Thursday, February 21, 2013

Applications, Etc. Part 3

Keep it coming!  And the best of luck to everyone!


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Anonymous said...

Reposting since this new thread was just created:

Hello, been following for awhile. Is anyone else waiting to hear from Syracuse/poetry? Saw there was a wait list notification, but I haven't heard anything back. Syracuse has been one of my secret hopes for success...I was on their wait list last year and thought since my application's so much better this time maybe... That's why I try not to hope--it's stressful. I'm assuming the fact I haven't heard can only be negative? But back to my original question--is anyone else still waiting for Syracuse/poetry notification?

hamchugirl said...


have new info from OSU re: funding. You interested?

Unknown said...

@hamchugirl I'm interested! LOL.

Unknown said...

In case you didn't see the George Saunders interview:

Unknown said...

I saw the George Saunders interview today when I was googlin' Grad student loan options...good luck to all of you!

missingwriter said...

Has anyone heard from Nonfiction at Iowa yet?

Jason Spugzz said...

I am waiting on Iowa CNF as well and have not heard anything. I pretty much spent the last several days refreshing ISIS over and over again.

yogithecat said...


YES! I haven't heard anything...

spots and polka dots said...

Hi fellow stressballs. I'm applying in poetry. Waiting to hear back from:
Syracuse (yes, me too)
Oregon Eugene
U Wisconsin Madison
UC Irvine (but it sounds like they notify pretty late in past years?)

Has anyone heard from the New Writers Project or Oregon yet??

I'm on the waitlist at U Mich and Minnesota (both by email last week)
Ahhhhhhh when will I know?!?

Rejected from Washington U, Cornell and Michener Center.

SnackAttack said...

Congrats on MI and MN!

How did Cornell let you know no?

I got rejected from Michener in poetry, too, after being talked into applying by a grad who even wrote me a star spangled rec. He had higher hopes than I did.

spots and polka dots said...

Cornell sent me a form email yesterday.

Have any of you been rejected on an online system without getting some kind of email notification, etc? I haven't been logging into those but it occurred to me maybe I should?

Jason said...

Now I see why people advise "don't start obsessing over MFA acceptance/rejection forums" I'd write some kind of parody of all this, if the audience for it weren't so limited.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Spots, that list makes me feel better--I'm also waiting to hear from Syracuse, Iowa, UMass, U Wisconsin Madison and New Writer's project on your list. Also got rejected from Michener, of course. Grats on the wait lists though!

My other news so far is: Temple/Accepted Minnesota/Rejection

Anonymous said...

Spots, the same idea occurred to me--because I saw my Michener rejection in the system before I got an email...but then I got an email a few hours later. I think you'll always get an email unless being notified by snail mail etc.

prairiescarie said...

Have there been any fiction notifications on the facebook group?

hamchugirl said...


funding committee met yesterday for Ok State. they are overwhelmed w staff interviews right now but expected to announce assistantships within the next few days or so. Good luck! I really like all the folks I've met here and can see why Seth Abrams praised the program. Good news for me: I'm funded one way or the other. If I don't get assistantship right away, I'm covered through McNair funding. About now I'm feeling like Glenda the Good Witch just told me to tap my ruby slippers together -- I had the power all along.

AnonCat said...

Hey yáll! I wanted to thank everyone for the congrats earlier. I've been sorta a dazed fool all week so I apologize for not responding in kind much sooner. Congrats to all who've heard good news and keep pushing to those still waiting.

K, I heard from Texas State for fiction yesterday, and I also have a Pitt acceptance. Otherwise I'm still waiting to hear back from a few places.

I also wanted to say that this is my THIRD application cycle. Yes, THIRD! The first year I got in with no funding. The second time around I was first on the waitlist at a great program with super funding but it didn't come through. This year, I didn't have high expectations or much money to invest in the process, but I dunno...something told me to try again. That perhaps each time I was getting closer and closer to my dream. Well, Iowa was that dream and every kind person who's written aaaaall my recommendations, every friend who's watched me obsessively checking this blog and the Draft, and my mom who's seen me cry with frustration and disappointment when things didn't work out...well, they're all happy for my acceptance but most impressed by my perseverance. So I just really wanna encourage everyone to please keep going no matter what, and don't give up.

I don't mean to get too Oprah up in here, but seriously. I'm convinced the writerly life is a marathon. Keep going and by all means stay positive!

raymond said...
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raymond said...

Well done, Kiesha! Way to stick with it.

K said...

Kiesha, your success is so exciting! And I do agree with the marathon comparison. Your focus should be your writing and you can do that in and out of an MFA. You shouldn't need an MFA to give you the excuse/motivation to write, and if you do then you're not right for an MFA.

As someone in their second round of applications and first on the wait list at a well-funded, yet super small program, I am not getting my hopes up. I may also be needing a round three and you've made it look much sunnier!

K said...
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yogithecat said...


Thanks for the info! I'll keep an eye on my email (like I haven't been already) :). Good luck to you too!

higone said...

