get in somewhere.

I haven't heard back from NC State, regarding Fiction. Not sure what's going on. I've written to the professors but received nothing. Nothing on the application website- no link. How did you hear back?

Bryce D. said...

No luck so far, but here is where I applied in fiction:

Notre Dame
UNC Greensboro

Gabes said...

@ARugs -- Do you know where it said that Miami accepted all their fiction/poetry people already? As far as I can see on the FB group, there's only been one fiction acceptance posted... wondering if I should still hold out hope.

zagan said...

anyone here know if columbia university started sending out rejection emails yet (for fiction)? has anyone been waitlisted? i haven't heard anything from them yet, which i believe is a very bad sign. just wanted to know how much hope i should invest in them. thanks...

zagan said...
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zagan said...
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zagan said...
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