Friday, March 09, 2012

Where Are You Applying? Part 5

Are we in the home stretch yet? Hang in there, folks!


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cerclerouge said...


Thanks for your kind words and intel. Appreciate the feedback! Was beginning to think no one else had applied to the New School.

I just wish they would put us out of our misery? You know what I mean? Now I understand why if you find an injured animal in a trap, you should kill it immediately.

popmartyr said...

North C Wilm.

North Texas (MA... but with B.H. Fairchild!)

Columbia Chicago
New Orleans
San Fran State

Starting to dread a little. Hoping for a larger program like C Chicago or San Fran to pick me up. I'm not sure if I'm even in a position to pine for the remainder. But, God loves his ironic reversals. Who knows. Any word from New Orleans anybody?

Anonymous said...

Accepted into the following (applied mostly to UK schools):
Emerson, nonfiction
New School, nonfiction
The University of Glasgow
Bath Spa University
Newcastle Univ
London Met Univ
Stirling Univ
Kingston Univ

Waiting on:
Univ of San Fran

Have decided on Univ of Glasgow. They have a full 2-yr MFA program similar to the states but it's in Scotland, and been dying to get back to the UK...but not going to be an easy choice- Emerson and New School both offered some hard to turn down financial incentives...

Gabe said...

I'm a poetry applicant

Waitlisted at
University of Arizona

Waiting to hear back from
Old Dominion
Ole Miss
Arizona State
Notre Dame
Southern Illinois

The only piece of info I have to give is that Old Dominion is on spring break this week, so don't expect to hear from them until mid-next week at the earliest.

Good luck to everyone who hasn't heard back yet, and good luck to people who already know where they are headed.

Elena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Palin said...

Simmons College Writing for Children MFA

Brown Fiction (my undergrad alma mater...sniff)
UNCW Fiction
UT Austin Fiction
Michener Fiction
UMass Amherst Fiction

Waiting on:
SDSU Fiction
UC Boulder Fiction
NYU Fiction
UCI Fiction
UVA Fiction

Anyone heard from Boulder or SDSU yet? I'm assuming I'll get rejections from NYU, UCI, and UVA, but I'm keeping fingers crossed for SDSU and Boulder...though it will be hard to turn down Simmons.

Anonymous said...

I just heard back from them yesterday.

qqqq said...

*crosspost from the end of 4

Has anyone been rejected from University of Florida? Are they just sitting on them? Any idea how they will or have notified?


Gabe said...


I applied to San Diego State last year and didn't hear back from then until April 20th. Hopefully they've gotten better, but don't expect to hear from them soon.

Christin said...

I'm also curious about UC Irvine. Any word out there on notifications?

mike333 said...

So I apologize in advance, because I've already asked about this a few times. Just want closure, I guess. So. Boise State. Fiction. I know one person reported they'd been contacted about being on the waitlist. But has anyone on the facebook group reported any confirmed acceptances to Boise State in fiction (not poetry, I know those have gone out)? Just curious. Thanks comrades.

violet24 said...

@christin - as far as i know, irvine has been completely silent. resisting the urge to email and ask about notification dates...

Andrea Ruggs said...

Any word in University of Miami (Fl)? Last year they notified on March 10th...

Unknown said...

anyone on in the FB group heard from Seattle yet? It's so mysterious!

Unknown said...

for poetry, that is

Deb G said...

Until I hear back from every school on my list, I don't want to post the results, but here is where I applied in fiction:

Washington (Seattle)

Mac said...

Uof Iowa

Notre Dame

Radio Silence:
Georgia College and State

Rutgers-Camden (is there anyone out there who tell me a little about the school? Thanks)

msipin said...

Friends, I have one acceptance! USF called me just a few minutes ago, and I'm overly ecstatic. With four rejections under my belt, it's overwhelming to finally hear good news.

virginia slim said...

Any JHU news in the FB group?

Mari said...

@Virginia Slim

FB rumors that JHU will do CNF notifications today and fiction by Tuesday- last year they emailed acceptances and left rejections to USPS.

lottery player said...


lottery player said...

Max, have you moved over to this thread? Terrible, this Stegner obsession... I was at least expecting to hear by now that *someone* heard in fiction, if not me. Maybe the lucky five are privately celebrating. Actually, when I think about it, I was on these blogs when I applied for mfa's, was accepted into all the schools I applied to, and didn't list that info in my excitement...oops. So, guess it's fair now if I just have to wait until April for my rejection slip.

Anonymous said...

@Unknown: Word on the FB group is that UW-Seattle is aiming to get the poetry word out "by the end of the quarter", which would be today. That said, the Pacific Northwest ain't known for its aggressive punctuality... I wouldn't worry if you haven't heard yet. ;)

daveeb said...