Got a Wyoming rejection in the mail today.

And an Oregon State waitlist!

That's for nonfiction.

Surprisingly, I wasn't as crushed by the Wyoming rejection as I thought I would be. Maybe because I knew it was coming thanks to this blog.

I also applied to Montana and Colorado (for the MA at Colorado because they don't have a nonfiction MFA) but haven't heard from either yet.

SnackAttack said...

Corvallis is awesome. Congrats!

Shola Adedeji said...

Your perseverance is epic.
Here I am about to start bawling over getting rejected on my first cycle.

Congratulations, I'm sure it was well deserved!

Shank said...

@ Keisha

Just wondering what and how did you hear from Texas State. I'm just curious since I've heard nothing from them and so I don't know whether to start weeping or be optimistic!


folk city said...

Does anyone know of a low-residency MFA program on the East Coast that has a letterpress studio? So far, the only program I've found is Naropa U. in CO.


K said...

Anyone hear about Michigan or Minnesota wait lists for fiction?

hamchugirl said...

Anything on FB yet about UNCW or West Virginia?

Jason said...

Just got the phone call from Ole Miss, fiction, round 2, accepted. So my list thus far:
Indiana University: No word
McNeese: No word
UNLV: No word
University of Alabama: Accepted
Virginia Tech: Accepted
Ole Miss: Accepted
University of Kansas: Accepted

I'm sure Indiana University is going to smack my ass down next week, which will suck, but hey, shit happens.

K said...

Nice job Jason!

You're going to make so many wait listed people happy when you finally decide where you're going haha.

Dylan Brown said...

Any word on FB for other ole miss acceptances?

Blue said...

There is one fiction acceptance at Ole Miss on FB.

Dylan Brown said...

thx blue, also, congrats Jason!

Jason said...

Thanks guys, one thing's for certain I am not going to die with any regrets about *not* having applied to 3-4 year Southern MFA Creative Writing programs in 2012.

Lou Mindar said...

Congratulations, Jason! Want to throw one or two of those acceptances my way? ;-)

Jason said...

@ Lou would love to, as long as someone else trades their Indiana U acceptance for my looming rejection ;. Note to applicants: the common wisdom-type advice you always hear about programs sometimes pulling surprise funding out of thin air seems to be true, so that a school you applied to on the pretense of a $10,000 a year stipend can suddenly turn into a $17,000 a year stipend on the negotiating table. For some reason these occurrences, well-documented and universally known, were something I had always relegated to unicorn status.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Long time reader, first time writer. I was wondering if anyone who was rejected from Cornell is no longer "in review" when they login to the application review website??

SnackAttack said...

Hi, Barbara. I'm not putting much stake in the online system of Cornell. Earlier on this blog someone mentioned the program admin confirmed it was "glitchy". Mine still says "In progress"; I've heard nothing from the school. Website says we'll know by the "end of February", so four more days...grateful for the little things, like it not being a leap year.

FYI: Iowa had 415 poetry applicants for 25 spaces in 2011. Brown's poetry acceptances (are rumored to) go out next week. Homemade banana bread makes the world a better place. Happy Sunday.

Unknown said...

@ SnackAttack

Thanks so much for the quick reply. I'm started to get the waiting for a response shakes. Best advice yet has been about banana bread; it truly does make the world a better place.

Kelly said...

Cornell notified all poetry acceptances and waitlists last week.

Molly said...

Any word on Syracuse for fiction?

SnackAttack said...

J. Robert Lennon! How nice of you to drop by this blog. You're the first program director to do so this round. Thanks for letting us know all poetry acceptance and waitlists have been notified at your school. We were starting to wonder seeing as apparently a mass form email went out to the rejected applicants, and some of us did not receive that email. Also, seeing as it's far from April 15th, we know it's just not over till it's over in this wonderful, wacky world of MFA-land.

Like some statements here, you may have made yours in error, or you may not actually be the program director hiding behind the handle of the innocuous "Kelly". Have a nice day either way.

Perla said...

@Molly. No one has posted anywhere about rejections from Syracuse but I think admitted students are asked to keep their acceptances off-line. Last year I think acceptances went out 4 days ahead of rejections and the timing was around now. Yes, I'm waiting too. : /

letters said...

Any Notre Dame prose news? Apparently there's been some poetry action today.

Dylan Brown said...

Acceptance from Emerson!

Shank said...

Hello all,

Wondering if anyone else who applied to Texas State, but hasn't heard anything, received a residency info email? It sent a shiver of hope through me, but I fear it might not mean anything...anyone else in this nautical means of transportation?


Anonymous said...


I did.

Jason said...

Congrats, DB!

HarveyWayfare said...

No word from Notre Dame yet...

AnonCat said...

Hey Shank! I heard from Texas State via email Thursday evening. The coordinator said they would have called but didn't have a working number on file. So the email was essentially asking for my number and letting me know I'd been accepted. Funding won't be determined until late March. I didn't get the residency email though.

