Monday, February 11, 2013

Applications, Etc. Part 2

I always try to start a new thread once the comments get up over 200, so here you go.  Keep those lists coming!


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raymond said...

congrats, soup. that's a big deal. very nice.

SnackAttack said...

I hear you, TV! Mainly because my phone never rings. I even took it with me on a run the other night. I may have placed it atop my pj's while I took a shower...

letters said...

As far as ISIS goes, mine is in progress as well, though according to alums and such, the online statuses are indicative of little to nothing. Unless of course they say DENIED, that would probably be indicative of not getting in.

BUT there are rumors (as yet confirmed?) of acceptance phone calls going out last year, but then uncalled individuals getting acceptance snail mail?

Since we had some Iowa inside scoop action going on, thought I'd ask.

SnackAttack said...
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SnackAttack said...

Our friendly Iowa sleuth did say the calls started going out last weekend, and would continue this week. It's mid-week. I'm still dreaming of corn. Mmmm, corn.

Also, don't know if anyone read the 2011 blog post I pasted here yesterday, but it's just not over till it's over. This is not specific to Iowa, but there's what (s)he referred to as the "invisible wait list" where they don't accept you, don't deny you, but if there's room for you come April 15th, they come a-courtin'.

Shola Adedeji said...

Michener......swing and a miss.
Strike two.

Ashton said...

Hang in there Shola.

I have Colorado State, Naropa and UNC Wilmington all coming back within the next two weeks.

I feel your pain.

SBK said...
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SBK said...

Any news on USF, fiction?? Have they started notifying? Anyone? Anything?

Susie Derkins said...

Sorry, Shola. I tried not to let myself even daydream about Austin, so I wouldn't be too upset if I wasn't admitted. Their fiction acceptance rate is something like 0.5% -- it really doesn't say anything about our merit or talent not to make it into that group. Here's hoping you get good news soon!

In other news, two poetry rejections for Oregon State reported over on GradCafe (in case everyone here isn't refreshing their results page five times a day like I am).

Shola Adedeji said...

Thanks Susie.

You're even more awesome if Susie Derkins is your real name.

Susie Derkins said...

Nope, not my real name -- I'll have to settle for just awesome. And did I say I was refreshing GradCafe five times a day? Because I meant 500.

Unknown said...

@SBK - USF sent out some rejection emails for fiction yesterday...

TheIronCage said...
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TheIronCage said...

It seems that George Mason has notified for CNF. Any word on fiction (or poetry, for those who are poets)? According to the data, they have gone out right around this time in the past.

NiniJD said...

Two fiction acceptances have gone out on Facebook, but they were fairly spread out, so there may be more coming. I haven't seen any poetry acceptances. Good luck!

NiniJD said...

Sorry, that was in reference to George Mason.

Unknown said...

Any Facebook news for Purdue fiction?

Moll said...

A presumed and now official UMass Amherst fiction rejection this morning via email to check my online status.

2 down, 10 more to go! Hang in there everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hello, been following for awhile. Is anyone else waiting to hear from Syracuse/poetry? Saw there was a wait list notification, but I haven't heard anything back. Syracuse has been one of my secret hopes for success...I was on their wait list last year and thought since my application's so much better this time maybe... That's why I try not to hope--it's stressful. I'm assuming the fact I haven't heard can only be negative? But back to my original question--is anyone else still waiting for Syracuse/poetry notification?

Theatre Geek said...

If you haven't heard from McNeese, you didn't get into the program. I called John Griswold. He finally returned my call. All acceptances have been sent and people have accepted and filled any open positions.

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