Has anyone heard anything from GCSU, U of Cincinnati, Ohio U, or Notre Dame? U of Cincinnati and GCSU will notify by 3/15. I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything yet. Thanks.

Lia said...

@Mari, poetry?
I know some reported poetry rejections letters here, but I've heard nothing else. And my mailbox and I are still in a stare-off.

It's terrible.

Bird said...

Just got offer via voicemail to UC - Boulder w/ 3 year teaching position. Fiction.

I didn't think this could happen to me.

Between last year and this one, I got 18 rejections in a row before this.

I can quit my job.

Love all you guys. If you're still waiting -- hang in there. I love you.

Lia said...

@Bird, this is wonderful!!!!!!!!

Claire said...

Waitlisted at Iowa State for CNF via email this afternoon.

Samantha said...

@Bird- Congratulations! That's awesome.

K-Mart said...

Has anyone heard from the following:

Iowa Nonfiction
Columbia Nonfiction
Hunter Nonfiction

I got into Pitt Nonfiction and rejected from Minnesota Nonfiction.

Samantha said...

Congratulations to you, too, Claire. It's great to see such a helpful person having success. I hope they follow up with an acceptance soon!

ElizabethBennet said...

What is going in Fiction with Columbia and Notre Dame? Also, has anyone heard anything from BU and is UMASS Boston done notifying for fiction. I'm freaking out.

Ypr222 said...


Umass Amherst

No response from:
UC Irvine
Alabama (probable rejection)

All are for fiction. Last year I was rejected from Florida via mail in early April.

The people who received rejections from Iowa, were they by mail or email?

Bird said...

@Lia & Tree#1 - Thank you!

@Ypr222 - I got my Iowa rejection by mail.

egordon28 said...

I'm waiting on Boston U for poetry and then I can know what I'm doing. So if (as I assume) BU doesn't come through I can send my deposit to Emerson. I'm happy either way.

I hope everything works out for everyone!

egordon28 said...

oh and to anyone else waiting on Boston U like I am... I read on the graduate admissions website that they send decisions via regular mail. We'll see, but I'm not holding my breath for an email. Also, I know for a fact (I live three blocks from BU) that their Spring break starts today.

PAH said...


That's all I got for now...

ElizabethBennet said...

@ egordon28 Does that mean that BU will not be notifying for a while or that they are done notifying ppl about acceptances?

Mari said...

No news,sorry

Dad Bubble and Me said...


somehow your story inspires. I only know you from maybe 7 posts about MFA programs, but I feel so happy for you. That's weird isn't it? Good luck, and enjoy every moment of it.

egordon28 said...


I havent heard of them notifying anyone. What I was trying to say is that perhaps it'll take them until at least after next week to notify people. It's a mystery though.

Brenda said...

Hunter for poetry, anyone out there?

Claire said...

BU has not, as far as I know, started notifying yet...breathe easy

Bird said...

@Dad Bubble and Me: Really nice of you to say. And I will.

I guess I can take a stab at some of your questions from the last thread, now:

-I don't have serious publications, so it wasn't that that got me in -- it was the writing sample. However, the program director indicated that transcripts and test scores were important in securing a TA position, since these are factors that the English Department and the graduate school care about. (This might be less of an issue in schools that fully fund everyone.)

-You mention knowing "lots of people in the system." I didn't know anybody with a link to my school, and I am horrible at networking.

-My writing sample was the first chapter of a novel -- not a "complete work" at all. Ends on a cliffhanger. I was worried about picking it over a short story, but I've been workshopping it over and over this past year, and I think it's my best piece. It has elements of magical realism, too, which may have worked against me for some schools. I have a feeling I'm lucky that Colorado has a genre-influenced writer on its committee.

Sorry if I don't have much concrete advice beyond the conventional wisdom: go with your best stuff. While researching faculty is certainly time well spent, it sounds sensationally difficult to try to arrange your portfolio around the tastes of a group of people that may not stay the same from one year to the next. (I'm curious: did anyone actually arrange their portfolios around specific faculty tastes?) Besides, even if I get rejected, I'd much rather be rejected over my best work than my second best.

All best to you!

Elizabeth Smith said...

@Amy I was wondering about your process with applying to schools in the UK, I'm interested in this as well and was looking at Glasgow, as a US student applying to a masters in creative writing in poetry, where do I need to start? Could you email me in case I miss it on here? It's Thanks :)

Max said...

I'm still here, @lotteryplayer, but without much to offer. Will continue to wander aimlessly, hoping for news...

lottery player said...

@Max, well at least we know there's another person out there with the same focus...