Jason said...

I've developed a crush on one of the schools I applied to. Indiana, if you're reading this...please, girl, just give me a chance. I love everything about you, 'Ana. I'm ready to accept your Richard Cecil's mustache as my own:

Think it over. You know my number.

Molly said...

Thank you, Perla!

raymond said...

Jason: If that's an excerpt from your writing sample or SOP, you're probably in, my friend! Funny stuff. Good luck with that doll they call 'Ana.

Dylan Brown said...

Thanks, Jason!

Mango Nebula said...

I was thinking about calling a school and talking with a professor there, not only to get a better feel for the program, but to maybe have them remember me when looking over applications.

I was thinking of asking about the department's writing philosophy as well as special programs and maybe about the alumni's success rate. What would be good things to do/ask in a phone conversation with faculty?

Jamie III said...
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K said...

Lee, most schools have a policy about not discussing programs in depth with each applicant that contacts them. Depending on the school there are usually hundreds of applicants and professors don't have a lot of time, especially for people who aren't admitted or on the wait list. I would first email and ask if you could set up a call with a faculty member, expecting that they may ask you to wait until you hear from them regarding your admissions status.

Alex Mack, I would feel free to inquire at schools that you know (via here or facebook) have already started contacting their admitted students. Usually a program administrator can tell you how the process is going. I would not try to contact any faculty.

Jamie III said...
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Jason said...

Ha @ Raymond. I'm pretty sure a love letter of an SOP, though amusing, would, in fact, bring one hell of a quick wastebasket status for an application. My SOP was: 1. Here's what I've had published. 2. Here's what I want to publish, how I plan to do it, and why I think your school would be perfect for this. 3. Here are a few other things about me that aren't so bad.

Thank you for your consideration,

-Justin (my real name is Justin today)

Unknown said...

OK, my anxiety has brought me to the land of internet forums. First time poetry applicant with an almost-resolved transcript fiasco (going by your middle name makes everything complicated). For POETRY:

Georgia State
Georgia College & State

Wanna throw up. Any poets heard back yet? Woes!

John said...

@Alex Mack—Feel free to share whatever info Michigan passes along; I'm also curious about where, exactly, I stand in consideration limbo there.

Ploi Pirapokin said...

If in doubt about SFSU's program, I am a first year student there for the Fiction MFA and would be happy to answer ANY questions! Not to mention the new team of staff we're hiring that will be amazing :)

I made a short video about my experiences if you want to see:

Anonymous said...

@Princess P - OK, I'll bite. Three questions:
1. Do you know (or can you find out) when SFSU will let applicants know about admission?
2. Can you elaborate on "the new team of staff we're hiring"? New faculty?
3. Is it the case that no students get funding at SFSU? Or do some teach as TAs and earn modest stipends with tuition wavers?

Moll said...

Iowa (fiction) rejection via mail. 949 applicants this year, which I think is a bit lower than years past.

TheIronCage said...

Accepted into Minnesota State-Mankato for fiction. Funding TBD.

. said...

Accepted via snail mail at U of Maryland for poetry!

Valerie Mathews said...

Paige, there were several GC&SU acceptances on The FB group but only for CNF and Fiction. Nothing for poetry. I am waiting on them, for poetry. I haven't heard from GSU either. I got into Kennesaw's MA Professional Writing Program with a concentration in Poetry. They are near Atlanta.


Valerie Mathews said...

Georgia State University has starting notifying PfD acceptances. I quests MFAs will follow soon.

dianca_london said...

I applied to three schools. My number one choice is Rutgers Camden. Anyone else applying there? Also, any idea when I should expect to hear back? Any feedback would be awesome. I'm losing myself to anxiety!

hamchugirl said...


When were the acceptances in CNF for Georgia College and State posted on FB?

Valerie Mathews said...

On February 24.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Val!

ddr06001 said...

I'm new to this MFA blog business, and I was trying to avoid being sucked into the obsessiveness it seems to encourage, but my girlfriend kept pulling it up on her phone and now I too am a victim.

Last year I applied to just four schools, those that P&W tells us are "high-ranking." I was rejected down the list, as I surely should have been, for sending them a quite naïve fiction sample. There was nothing noticeably special about it, but the younger me of the time had my chest puffed out, and I was ready to go to Iowa and take over the world!

This year I’ve wised up and applied to 16. Now I’m in debt, but my dreams will come true!

So far I have been told NO by only Washington-St. Louis and Wyoming. Eastern Washington University said YES!—funding pending. We are supposed to chat about a paycheck tomorrow. Ole Miss told me I had to pay for round 2. I sent ‘em 40 bucks.

I am waiting to hear from Brown, Vanderbilt, San Francisco State, Iowa, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama, Florida, Florida State, Johns Hopkins, McNeese, and Missouri-St. Louis.

If you know something please end my suffering, and don’t leave me here, neurotically by my phone, where I am very likely to be waiting in vain…

Susie Derkins said...

