Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Applications/Acceptances/Waitlists/Rejections 2014

Let the lists begin....


Anonymous said...

Waitlisted Portland State University

Ben Wright said...

Waitlisted, Hunter College
Waitlisted, University of Florida
Rejected, University of Michigan
Rejected, Iowa Writers' Workshop
????, Sarah Lawrence College

EK said...

Anyone heard from BGSU regarding the poetry waitlist?

Unknown said...

waiting to hear from mcneese. I'm so impatient, it's obnoxious.

Virginia Lee Pfaehler said...

Rejected - University of Michigan
Waiting to hear from 3 others.

Unknown said...

The New Writers Program

Wyoming Laramie

Florida Gainseville
University of Montana
University of Oregon
Bloomington Indiana

Greensboro NC

EK said...
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Unknown said...



UNC wilmington

new orleans

John said...

UMass Amherst

Presumed Rejected:

UMass Boston
CU Boulder
UC Riverside

I would very much like to go to graduate school this fall.

Unknown said...


Texas State
Binghamton (PhD)


George Mason (went to an open house, and regret applying here)
San Jose State
Northern Michigan
Albany (PhD)

Unknown said...

Poetry, first time applicant--

accepted: Minnesota State, Mankato

rejected: Michigan, Colorado State, Vanderbilt, Syracuse

waiting from: Boulder, U Oregon, Oregon State, Wash Seattle, Arizona State

GMFM said...
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Gorks said...

First time fiction applicant...

Out at: Cornell, Iowa, Ohio State, Syracuse, Wisconsin-Madison, Vanderbilt.

Waiting on: Indiana-Bloomington, Notre Dame, University of Virginia.

Assuming rejection because I know others have already been accepted, though I've heard nothing either way: Bowling Green and Virginia Tech.

So I'm pretty much gearing up to have to apply again for next year, which is a bit of a bummer.

Caitlin McGuire said...
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anisa said...
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CybernetikTiger said...

I just came across this thread, thought I would join in the fun and discomfort


Umass Amh

No word from:

UC Irvine
UVA - I received an email stating they had made no offers, wouldn't begin until March 18, and they should be finished by April. I assume this was sent to all applicants?

Unknown said...

Anyone heard from Indiana or University of New Orleans?

Unknown said...

What does it mean if you get a financial aid offer (and it's all loans, so not really aid at all) from a school, but you haven't actually heard if you are in yet? Those are automatically generated by the financial aid office and have nothing to do with being accepted or rejected, right? (This is University of Montana, btw)

Unknown said...

What does it mean if you get a financial aid offer (and it's all loans, so not really aid at all) from a school, but you haven't actually heard if you are in yet? Those are automatically generated by the financial aid office and have nothing to do with being accepted or rejected, right? (This is University of Montana, btw)

SomethingFormal said...

Haven't heard from UNO yet, but have seen that some people heard on Feb 19 - on a grad cafe forum

Unknown said...

I feel obligated to clarify something I posted earlier. When I mentioned GMU and my regret, it is in no way a reflection of the program. They are one of the best and, if you ask me, one of the most important programs in the country (what with AWP being housed there and being in the DC area--hosting the 4th biggest lit festival in the country annually). My regret is because, after chatting with many of the students and faculty members at a Meet and Greet, the trending aesthetic foundation is something that my work not only doesn't follow, but typically trashes. I simply did not do enough research on the program and, I assume, wasted an expensive application fee. Again, I post because I didn't want to scare off any GMU applicants with my vague post from last week. - Brian D.

Kelley Catching said...
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Baylea Jones said...

First time in fiction:

UMASS Boston (via email, awaiting official letter)


Only applied to two places, did not expect either one. Pleasantly surprised. Good luck, everyone!

Anne Feher said...


Waitlist: Western Michigan 2/28.

Rejected: Vanderbilt

Notre Dame
Portland State

michelle said...

Brown-Rejected today via email/online application status

I will now hide under my bed in a sea of my tears.

Amy @ Cincinnati Thrift said...


Columbia College Chicago

Ole Miss (made it to second round)

Sarah Lawrence
Boise State
Oregon State
Virginia Tech

Onlyskin said...


University of Tennessee
Colorado State University

University of Arizona

Johns Hopkins
Oregon State
North Carolina State University

Toshu said...

Applied for Fiction,

Rejected by Hollins

Waiting for a word from Wichita, McNeese and New School

CybernetikTiger said...

Michelle, me too.

But I've done some research into the selection method of these programs and feel much more at peace now. It turns out that at programs which reject me, the selection process is almost entirely luck-based; while any place that accepts me, theirs is entirely merit-based. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the acceptances so far, everyone!!