Art Film for Girls said...

Congrats to @msipin and @bird and anyone else who has received acceptances!

To answer some of these questions floating around, I have a couple of things published, but from years ago, so I didn't know if it was going to help me or make me look like my time had passed since I was on a roll for a bit and then my writing/publishing streak stopped once I got a full time job a few years ago.

Also, I have another Master's degree in Visual Art and it seemed like quite a few MFA programs wanted or accepted people who already had Master's degrees even though these weren't phD programs.

One thing I wish I had done prior to applying for Creative Writing MFA programs was submitting my writing to online and print publications that don't require a submission fee. I think those rejections and/or feedback (which some actually offer) would have helped me figure out my writing samples a bit more.

Good luck, everyone. I have a feeling we are going to hear a lot of things next week.

phrased said...

@Cookette: Is that San Francisco?

Catie J. said...

I've never commented here before and I feel like I'm a bit late to the party, but:
I'm in for Nonfiction at Emerson, which is the only program I applied to.

For those waiting for news from The New School, I may have some insight. I'm currently finishing up my undergrad there, and the university, as a whole, is a bureaucratic mess (but I'm still in love with the place!). They definitely stagger admissions decisions/notifications, and the admissions offices seem to be designed to give applicants the run-around (I'm pretty sure student workers are instructed to be vague and unhelpful). I definitely wouldn't abandon all hope if you're still waiting.

lottery player said...

ah well

Dad Bubble and Me said...


So basically it seems like almost every other type of artistic endeavor. Skill and luck happily colliding after dedicated persistent attempts.
Okay, here comes another green question for all of you experienced appliers. What are the best ways for someone to improve his/her writing outside of a university program? Does anyone know of any good online writer's workshops for poor folk?
I get the feeling like maybe I've set my sights too high. I should probably be applying undergrad, but I already have a BFA in theatre (and by the fall will have an MAT as well) and the thought of doing a whole undergrad program over again... and then a masters jeeesh.
I've checked multiple times and there are no writer's groups who meet in my area. I've also looked online but I find it confusing and a bit daunting to submit my work to just any old website and many of them require a fee. Any ideas?

By the way. For everyone making it into a program--before and after my own experience this year--I have a lot of respect for you and really think that's great. For those of you still waiting--including myself--stay strong. And for those of you feeling the rejection disease, make sure you combat it with a good dose of spectacular writing that you can use to apply next year.

anise said...


Congrats on Rutgers-Camden! I was accepted there as well and am currently trying to decide between it and other programs. It is a relatively new program (became an MFA program only a half decade ago) but, from everything I've heard and read, it is fabulous. I'd be happy to pass along all the info/impressions that I've gathered if you'd like. Here is my email, feel free to get in touch regarding the program:


Dad Bubble and Me said...

I have a bit of info about Rutgers Camden as well. Although not really about the writing program. The school may soon become part of Rowan University, and although the locals are unhappy about this, I can't see how this wouldn't be good for the students. It means more opportunity and money.
Do you live in the area? As a New Jersian I can tell you that Camden has a bit of a reputation for being dangerous. Not trying to scare you, just consider it and make sure to ask about housing and stuff.
But how can a writing program that exists in a city where Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass be bad?

egordon28 said...
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lottery player said...


Mac said...

@phrased: Rutgers is in New Jersey

@anise: Congrats on the acceptances. From what I've read so far, the program seems like a good fit. Not many schools have child lit courses and community service and international courses. Just found out from the director MFA students are spending spring break abroad. Not to mention one of their alums taught adjunct at Iowa so they can't be bad. Just looking for more info about the atmosphere so I'll definitely shoot you an email.

@Dad bubble: Thanks for the heads up. I've heard about the possible integration. The locals seem pretty upset, but I'm just concerned about how it would affect the MFA program. If I decide to go, I will probably not live in Camden.

FYI to anyone looking to get a vibe on a school's surrounding area without/before visiting, Google map's street view is a helpful tool.

Lia said...

Hey guys,

How does everyone feel about using Fellowship placement data to read something about a program?
Sounds like a duh-huh question, but I don't know if fellowships directly reward successful writing. I don't know otherwise--I just am unfamiliar with this.

I'm trying to weigh other stuff outside of funding and word of mouth.

Anyone said...

Is NYU continuing to be silent with everyone else? Only acceptances so far and no rejections? This waiting is so difficult.

lottery player said...

Where are all the stegner applicatns? I applied a few years ago- at the same time as mfa apps, and didn't get in obviously. But I do seem to recall a lot of people playing the waiting game back then online. BTW, congrats to all of you approaching the mfa now. It's completely worth it.

sarah said...