Does anyone know if Ohio State acceptances/rejections have gone out? I see that a waitlist was posted to GradCafe yesterday (notified via email). When English PhDs were being notified earlier in the season, rejections went up on the app status check site -- no idea if it will be the same for MFAs.

S.A. Rivkin said...

Has anyone heard anything from Michigan, Irvine, Boise, Colorado, or Colorado State for Fiction?

S.A. Rivkin said...

dd06001, When did you apply to E-Wash? I know they're rolling, so I'm wondering where they are in the process...

Anonymous said...


There is some evidence of movement from Ohio State on the Facebook group, but not much, and I haven't heard anything.

Valerie Mathews said...

Paige, I sent an email to GC&SU. I sent it to the MFA department because I know the grad students check that email. I met many of them during my visit in November. I don't want to post her email for privacy reasons. However, rest assured that they haven't finishing reviewing Poetry applications.


Valerie Mathews said...

A GC&SU grad student told me that they have several rounds of notifications. The first round is for those that are their top choices for an assistantship. They are still making decisions for all genres. They have not sent out any notifications for poetry.


Susie Derkins said...

Thanks, Chris!

Molly said...

LNL, I think Michigan already notified its fiction folks.

Susie Derkins said...

Is anyone else planning on visiting the schools they've been accepted to? I was hoping to, and while I don't want to be overly optimistic, I have been worrying about how I would make travel plans before the April 15 decision deadline, especially for the late notifiers on my list. Back in December when I was applying, I thought I would have heard back from at least half of my programs by now. But so far, only a handful have responded -- and two of those were within the past week!

Anyone else worrying about logistics? For all of you who've been accepted into more than one program, how are you making your decision?

GMFM said...

Does anyone know when Hopkins traditionally notifies?

julia said...
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julia said...
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julia said...

acceptance into notre dame for poetry!

Jamie III said...
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SnackAttack said...

Julia, congratulations! Have spent time in South Bend and on campus. Wonderful, affordable town. Great small Thai place downtown, beautiful public library, nice running/cycling trail along river. Plus, the Lake is less than an hour away. ND's academics, campus and alumni base are legendary, which I'm sure you already know.

Alex, you just made me laugh out loud. Thank you. Sorry for the breaks.

Grad Cafe dot com has useful info as to how and when schools have notified in the past, as does MRP.

Still waiting yea's, no nay's save Michener, just blog chatter and crackers. Mmm...crackers.

magNcheese said...

@ Jason: Richard Cecil is THE MAN! IU was my undergrad. To woo him, send gin.

Valerie Mathews said...

There is one acceptance from Brown for Poetry posted on Facebook.

Susie Derkins said...

@Alex Mack :(
I felt that way about my Wyoming rejection this week. Hope you get good news soon.

And congrats to everyone who has been accepted so far. For the rest of us: Homestretch, right?

Jamie III said...
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Anonymous said...

Valerie, does it say how the acceptance to Brown was received?

Valerie Mathews said...

Brown by phone.

Catie J. said...

Congrats on Emerson, DB! I'm in that program and there's a very helpful accepted students Facebook group (for all of their grad programs) that you may want to check out if you haven't already!

ddr06001 said...


EWU has a 2/15 "deadline," but from what I gather it is not set in stone.

If you go to the EWU MFA website and call the phone number listed the program coordinator can probably help you out. He was very helpful to me.

I called like one day before the deadline, was told to mail it in, see what happens, and I received a surprisingly positive e-mail from them less than a week later. It was like a fairy tale!

Jason said...

@Mag Awesome, I hope to get to know the Cecil mustache.

@Susie Derkins: Yes, I'm visiting the hell out of these schools. I've been fortunate to have been accepted into a few here (full disclosure, guys: I'm 30 years old, and have been submitting to lit publications for the past 3 years, non-stop. So in order to get the writing sample and list of publications that made this application process smooth for me, I had to suffer approximately 80 lit mag rejections, just to get 15 lit mag acceptances)

Some of these schools cover travel expenses in order to show prospective students around their programs, and I'm definitely taking all of them up on it. Going to one of them on such short notice is going to annoy my job a little, but really, they can kiss my ass: I'm at a dead end job anyway, and I'm not going to miss out on the chance to get a look at these schools, one of which will be my home for at least the next 3 years.

@ddr, Ole Miss has already sent out at least 2 final round acceptances: 1 here, 1 reported on FB. More final acceptances and waitlisters may be forthcoming, fingers crossed.

Alabama has already sent out 12 acceptances that I know of; the Prospective Student Weekend that they host starts tomorrow. They may have yet to notify waitlisters. As to the rest of the schools on your list, not sure.

magNcheese said...

Alabama sent waitlists too, I think.

Susie Derkins said...

@Jason Nice to hear from another applicant this side of 30. I've been worried about being the only one.