Here's the status of my first time applying for poetry:

Rejected: University of Oregon, UC San Diego, University of Arizona
Wait listed: Portland State, Columbia College
Accepted: Mills College
Waiting on: Purdue

Has anyone heard back from Purdue yet??

Unknown said...


Waitlisted: Western Michigan

Rejected: University of Michigan

Waiting to hear back: Notre Dame, Northern Michigan, Bowling Green

I'm more impatient than I ever imagined possible!

d4cooperp said...

Rejected: Brown, Iowa, Syracuse, and U of Florida.

Waiting on:
U of Oregon and Boise State

Unknown said...

University of Iowa

Portland State

Rip Meow said...

I applied in fiction. So far I haven't heard from any of the schools I applied for:
Oregon State
University of Oregon
Florida Gainesville

Unknown said...


Rejected: Syracuse, Michener, The New Writers Program

Accepted: U of Baltimore

Waiting: UNLV, Bowling Green, Notre Dame, NC State, U of Oregon, San Fran State, Portland State

Unknown said...

Applied: University of Montana
Accepted: University of Montana

I was accepted last year but couldn't go, and couldn't defer, so I had to reapply again this year. They dropped the ball in letting me know, so I was sweating for a whole week. I didn't hear anything back until I emailed one of the professors.

Inthezone said...


Wait-listed: UNCW
Rejected: Michigan, Ohio State
Waiting: VCU, Florida, FSU, Virginia Tech, South Carolina

Has anyone heard from these schools?

EJBrian said...


Accepted: UNH

Waitlisted: UIUC

Still waiting on:
Indiana Bloomington
Virginia Charlottesville

Anyone heard from those yet?

Wash U
UMass Amherst
Ohio State
Michener Center

Unknown said...

Creative Nonfiction:

Accepted at Mills, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Waitlisted at University of British Columbia

Rejected by Minnesota, UNM

Waiting on Portland State, UC Riverside, University of San Francisco

Toshu said...

Looks like Wichita has started rolling out acceptances. No word from Wichita yet. Applied for fiction. Fingers crossed!

Maposa said...


Waitlisted by University of Wyoming, Ohio State and Oregon State.

Rejected by University of Houston

Unknown said...


The New Writers Project
UMass Amherst

Brooklyn College

Mills (do they reject anyone?)

Allison said...


-Texas State


-UMass Amherst
-Ole Miss

Still Waiting:
-Boise State

seattlepoetrywaiting said...
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seattlepoetrywaiting said...

Is anyone hearing from UW Seattle poetry? I see one acceptance from another posting spot on March 11 and think, that's not so good. I would not expect they would stretch acceptances over a week. Wondering if anyone here has heard.

Cate Gable said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Lastwaltz949 said...

I was accepted into Naropa's MFA Program for Creative Non-fiction. Still waiting for confirmation of rejection/acceptance from 4 other schools but I wondered what you guys thought about Naropa? Also what is the general consensus on the Mills MFA?

nxg920 said...

Also wondering about the Mills MFA. First time applicant in creative nonfiction.

Columbia College Chicago

The New School
University of New Mexico
West Virginia University

Still waiting:
San Jose State

I wasn't expecting much from my first round, but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm strongly leaning toward Chicago (but I do want to hear from SJSU because their program was one of my favorites). I was worried that I hadn't done enough homework with regards to spreading out my schools, etc., but I think I feel good about CCC.

Nathan B. said...

First-time applicant in fiction


New School
Brooklyn College

Wait Listed:



Hunter College

Still Waiting:

Queens College

Unknown said...

Accepted @Sarah Lawrence College
(Theater MFA)

Accepted @ UC Riverside
(Writing for Performance MFA)


Megan said...

What fun :P

Creative Nonfiction

Rejections (deep breath):
Univ of Riverside
Univ of New Orleans
Western Michigan

Wait listed:
UNC Wilmington

Univ of Fairbanks
Kingston (London)

Chicago State
UNCG (fiction)
NC State (fiction)

Megan said...
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nxg920 said...

If I would have known about U Fairbanks's program, I might have applied. My best friend lives in Alaska and she loves it.

Unknown said...

Creative Nonfiction/Cross-genre

Stony Brook Southampton
City College
Sarah Lawrence

Ohio State

Hunter College
Oregon State

Still Waiting:

KL said...

No - University of Iowa

Waitlisted - Iowa State CWE program

Waiting on - University of Montana and
Notre dame

I only applied to four schools. Will U of MT and ND send out their acceptances/rejections by email or mail?

Unknown said...

Anyone hear from Indiana U yet?

Isabelle said...
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Isabelle said...
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Isabelle said...

For those wondering about Indiana University, a friend of mine was waitlisted there, so I assume they've already sent out their acceptances.

Anyone hear from BGSU or VCU?