@Bird Congrats on your acceptance -- I got my BA at CU Boulder in creative writing (fiction) and I loved it. Such a wonderful and helpful faculty. Plus Boulder is seriously beautiful. One of the reasons I've put off applying to MFAs until now is that I didn't want to leave Colorado! Although looking like I may not have to...

Two rejections and still waiting on:

UW Seattle
Colorado State
UC Irvine

Mari said...

Got a waitlist letter (snail mail) from Johns Hopkins today. Fiction.

WVU (with funding)
Maryland (with no clue whether there's funding)


Still no word:
New Orleans
Florida (assumed rejection)

mike333 said...

Hey party people,
Has Brown made offers yet? I know a bunch of people seem to have gotten rejection e-mails from brown (which I haven't, so I'm holding out hope), but I have no clue whether anyone's reported getting an offer yet. As someone who's not on the facebook group, any help would be greatly appreciated.

violet24 said...

columbia acceptance today...

Max said...

@lotteryplayer: wondering the same thing. I've even heard that in the past there was chatter about the specific night phone calls were being made. I am similarly confused by the silence.

lottery player said...

@Max -maybe it's too action-movie to really consider, but maybe those called are told not to make it public for some reason! Time, for me, to move off the board and stop obsessing. Good luck to all. Will write if I hear anything.

violet24 said...

so if someone's been waitlisted at hopkins, should we assume the acceptances have gone out already?

Sarena said...

@Bird I'm a current MFA student at CU Boulder. If you have any questions about the program, or if you decide to come, send me an email at sarena[dot]ulibarri[at]colorado[dot]edu And if you don't already know about it, you can learn more about who we are (the current students, not the faculty) at our unofficial blog, The Swaggregate:

Elizabeth Smith said...

Does anyone know how many people Boise State accepted for poetry this year? I'm on the waiting list still so I'm trying to figure out my odds since I really want to go there. I know at least one poetry applicant that has accepted, and they normally accept 2 or 3, but I don't know which they went with this year.

Also I know there's been quite a few poetry acceptances at Indiana around February 23 and I've pretty much given up hope, but I haven't received a rejection still. Has anyone received one yet, or know where they're at in their process? Someone said earlier that there application online says In Review, but mine still only says submitted.

TG said...

@Max, Lottery: I'm waiting for Stegner as well, along with a few other fellowship programs I've applied to. This is my first year so I'm not quite sure what to expect/competition etc.
Are there any others you two have applied to? The one I really want is FAWC. Really hoping, praying I have a shot there.

Scribbles said...

@Dad Bubble -
This is my second time applying for mfa programs. Went through the gamut right after undergrad with an abysmal GPA and half-completed writing sample. Obviously, it didn't get me anywhere (I'd applied to 7). Three years later, I reapplied, but to 4 only due to lack of funds. So far I've gotten 2 waitlists and 1 rejection (Cornell).

What made it different this time around? Well, for starters, I dedicated an entire year to creative writing (quit my FT job) and started submitting my work to various lit mags. The creative process was one of rediscovery, having traveled abroad for the first time as well as facing a personal tragedy a few months before. As of 2011, I've been pubbed in print and online in various publications (I forget the count, 13 or so). I also took the GREs & scored well, hopefully offsetting my GPA.

Samantha said...

@violet24- I was wondering the same thing. I'm hoping there's still a chance they haven't, but it doesn't seem likely.

Jesse said...
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ElizabethBennet said...

@violet24 You received an acceptance from Columbia on a Saturday? Wow. First of all, congrats and secondly, was it through email, mail, or phone?

lottery player said...

@TG-- I only applied to Stegner, sadly, which is why I call myself lottery player--I would think even among the most qualified it's kind of a lottery just numbers wise. Couldn't do the others this year due to location concerns, etc. Best of luck to you :-)

Mari said...

@Virginia Slim

Hopkins notified accepted poets on Feb 23-- sorry.

Jenn G. said...




UC Boulder


UW Seattle
U of Oregon

TG said...

@Lottery: Thanks. And if you hear any chatter about Provincetown, do let me know or point me in that direction.

violet24 said...

@elizabethbennett - thanks! It was via phone ... They really seem to be staggering, so I'm sure they're not done yet...

Sarah said...

I'm still waiting to hear back from Hollins, University of South Carolina, UNC Wilmington, and Sarah Lawrence for CNF. Hopefully this week, right?
Got into SCAD—posted about this before but not sure if I got a reply. Does anyone know anything about SCAD's Writing MFA program? It's strictly nonfiction and looks appealingly comprehensive, but I hear a lot of mixed reviews about the school itself. I'm not sure how strong their writing program is and if it's worth the cost.
I appreciate any insight!