You're in at Kansas, right? That's a program that doesn't seem to get a lot of attention. I'd be curious to hear about your impressions/experiences with them, if you don't mind sharing.

Shank said...
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letters said...

second the inquiry about hopkins (if there is any facebook-based intel?); also notre dame prose, though don't expect to hear from them for a couple weeks

Valerie Mathews said...

Shank, I'm about to turn 47 years old! In my opinion and experience, you are still young and have a lot of time to apply again. This is my third career change: pilot to mommy to writer. It's never too late. I'm only half way through my life!

Shank said...

@Jason and Susie

I'm 34, and I've just started revisiting my writing. My job doesn't really allow me time to write much, so for the last 10 years, my skills have atrophied. I need to enter a program as soon as possible, so I can help recover what I've lost to the ravages of time and entropy. I've been accepted one place, but without any funding, and I'm not quite sure what to do. If I was younger, I might wait and apply again in a year or two, but I feel like I don't have that option because of my age...sigh.

Anyway, hoping someone somewhere likes me enough to throw a little green my way!

raymond said...

@ Valerie: I, too, will be 47 soon. I hear the average MFA age is 28, but I was 20 years older than my undergrad writing mates and did well. Doesn't ever worry me, yet it's good to hear of others near my age. My daughter's a university senior; she has helped push me through this process. It's fun, and looks like I'll do another round next year.

raymond said...
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Hayes said...

It's nice to know there are other 40-somethings applying to MFA programs. I've been writing since college, have several pubs (and probably 10 times more rejections), and was a little self-conscious about applying at the age of 40. I've remained fairly current with contemporary poetry, but feel as if the decision-makers might think I have a lower ceiling than others. Those looking to make a career change and pursue an MFA(perhaps out of deep conviction and/or just because they no longer can stomach the corporate machine) are very brave...and inevitable. Good luck. In the meantime I'll be drinking heavily as I wait to hear from Butler!

Robert said...

Call from Brown a few hours ago. In for fiction. Kind of speechless still. This is my third year applying. Keep writing!

AnonCat said...

Congrats Rob! That is amazing! :)

raymond said...

Big wow, Rob! Congratulations!

Hayes said...

Congrats Rob!

Valerie Mathews said...

Hayes, I downed a bottle of wine myself two nights ago. I got one acceptance but the wait for the others is hard to handle without mother's little helper. Glad to see another draftee over 40. We should keep in touch during our MFA adventure.

Hayes said...

Valerie, congrats on the acceptance. Thats an awesome accomplishment! Let's definitely keep in touch. Sounds like we are in a similar position (except I'm a daddy and not a mommy). I only applied to Butler as I live in Indy and can't relocate right now. Not with a 12 and 10 year old and a full-time job. Besides, I really like Butler's program, the faculty, the customization, etc. And my goal is to transition out of the corporate world within a few years. We will see what happens. If Butler declines I will move to Plan B. What that is I'm not sure yet!

SBK said...
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Valerie Mathews said...

Hayes, I understand what you mean. I have to stay local as well. I applied to three programs that are within an hour or so drive. I have a 9 year old and a 21 year old. The oldest moved out last summer. Best of luck to you and keep in touch. valmmathews at gmail dot com.

tweakedout said...

Is it normal/ expected for applicants to call up admissions offices and ask when notifications go out/ if decisions have been made? I've seen a few comments here and on facebook to that effect, but I'm curious how admissions takes those calls...

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard anything about NYU or Syracuse fiction?

SnackAttack said...

Tweaked, I looked up the notification dates of each of my schools as published on their websites. If I hear nothing by their published date, I feel fine in politely calling them with a basic inquiry I'm sure they've heard a thousand times. Good luck!

K said...

Not sure if anyone else is in my position, but I'm going to post this info anyway. My application status for Minnesota never changed from "Awaiting Program Decision" but I called and they told me they have made all admissions decisions.

celia said...

wondering if any fiction writers would be kind enough to share their writing sample & statement of purpose that got them accepted. i'm trying to figure out what i did wrong this time around, because i've been getting a fair amount of rejections lately, and am starting to think about the probable reality of re-applying next year.

letters said...

Can someone in the facebook draft inquire about JHU intel?

and @celia, instead of thinking about it as what you've done wrong, and what others have done right, maybe you should ask yourself what you want your writing to do, what your piece wants to achieve, and if you're satisfied with how it's doing both those things. And read a lot of things that are not your "competition" necessarily, but maybe writers out of the schools you admire, or writers related to your stylistic goals, etc. And press on.

2gunjohnny said...

Hey Folks, joining the ranks of the obsessing. I applied to 10 schools - my first time doing so: Iowa, Michigan, Syracuse, Virginia Tech, UNC-W, Hunter, Brooklyn and City Colleges in NYC, McNeese and Boise State. I am part of the over-40 crowd and am an Afghan War Vet. Got a "Thanks but no thanks from Iowa with an envelope post-dated 22 Feb 2013 and a letter inside dated 4 March 2013 so I am waiting until Monday to be sad about it. I have enjoyed all of your comments, advise and enthusiasm. Good luck to all of you - to all of us! Who knows, in a few days or weeks we may be pulling an Anne Hathaway and whispering "It came true" to our acceptance letters. Or not. Hang in there!