I had a phone interview with Virginia Tech, but I haven't heard back in three weeks. Anyone else in the same boat?

d4cooperp said...


Still waiting on Boise State. Anybody know when they usually send out notices?

So far rejections all around: Iowa, Syracuse, Brown, U of Florida, U of Oregon. Not hopeful about Boise, but I just want to know.

MJ said...


New Orleans
Central Florida
Florida International


South Florida

Waiting on:
South Carolina
Virginia Commonwealth

Unknown said...

Has anyone heard anything about Arizona State University?

Unknown said...

First time Fiction.

Rejected: University of New Mexico

Accepted: University of San Francisco, California College of the Arts

Waiting on: The New School, Boston University, Pratt Institute, Portland State

Justin Olson said...

I have not heard from Univ of Minnesota one way or the other. I'm assuming this means rejection...

CsU said...

Accepted: University of Miami

Waitlisted: UT Austin New Writers Project

Rejected: Syracuse (this list made me feel tons better about Syracuse), UVA

Waiting to hear from: VCU

Unknown said...


New Mexico State, Las Cruces
Georgia College
U of Minn, Mankato

U of Michigan
U of Minnesota
U of Wisconsin
Oregon State
UC Riverside

Northern Michigan
Virginia Tech (not contacted for interview)

seaeffess said...

First time poetry applicant


University of British Columbia (Poetry/Translation)
Columbia University (Poetry)


UC Davis (MA in Creative Writing, Poetry)
UC Riverside (Poetry)
Cornell (Poetry)


New York University (Poetry)
...and one other program who asked me not to publish their information online. Has anyone else had that request?

H said...
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H said...

McNeese just notified me I was waitlisted, and should have a final decision by mid-April. I'm guessing, but assume that means word has gone out to first-choice candidates. Good luck to all.

Michael said...
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CybernetikTiger said...

UC Irvine said they sent out my rejection letter yesterday. They apologized for the delay, were waiting for the cold weather to break so the horses didn't get snowed in.

Unknown said...

1st time poetry:

Rejected, Boise State

Waiting, ASU
Waiting, UC Irvine
Waiting, Virginia Tech after phone interview

Virginia Lee Pfaehler said...

This is what I received today:

Dear Applicant,

The faculty of the MFA Program at Boise State has carefully reviewed your application. Unfortunately, your application was not among the finalists selected during our extensive review process.

Though this is always difficult news, I wanted you to know that this year’s application round was the most competitive our program has ever experienced. We received a record number of applications for our three open spots in fiction and two spots in poetry.

The MFA faculty wishes you the best in your writing endeavors.


Mitch Wieland, Director
MFA Program in Creative Writing
Boise State University

CybernetikTiger said...

How nice, Iowa just sent me a rejection letter, and I didn't even apply there. How did they find me???

Andrea Ruggs said...

For those waiting on VCU, they've already sent out their acceptances and waitlists around March 13. I am waitlisted for fiction.

seaeffess said...

@ CybernetiTiger: Wow that is a neat trick. Encouraging or discouraging? :)

sca329 said...
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Unknown said...

The Stegner Fellowship at Stanford sent me a second rejection the other day. You know, just to make sure I got the picture. And Oregon State (rejected) let me know that my financial award was ready!

Isabelle said...

First Time Applicant - Poetry

UNCW (without funding)

Virginia Tech


Assumed Rejected (Because Acceptances Have Gone Out):

Looks like I'm headed to the beach, unless some positions shuffle at VT. Glad to be done with rejection letters!

Unknown said...

I received an email from Notre Dame informing me that I'm on the wait list (for fiction) and that I should hear back from them by April 30th, but it might take even longer. Also received an email from Northern Michigan that day saying that decisions should be made by April 15th or earlier.

I never thought I'd be waiting this long...

Unknown said...
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degoao said...

Accepted, Pratt Institute

degoao said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Has anyone heard from ASU for fiction?

Mike said...

@Kera, same boat as you. Nothing yet.

Unknown said...

So it may just be me, but this rejection letter that I just received from NC State seems a bit harsh...

"After careful consideration, the faculty of the program to which you applied (Creative Writing - MFA) has not recommended your admission. Their decision was based on the requirements of their particular program, the qualifications and performance of students currently studying in the program, and the number of new students that the program can accommodate and support. I concur with their decision and must therefore deny your admission."

I mean I know it's a form letter, but it's very poorly written and comes off as, well they don't want you and I have to agree.

Alanna said...

First time applicant in poetry


Pacific (low-residency)


I'm planning to enroll at SFSU. Anyone else going there?

KL said...


I agree. That IS a horrible rejection letter - very bizarre. I would just take the rude, poorly-worded letter as a gift, a reassurance that their department probably wasn't right for you anyway.

