Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Workshop, American Idol Style

Here's an interesting question about workshop personalities. Anyone have a suggestion?

Hey Tom -- I have a quick question for a fun GalleyCat item I'm writing, about an idea I came up with over drinks last night for a reality TV show called "MFA Fiction Workshop." Can you think of a creative writing instructor who would make a good host for that? Somebody with a reputation for being as aggressively antagonistic as, say, Donald Trump or Janice Dickerson or, well, take your pick? Thanks, Ron


jdv said...

Michiko Kakutani

The Shelver, University Book Store said...

Like all good reality shows*, you'd need a panel. Put Stuart Dybek in charge, add Marilynne Robinson and Ben Marcus for contentious inter-judge exchanges, and have Charles Baxter act as Tim Gunn sort of figure.

* Heh. Good reality shows. Get it?

Tim Pratt said...

Harlan Ellison. When he used to teach workshops, he routinely made students cry.

Erin said...

Stephen Dixon!

Anonymous said...

Charles Hood is not only really good, but he is hard hitting and blunt. He is a graduate of the UCI MFA program and currently teaches at Antelope Valley College.

DeeplyBroke said...

MFA's should be shelved all inclusive in one fowl swook Banning All MFA'S

Anonymous said...

Carolyn For-shay(as the fake brother - "yo, dawg, keep it real".. etc.) - apparently she sends stand-ins to workshops.

Brenda Hillman(as Paula Abdul) - for the (unintentional) comedy element.

Charles Simic(as Simon Cowell) - he's reputedly from the "this is all shit apart from that one word" school (nothing wrong with that.)

Jorie Graham(casting vote) - she can rig the outcome.

Professor Stevens said...

Michael Cunningham. Not only will he throw stories on the floor, he is also very, very good-looking.

Craig said...

michael cunningham throws stories on the floor? that sounds like a bully. is he a bully? because i'm looking at brooklyn college.