P! said...

Hello, everyone!
Less than a year ago I was reading this blog as I prepared for the whole grad school application process.
Now I get to join the conversation!

University of Massachusetts-Boston
Columbia College, Chicago

Brooklyn College
Boston University

Good luck/congratulations to everyone else :-)

Andrea Ruggs said...

Anyone hear anything about McNeese Fiction or U of Miami?

lottery player said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nicole hoelle (pronounced Holly) said...

I was rejected by Tisch in NYC but was invited to apply to Tisch Asia and it looks like I was accepted into that program. Does anybody know if they are just looking to get anybody over into that program because they're fledgling? And, therefore, offer spots indiscriminately or are they, in fact, selective in the tradition of Tisch? Has anyone else been offered a spot at Tisch Asia? Also, does anyone know anything about the program?

WildeMum said...

Hey livrerouge! Finally, some more New School news: rejections go out March keep on keepin' on until then. I know. It stucks royally that they make us wait that long. What can you do? Good luck!

egordon28 said...

Another trip to the mailbox...another day of no word from BU. I just need to know so that this waiting game is over and I can know exactly what school I'll be attending. Frustration.

MFABlogger said...

I was wait-listed at Rutgers Camden! This is a great opportunity so I REALLY hope a spot will open up in the next few days!

msipin said...

Hello everyone! I was accepted into the New School by mail and email on Saturday for fiction. I'll love to hear more about the school from current students or alums. I've heard mixed reviews about the program and I would like to know how much one-on-one time does MFA students have with faculty.

Thank you everyone! I'm still waiting on a few more schools. Good luck!


blackhound said...

Anybody, any word re. Wichita State?

SpunkyJess said...


Re: Indiana, did you receive anything official?

I haven't heard a peep, though I suspect the worst...

Laura Dimmit said...

I don't know if anyone else has made note of this, so I apologize if I'm providing duplicate information, but
BU's website says we can expect to hear from them in either the last week of March or the first week in April.

Unknown said...

anyone else heard from UW Seattle poetry? There's one acceptance on the facebook group... I wonder if they're done notifying.

sinkingslowly21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ElizabethBennet said...

Has there been any word about Notre Dame, UCI, or Sarah Lawrence?

ElizabethBennet said...

@ lkdimmit Thanks for the info!

blackhound said...

Consumed with morosity about my prospects, Harold Bloom's fanged wit and criticism is the only thing that brings a smile to my face.

cerclerouge said...

Hi GG-

Just got a letter - waitlisted at the New School. Sigh.

Teesha Noelle Murphy said...

What's the word, Montana fiction?

Anonymous said...

Just rejected for fiction by said they had a record number of applicants.

That makes 5 rejections, 4 more assumed, and 2 unknowns. Not handling the stress well.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anyone said...

Has anyone been wait listed or rejected by NYU yet? Specifically for fiction? Thanks for any info in advance.

Anyone said...

Hang in there, Caitlin, I understand how you feel. I only applied to two schools, have been rejected from one, and have heard absolutely nothing from the other. I've seen people on here accepted but no one has mentioned wait list notifications or rejections and the anxiety of just waiting and waiting is awful.

egordon28 said...


Thank you for this priceless piece of information. Now I can stop obsessively checking the mail every morning. That is, until the last week of March. Le sigh.

mehitabel said...

I got a phone call from UW late last week, so it's quite possible they haven't made all the calls yet.

humblepie said...

Accepted today by University of Houston for fiction via email. Two acceptances thus far (Houston and Idaho) and two waitlists (Ohio State and Indiana). Waiting to hear from:
Florida State
Boise State
Johns Hopkins
Southern Illinois
Old Dominion

mehitabel said...

Here's my current tally for poetry:



UW Seattle

No word yet:

Monica said...

CaitlinM, I was rejected by McNeese this afternoon, too (fiction). Also got a rejection from a lit journal about 5 minutes after I got the email from McNeese.

That brings my tally to 2 official rejections (Syracuse and McNeese), at least 2 assumed (LSU and Ok State), and 6 unknowns (Wichita, ODU, GSU, GCSU, Ole Miss, NMSU).

Art Film for Girls said...

Wait-listed via postal mail today for University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (did anyone else apply there?) for Fiction.

Rejected via email today for McNeese, which is fine since I really didn't want to go there.

All in all, this makes:

3 acceptances: Northern Michigan University, University of Arizona, and Texas State University.

1 Wait-list: UNM-Albuquerque

5 rejections: Iowa, Michigan, Wyoming, Oregon State, and McNeese

4 Silences: Arizona State, Virginia Tech, UT-El Paso, and Boise State

DH said...