Unknown said...


I got into SFSU as well, but I'm not sure if I'm going yet. Do you know anything about possible funding?

Alanna said...

Hi Elizabeth,

As far as I know, SFSU does not offer funding for MFA students. If you are a California resident, however, the cost of attending is significantly less. I also found one scholarship opportunity that appears to be offered annually (

Hopefully, I'll see you there!

Max Burgundy said...


how will you ever decide what school to go to. congrats bud

degoao said...

Anybody else get accepted to Pratt Institute? If so, anybody thinking of going there?

rdp84 said...
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Jamie III said...
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Jamie III said...


rejected: too many to count


One that asked me not to publish (happen to anyone else?)


Brooklyn College (If anyone has gotten in and knows they will be attending elsewhere, please inform the BK).

Congrats to all on acceptances, and to those who weren't so fortunate, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP. This is my third year trying, and I never thought the day would come. Just gotta stick with it.

seaeffess said...

That is actually a found prose poem entitled 'I am the troll who knocks.'

RE: the request not to publish: Alex, that happened to me with a school that wait listed me for poetry.

Unknown said...

Kera & Mike,

Called ASU. They made all their initial offers some time ago, and they should be finishing up their waitlist by the end of this week :/

ColoradoJ said...

Man this blog would've been helpful a month ago!

I got into SFSU on the fiction side. I will probably be attending this fall unless ASU comes through in a clutch.

Mike said...


Thank you for the info!

Unknown said...

Creative Non-Fiction acceptances: Emerson, American, George Mason, and Roosevelt.

I'm leaning towards Roosevelt because the funding is almost all of the tuition, and the head of the department has actually pursued me and shown interest. However, I can't find much information about their program. Anyone else know anything or considering going there? GMU seems pretty focused on the teaching track, Emerson is just too expensive, I think. And American is the first choice, but there's no funding...

Congrats to everyone!

Megan said...

@Elizabeth- I got the same form rejection from NC State. It struck me the wrong way too, especially after receiving so many more nicely worded rejections from elsewhere. Oh, well.

nxg920 said...

It seems like SJSU has sent out their emails, and that official decisions from the grad dept will be sent out next week. I was already in touch with the program director since it was getting down to the wire and he was able to tell me I was accepted a little early. After considering everything, though, I enrolled at Columbia, Chicago.

Unknown said...

Hey i'm really sorry i posted in the wrong place but i really have to know..can you please tell me the names of a few MFA creative writing programs that admit students in the spring..i want to apply for spring 2015..please help me..Thanks in advance

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Unknown said...

Hey folks--I'm starting the application process for Fall 2015. Have a nice list of schools, but still doing research. I've noticed that a majority of schools on my list do not require the GRE. What are your thoughts? Did you all take it?

Mel said...

I know most of you are applying to residency colleges, but has anyone applied to a low-residency college for MFA?

AZH said...
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AZH said...

Fiction (low-res) for Spring 2015:

Accepted- Pacific University

Waiting- Warren Wilson

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Anal-lystix said...

When do the first acceptances start coming? NYU, Brown, Penn State, Notre Dame, Montana, Brooklyn?

Anal-lystix said...

Waiting for Brooklyn and Brown.

MFA 2015 Drafts said...

Fiction applications sent to ( in no special order):

UC San Diego

Has anyone received any notification from any of the above?

Best of Luck!

MFA 2015 Drafts said...

New 2015 MFA Drafts Blog:

Anonymous said...

Here's my status:

Michener (came pretty quick in late Jan)

New Writers'
Texas State

Haven't heard from the last three at all. Anyone know when about they heard rejections or acceptances from these schools?

Flávia Stefani said...

It's early to tell. I'm assuming the letters (or phone calls) will start coming in in a month or so?

qwertyl said...

Accepted: George Mason

Still waiting: Many others

Unknown said...

Applied to only a couple due to expense:

Syracuse - (waiting)
UC Irvine - (waiting)
Brown - (waiting)
Cornell (denied - received today 2/16)

Annbow said...

Received an email acceptance from PLU low res Rainier Writing Workshop program yesterday. Still waiting on one other application.

mmagain said...
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citylights said...


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Boston University

City College of New York

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The list of top colleges in India is given underneath:
● Vellore Institute of technology
This institution is said to be one of the jewels in the crown of better schooling. College students from all corners of India come to this institute to study various courses. The university is acknowledged in the area of engineering education; however, it is also good for imparting courses associated with numerous different streams. The college is also acknowledged for encouraging deserving college students with scholarships and other forms of assistance. It constantly seeks and adopts revolutionary methods to enhance the pleasantness of better schooling on a consistent foundation. for more Information vist your web