SnackAttack said...

Johnny! Way to be!

Jamie III said...
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2gunjohnny said...

Alex, I think it's just fall.

2gunjohnny said...


I believe it's just for the fall.

Jamie III said...
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Unknown said...

I heard through the grapevine that Hunter has started calling fiction writers they are interested in. I don't think this means actual acceptances (though I'm not sure) but they are starting to get in touch with people.

2gunjohnny said...

Yes Nancy I ran straight to my answering machine if you are wondering

Dylan Brown said...

Thanks, Catie! I'll check it out.

Emily Yoon said...
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Unknown said...

Anyone have the scoop on Notre Dame prose? Looks like poetry has already been notified.

Eric Howell said...

anybody heard any Stegner rumors?

Travis_S-DNC said...

Just got a rejection from New Hampshire via email.

Hayes said...

How are acceptances usually communicated? Phone, email, snail mail? Or does it typically vary?

John said...
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Susie Derkins said...
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John said...

@Travis—Sorry to hear that... UNH or Southern New Hampshire? (also, if you don't mind me asking: Fiction or Poetry?)

Susie Derkins said...

@Hayes, it varies, but acceptances seem to almost always be communicated informally by phone or email from the Director of Graduate Studies or MFA program director, followed by formal offer letters. At least that's my impression from haunting this and other forums.

Unknown said...

@hello People in the program at Hopkins said they're pretty sure calls are going out "ASAP," whatever that means. Pretty sure no calls yet.

Travis_S-DNC said...

@John: UNH in fiction.

Travis_S-DNC said...

Looks like all UNH admissions decisions will be via email:

The University of New Hampshire Graduate School is now communicating all decisions on admissions electronically. Please see the attached letter. Should you require a paper copy of this letter please contact our office directly.

S.A. Rivkin said...


It's my understanding that Notre Dame is still reading prose. I think the first notifications are at least a week away, and possibly two.

SnackAttack said...

Barbara Peribanez, if you're still on here...

I emailed Cornell this morning to inquire about my application status. Within two hours I heard back via the grad coordinator, a super nice woman who apologized for the late notice and for the fact that my application was ultimately denied. She wished me well, then forwarded the form email most folks received last week indicating a formal rejection.

For what it's worth, it's crucial to me anyway to remember the admissions people are people, and sometimes very kind people, who are working hard at their jobs.


SnackAttack said...

Called my mom to let her know about the rejection, and she promptly began singing this:

High Above Cayuga's Waters/There's an awful smell/
Some say its Cayuga's Waters; I say it's Cornell.

I heart you, Mom!

Jamie III said...
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SnackAttack said...

Thanks, Alex. My mom is awesome; I will let her know I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Also waiting to hear from MI, but for poetry. I have a song for them, too, if we don't get in...

SnackAttack said...
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SnackAttack said...

Geez, it's reject Snack day, this time by Iowa. Fine. Here's my song:

To the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic:

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the shucking of the corn
They have outlawed education where the black and gold are worn
And when the game is over Hawkeye fans will start to mourn
The Hawks aren't marching on.

Although your homes are mobile your team is not on the go
We'll be out in Pasadena while you're sitting home in snow...

Sorry, sorry little Hawkeyes
When, if ever will you realize
There's more to life than watching corn rise
The Hawks aren't marching on!

Jamie III said...
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nlmora01 said...

Long time reader, first time commenter, etc.--

Waiting for notifications is driving me legitimately batty.

snpsmom said...

First time applicant. Fiction.

So far: crickets.

I'm nearly monosyllabic at this point.

Travis_S-DNC said...

Also a first time applicant in fiction. Including UNH, so far:

Cornell - rejected
Iowa - rejected
UNH - rejected
Virginia Tech
Northern Michigan
New Mexico State
McNeese State

All silent on the rest. However, my current trend appears foreboding.

UNH told me that they would make their decisions by March 4, so the fact that I got my rejection this morning hopefully means that they are finishing ahead of schedule and not that they are robustly rebuffing my manuscript.

Like a true Southerner, I am placating my sorrows by eating fried foods.

SnackAttack said...
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Moll said...

So, even though I can't quite bear to start thinking about applying again next year, I am wondering how all you second and third time applicants (who are so inspiring!) adapted your SOPs etc. Of course the writing sample is most important but I can't really see how I would change all the SOPs I wrote for each school, especially since I customized all of mine to each program.

Separately, I already feel so guilty about ally the work my letter writers had to do this cycle. Submitting 13 letters via online systems was no easy task and my letter writers are all working writers who teach writing workshops, not university professors (I consider it part of the job for professors). How do I ask them again?! I've already sent thank you gifts etc.