For Poetry:

Brown (rejected)
Illinois U-C (rejected)
U. of Kansas (rejected)
McNeese (waitlisted)
West Virginia

Still to hear anything from WVU though I'm assuming rejection.

scott_atl said...

Hate to bring you bad news, but according to an update on Ole Miss' website,they've already notified their top choices and waitlisters, and rejections are coming via snail mail.

Very Nice, how much said...

@ Art Film for Girls

Awesomesauce on Texas State! What's the likelihood you'd attend? I'm waiting on funding but overall the program seems pretty cool. Any news on Arizona State? I haven't heard a thing.

Anonymous said...


Were you waitlisted for fiction, poetry, or cnf?


Ypr222 said...

Rejected via email today from:

McNeese State

Wait Listed at Houston.

Still waiting to hear from:

UC Irvine

These are all for fiction.

j a w z said...

so -- any word about jhu or uc-irvine fiction in facebook world?

Me said...

For those thinking about Columbia College Chicago, the fiction department is about to undergo major restructuring. The department has been standing alone as its own entity with a unique pedagogy. Now it's looking like it will be absorbed into the English department. I'm not speaking to whether it will be a good or bad thing, but it might be a hellish transition for incoming grad students. I debated whether I should post anything about it, but if I were moving into a new house, I'd want to know if previous tenants had spotted patches of mold.

Max said...

@lottery, @TG: Just touching base. No buzz, right? I just find it so hard to believe that if the fiction honorees had been named that no one would have any idea. After all, we (I) at least know by name two of the poetry winners. (As opposed to just vague chatter that poetry calls had been made -- see what I mean?)

cerclerouge said...


The wait list letter was for Fiction at the New School.

Have you heard anything else?

Shady said...

NY State of Mind--

New School

Anyone said...

Are those all the schools you applied to or that you've already heard back from? Any results so far? Also are you fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction?

Anonymous said...

I applied to the New School also but have not heard anything. I've seen several acceptances on this blog--but those folks seemed to have received emails along with snail mail. I'm actually a little disappointed bc I'll be out of town and unable to check mail for the next 10 days. Usually when the waitlists go out, we can assume rejections based on lack of correspondence. But you should feel optimistic about being waitlisted--they are a large program and will probably pull more than a few from it. Good luck!

Sarah said...

Rejected from Hollins yesterday, accepted at Sarah Lawrence today (for CNF).
Keep 'em coming!

Matt said...

Am I the only one waiting on Bowling Green? It would be awesome if that were the case...but anyway, has anyone heard anything from them?

SpunkyJess said...

@Matt re: BGSU

Poetry calls were made yesterday to at least three folks based on FB.

I didn't see anything about waitlist notifications and rejections haven't gone out yet I don't think (but I assume it's coming).

I'm pretty disappointed...sorry if that brings bad news to you as well.

Sirrah said...

The final numbers:
U of S (by email, Jan 25)

UW-Madison (by email, Feb 17)
UVic (by online status check Feb 26, followed by a stupidly worded snail mail letter ("program reached its capacity"??, Mar 7)
Michener* (didn't hear from them by Mar 10)
Guelph-Humber** (by phone call, Mar 13)

* anyone else apply to Michener but fail to get all their documents in on time and thus have their application cancelled?

** Guelph-Humber has made their decisions for the 12 spots. Presuming they contacted the accepted folks directly. Are sending out rejection letters by mail so if you really want to know, you ought to call.

Guess I know where I'm going!

Anonymous said...

Any FB updates on VCU or ODU for fiction? I think someone posted here about VCU, but just looking for any news to get me through the day...

lottery player said...

@Max, yeah.... I wish I could say that makes me still hopeful. But, it's unheard of- from any records- that the acceptance calls would go out this late. IT's always March 5 or sooner I think. No idea why no buzz this year! And had only heard of one poet, actually- where did you hear of these acceptances?

Jolly Green Giant said...

For Poetry:

Sarah Lawrence
The New School
Hunter College

Have heard nary a word. Any information, good friends?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lottery player said...

@Mx and TG- five minutes later, here's my official rejection by email. You?

lottery player said...

@Mx and TG- five minutes later, here's my official rejection by email. You?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

whoops.. i meant UNH-durham

Jolly Green Giant said...

@Anonymous- Where did Hunter post the acceptances? I cannot find it anywhere.

blackbutrfly said...

Anyone hear from Hamline?

I am waitlisted at Minnesota, via email.


Anonymous said...
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Max said...

@lottery, TG: same. Hurts more than I thought it would.

c said...

i'm checking to see if any poetry applicants have heard from columbia college chicago. I know fiction notifications went out a good week to two weeks ago but I haven't heard anything on poetry.

virginia slim said...

I'm amazed we haven't heard more from Hopkins fiction applicants. Only the one waitlist letter from @Mari.

Anything on the FB page that I'm missing?

Anonymous said...

Just to let everyone know, Vanderbilt has finally confirmed and sent me a rejection. Maybe GCSU will send an acceptance soon?

Mac said...

Just got a rejection e-mail from Vanderbilt. Still waiting for 6 other schools.

nicole hoelle (pronounced Holly) said...

Has anybody heard from UC Riverside?

Anyone said...

Someone posted a rejection from UC Riverside on gradcafe. A while ago.

blackhound said...

It's semi-official (e-mail). Denied admission to Boise State. Offical being forwarded via U.S. post.

Lia said...

Does anyone know UVirginia notification times per last year?

Samantha said...

@virginia slim- I was thinking the same thing. I can't wait for my class to end so I can check the mail. I'm really surprised we haven't heard more. I also haven't heard much about FSU in fiction, but it seems like they would have notified acceptances by now.

MAB said...

@virginia slim & Tree#1

I rec'd a Hopkins (fiction) rejection ltr on Saturday via snail mail. It was dated March 1, so they must have been sitting on it for a while before it went out.

Samantha said...

@MAB- Thanks for the update. I think my letter will probably be in the mail when I get home.

ElizabethBennet said...

@ Sarah Congrats on getting accepted into Sarah Lawrence. Are you for Fiction, Poetry, or CNF? Also, in what form did you receive your acceptance? Again, congrats!

JQM said...

I've been accepted at both University of Arizona and University of Montana. I'm having a ton of difficulty deciding between them. Any thoughts?

JQM said...

Their poetry programs, btw.

virginia slim said...

@MAB, @Tree#1, still nothing in the mail from Hopkins. I wonder what the hold up is. I'm in Virginia, after all, so it doesn't take that long to get mail from Baltimore. Maybe no news is good news? Seems contrary to the usual process, but I'll go with that for now.

Samantha said...

@virginia slim & MAB- My mailbox was empty, too. Still hoping there's hope.

jdabrowski315 said...
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mike333 said...

Did you just get an e-mail from them apropos of nothing? Or did you contact someone in the dept and ask for an update? Just wondering because I haven't heard a thing . . .

popmartyr said...

Mississippi just sent out their poetry rejections!

Anonymous said...

nothing from BU??

Monica said...

Has anyone heard from the following schools:

Georgia State sent me an email today saying they forwarded my appl to English dept, which I thought was weird since I applied over a month ago and had all my materials in for quite a while now.

bloodisthenewblack said...

Columbia University

Still Waiting for:
Sarah Lawrence
The New School

All for poetry, by the way.

Sergio Serrano said...




:D! Though decision.

nicole hoelle (pronounced Holly) said...

Thank you for letting me know. Nicole

Jolly Green Giant said...

@bloodisthenewblack- waiting on those same schools! hopefully tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow (creeps in this petty place from day to day.)

JAKE said...

Has anyone heard back from University of Oregon?

JAKE said...

Has anyone heard back from University of Oregon?

Chasch said...

So if anyone is on the UBC waiting list, they've called the first wave—I got my offer in Fiction yesterday.

As of yet my only other offer is at London City's Novel Writing program in the UK. Decisions decisions...

blackhound said...

mike 333 - I received an exceedingly brusk email from the graduate school stating my status as "rejected" and indicating that as emails were not completely without technical difficulties, a formal letter would follow.

blackhound said...

monica - I also have heard nothing from Wichita and you are the only other poster to mention that program as far as I can tell.

Please, let me know if you do hear something.

blackhound said...

mike 333 - I received an exceedingly brusk email from the graduate school stating my status as "rejected" and indicating that as emails were not completely without technical difficulties, a formal letter would follow.

Very Nice, how much said...

Friends, anyone.

what's the beef with Florida State and Arizona State.

I haven't heard a peep for either and according to response times, they should have notified.

For FSU, does anyone know of fiction acceptances?

Please any news. Those are the final two schools on my list that I still have some lingering hope for.

RnR said...

re: wichita

word from the fb group is that they have not notified yet, but will do so by april 1.

Sarah said...

@ElizabethBennet They notified me via email, and it was for CNF.
Good luck!

GirlieGirl said...

I only applied to a poetry MFA at 3 schools, had NO idea how competitive this was.

Rejected from Brooklyn College, although I haven't received my "official" rejection letter, I received a letter from the dept. head telling me I hadn't been accepted but asking me to apply to their MA instead.