Congrats to everyone who has been accepted so far. Chin up for the rest of us!

2gunjohnny said...

Hey Snack, saw your fight songs, props to your mom. Sorry about the rejections.

2gunjohnny said...

Anyone hear any more Intel about Michigan?

Progo said...

Alex and johnny:

Yup, waiting on the Michigan rejection is making me a new kind of crazy, too.

Irritated Writer said...

Anyone heard back from WVU yet? I know last year acceptances went out around the 18th of February.


Irritated Writer said...
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Anonymous said...

Anyone else waiting anxiously to hear from Arkansas? It's the only program I applied to. Last year they made calls on Feb 29 ... maybe tomorrow?

SnackAttack said...

Thanks, Johnny!

Laura, I don't know anything about Arkansas except that I saw and heard Tom Franklin read recently, and it made my night.

Good luck!

JR said...
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JR said...

First-time applicant In at Columbia Chicago via snail mail -- does anyone have any additional info on the program? I'd applied before I noticed the comments on this blog about upheaval in the department last year...

I've been a lurker up until now, but have no's already from Iowa, Michener, and Cornell. Still waiting on a few other schools, but also have three or four presumed no's from places like Vandy and Michigan.

Thanks to so many of you for all the cyber support during this stressful time. I wish you all the very best! Here's to a happy March.

eb said...

Anyone hear from NYU and/or the CUNYs? Need to know in what kind of alcohol to invest in this month–victorious vodka or...?

SnackAttack said...

Anyone else get the pun from Iowa? We received their letters of rejection during the last week of Feb., but they were dated March 4th. Get it? Say it out loud a couple times. Then, let's do it.


John said...

@eb—...or sullen Scotch? anxious absinthe? gloomy Grand Marinier? bitter brandy?

whatever your choice, we can split it.

(thanks for indulging that; it was a 90-second distraction from the fact that only 1 of my 7 schools has said a peep to me, and it was just "no thanks")

2gunjohnny said...

Snack - compliments for pointing out Iowa's "encouraging" pun and kudos for your enthusiasm but if it was actually intended on their part, I must confess a secret desire to March forth and smack them in the pun - and then move onward. Hope the day brings good news.

Unknown said...

Rejection from OSU nonfiction. Waiting on UI nonfiction (though won't go there if I do get in.)

I applied to mostly low residencies -- not many of you on here? I received 4 acceptances on those - waiting for Pacific and Bennington.

Jamie III said...
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Jamie III said...
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John said...

@Unknown— I applied for Warren Wilson, and if all else fails I'm putting my name into the Goddard hat. Low res isn't ideal for me, but I would rather low res than no res.

Matt said...

Second time applicant:

Iowa - 02/28 - Rejection via snail mail
Ohio State
UC Riverside
UT Austin (Non-Michener)

SnackAttack said...

Johnny, I may just have to use that: "Smack them in the pun" indeed. Ha!

Ok, I've come to the part in the show where I'm reflecting on what I've learned:

1. Always ask, politely, for an application fee waiver. I printed out my tax return, blackened my ss#, scanned it and emailed it to schools that explicitly said they don't do fee waivers. I received waivers at 8 out of 9 schools.

2. Google faculty and admin folks and click on "images". Helps to remember all these people are human. Lowers the intimidation factor and encourages cordial contact.

3. Ask direct questions about financial aid. I got the runaround at one program by the MFA director. I still applied because it was free to do so. I was "unanimously accepted" by the admissions committee, and offered no money whatsoever. I declined.

4. Be honest about why you're applying at all. Being broke last fall factored into my decision to apply and only apply to fully funded programs (after the above experience). I have since gotten some work. This helps when receiving rejection letters, because if I'm really honest with myself, I wanted two to three years of financial security, albeit at the poverty level, as much as I wanted to join the ranks of MFAs. I saw the MFA application process as applying to both a job and a program of study. It's been said many times before: you don't need an MFA to write. I still want one, but the need has faded away.

Good luck to everyone today! I'm ready to hear good news or not so good news. I think magNcheese said it best: we know we've got the stuff, or we wouldn't have applied in the first place. Plus, I got to email my new employer that I'd just been turned down for a fellowship at Cornell. That kinda had a nice ring to it.


Mary Kate said...

@Moll - Next time, use a dossier service! Interfolio is super user friendly, not to mention cheap, for what you're getting. My recommenders just had to upload the letter once, and they were done. I'm a second-round applicant. Knowing that the submission process is so quick made it a lot easier to ask the second time, and they were all very supportive.

SnackAttack said...

Alex! Albuquerque's too damn dry. Write on!

Moll said...

@mary - Thanks for the advice but I am wondering if I am missing something about Interfolio. Only 2 of my 12 schools said they accepted the service. About 6 expressly said they did not and the other 4 strongly preferred online submission but would accept mail. I decided not to do it given those stats. Am I missing something? Could I have used it anyway? At least for the 4 that preferred online submission but would accept mail (in addition to the two that do accept it)? Sorry for this detailed, technical question. I had always planned to use a dossier service but then it seemed like schools began moving away from that.

Thanks again for the advice.

Mary Kate said...

@Moll - I know! I found this to be way confusing before I used the service. Interfolio is not just for mailing recommendations. They also have electronic submission. So, in the part of the application where you're supposed to enter your recommender's email address, you instead enter a made-up Interfolio email address. The school will then email the rec request, and Interfolio will go in there and submit the recommendation through the online application system.

The caveat is that if the school requires additional forms *that don't have boxes where the dossier service can tick N/A*, Interfolio will come back to you and say "oh, hang on, we can't complete the request." Of 12 schools, I had this happen with maybe 4 or 5. But then I called or emailed the admissions contact at the school. In all cases but one, they came back to me and said, "Oh sure, you can just have Interfolio email me the recommendations at"

Does this help? Sorry for being a walking talking Interfolio commercial, but I found the service to be so affordable and convenient, and their staff so helpful with questions. They even expedited a couple of things for me without additional charges.

Moll said...

@Mary - That is so helpful! Thank you. I knew I had to be missing something. Do you mind sharing what schools you applied to? Best of luck to you on this cycle!

hamchugirl said...

Arizona -- no
University of New Mexico -- no
Oklahoma State -- YES! and funded!
Nothing yet from the following:

GC&SU - but assuming a no since they're already announced and are not answering my email
UNCW - supposedly announcing today and Monday (crossed fingers, I wanna live by the beach!)
Iowa State
University of New Orleans

That first rejection from Arizona hurt, OkSU was cause for elation and a big sigh of relief, UNM didn't hurt a bit. Am tempted to call OkSU and tell 'em I'm in just to make all this go away. Oh, Okie State, I am thiiiiiis close to taking my vow of poverty.

Mary Kate said...

@Moll - Sure! I applied to:

Notre Dame
Southern Illinois
Ohio State
Bowling Green State

I've been rejected by a few and waitlisted at Southern Illinois (so excited!). The one school that categorically would not accept recommendations via Interfolio was Vandy, so my recommenders just had to upload the letter to Interfolio and Vandy's website.

Mary Kate said...

@Moll - Forgot to say good luck to you too!

Unknown said...

@SnackAttack: I took your advice. I'm offcially on the wait list, and it feels great! So as it stands:
Cornell: Wait Listed
Syracuse: Still waiting

SnackAttack said...
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SnackAttack said...

Barbara, that is amazing! I am so glad to hear. Ithaca trumps Syracuse in my book as far as livability. Also, the university chaplain, Rick Bair (conducts services at the Lutheran church across the street from campus), is hugely helpful and kind to newcomers. I have my fingers crossed firmly for you!

dinah said...
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Moll said...

Mary, thanks! Super helpful for next year. I posted this once before but my list (for fiction) is:
Brown - Presumed rejected
UC Irvine
Umass Amherst - Rejected
Washington U - Rejected
Syracuse University
Iowa - Rejected
Brooklyn College
The New School
Hunter College - Presumed rejected??

Anonymous said...

@Dinah, I think short-list are people who will be interviewed, and who the program intends to make offers to. Long-list, I'd say, is the wait list.

What's your email read as?

dinah said...

It said long list, decision on six slots coming soon, are you still interested, and asked for a phone number for an interview week after next. Seems weird to be communicating w/the long list so early given the process on their site? Not that my friend is complaining.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote good news then! Get your friend a sundae, give her/him a dollop of whip cream, and ease her/him through.

Chelsea Johnson said...

First time fiction applicant and waiting/panicking.

Applied to:

George Mason
UC Riverside
West Virginia
Old Dominion
Eastern Washington

I haven't heard from anyone yet--although I did wait till the last possible moments to submit most of my materials.

Anyone receive news from any of these schools?

mfetterm said...

First time applicant, accepted NYU fiction!!

Totally blown away.

Other schools:
Michener (shot me right the hell down, so keep the faith)
Brooklyn College
Hunter College

Angela Buck said...

Has anyone heard anything from UC-Boulder?

letters said...

@Chelsea, UC Riverside and GMU accepted fiction applicants long ago (first and second weeks of feb?)

eve said...

Is anyone still waiting to hear from Michener?

Lisa Michelle Jackson said...

@eve Did you check UT's online application status? Last year I got an email telling me I was rejected, but this year I got no word and had to check the status to find out I'd been denied.

Have there been any rejections or acceptances from University of Washington - Seattle or UT's New Writer's Project?

Anonymous said...

First time Applicant- Poetry

University of San Francisco (Accepted by phone today)

Florida State University (Accepted through email today)

Florida Atlantic University (Accepted through mail 2/27)

Still waiting on a few places.

Anonymous said...


When about's did you hear from NYU, if you don't mind my asking?

mfetterm said...

I heard back yesterday afternoon, but I was told that not all acceptances have been notified yet.

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