Long-listed at Hunter College (just received their email yesterday, have an interview with them later this week).

Still waiting to hear from The New School.

Art Film for Girls said...

Rejected from Virginia Tech for Fiction this morning via email prompting me to log into my application to check the status that had been made.

Excerpt: "The main reason for this decision is that the Creative Writing program has already accepted the maximum number of students its faculty can support."

This makes me want to log into all the other applications for schools I haven't heard form. Unfortunately, I'm scared and won't actually do that just yet.

English Professor said...

@ Very nice and anyone applying at Arizona State--I live in AZ and I foolishly only applied for one program--ASU's MFA non-fiction. I had no idea how competitive it was.

Basically, I haven't heard anything about NF, but on another board--I saw that a poetry MFA was accepted. He/She wrote that they were 1 of 10 people chosen out of 260. I don't know if that was Poetry only (260) or if that includes non-fiction, too. We shall see...but I am so nervous--I feel like I am waiting to hear back from Harvard!!! :-)

Lisa said...

There's been one FSU fiction acceptance on the Draft FB page. I don't know if they've contacted everyone yet. Hopefully not. Good luck everyone!

Bird said...

Just accepted to Old Dominion via e-mail. No funding offered, though it is known to "open up".

Samantha said...

@Lisa- Thanks for the info. Do you know if the FSU acceptance was via email or phone?

Lisa said...


Phone. I'm hoping they call meeee! I'm giving it until Friday until I get nervous but I want to keep studying there. Great program.

Samantha said...

@Lisa- Thanks and good luck!

Courtney said...

Bird! Another one! So awesome!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Still waiting on Columbia College Chicago CNF. Waitlisted last year so I have my fingers crossed for this year. I called the grad admissions office on 3/12 and they said letters had not been sent yet for CNF (I didn't ask about poetry but if you call they'll tell you) and they were hoping to send them out by the end of this week. If that's the case, then with the Chicago mail system I don't think I can realistically expect to hear anything before mid-next week.

mike333 said...

That blows. Sorry to hear that. I expect I'll be getting one of those fairly soon, too.

Gabes said...

Several New Orleans acceptances in fiction (by email) just now on the FB page. That's the full-residency program, btw.

ElizabethBennet said...

I was just accepted to George Mason University via email. They didn't say much about any financial aid, except that they would let me know before April 15th! I applied in Fiction.

Samantha said...

I know some people have gotten JHU rejection and waitlist letters, but has anyone heard of any acceptances?

@ElizabethBennet- Congratulations!

Monica said...

Blackhound, I haven't heard anyone mention it either, except the above poster who says they'll notify by April 1st. I'm guessing not many people applied to Wichita.

I just got in at New Mex State via email. They offered me a spot but without an assistantship. Does that mean no scholarship? I'm guessing it does, but I'll email them back tonight to see what's up. I'm just thankful I got even one acceptance after getting nothing but rejections. Here's my list so far, and please let me know if y'all have heard from any of the ones I haven't heard from:

--LSU (not officially yet)
--Ok State (not officially yet)
--Ole Miss
--Old Dom (assuming rejection since someone said they were notified already)

--New Mex

--GA State
--Georgia College

Sirrah said...

@Art Film for Girls and others who have received rejections like this: WTF! We can't accept you because we're full? Because this is a first-come, first-served process? Is this how the letters are always worded? I'm sorry, but "we're full" is not a reason. I don't understand it.

ElizabethK said...

@Sirrah Seriously, MFA programs aren't hot dog stands, right? I'm disturbed by that as well.

Has anyone heard from Antioch for poetry yet?

Ann said...
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Ann said...


how did hunter notify you of rejection? i still haven't heard from them, but see that others have been accepted, rejected and waitlisted. why can't they just tell everyone at the same time?!

Eric Blix said...
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Anyone said...

Hunter emailed me a link to my online application. It had a status available link on it when I signed in and clicking on it took me to a standard rejection letter.

ElizabethBennet said...

@Tree#1 Thanks so much. I was quite surprised by it, really.

Has anyone heard anything from Notre Dame or UCI? What's going on with Johns Hopkins? At this time I have pretty much lost all hope for's such a bummer.

..... said...

Any Carbondale or U San Fran notices?

phrased said...

@.....: Nothing from USF, yet. I feel like they said something about getting to people by the end of March mid April in their info meeting. Then again, I could just be making that up...

Anyone said...

Someone posted an acceptance to Univ of San Fran on grad cafe in nonfiction today.

bentonwrtr said...

does anyone ever get rejected from Columbia University?

TG said...

Yup, me too and two other friends. Actually doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Next year!

Melissa said...
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