Thursday, January 24, 2013


Now that all those applications are done, it's time to sit back, relax, drink a glass of wine....yeah, OK, we know.  But in between excessively checking your email/mailbox and panicking over never-before-seen typos, we thought you might take this opportunity to share with your fellow applicants your list of programs, and then, as the news comes in, your list of acceptances and....that other thing we won't talk about.  Comment away!


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TheIronCage said...

My second application cycle, having been accepted to Temple last year with no funding and wait listed at George Mason. Here's the list:

MN State-Mankato
Florida State
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Notre Dame
Washington U
George Mason
Temple (deferred enrollment, back in the pool for funding)
Northern Michigan
Ohio State
UC Boulder

This is for fiction, by the way.

Unknown said...

First time around, nonfiction:

California State
Oregon State
Florida State
U of Memphis

Chick Mystique said...

First application cycle, applying to the following in nonfiction:

Sarah Lawrence
Ohio State
Old Dominion [if I ever get the application done]

Anonymous said...

First time applicant in fiction. I'm only applying to Arkansas this year. If I don't get in, I'll apply to more next year.

Unknown said...


Hamline (full-res)
U of Maryland
Boston U
UMass Amherst

Got an acceptance phone call from Hamline last month. All else has been silent, but I know it's still early.

Eric said...

Iowa only (fiction). Crazy, I know.

Susan said...

First time applicant, applying in fiction to:

UMass Amherst

Feeling despondent about the odds of getting in anywhere. So many talented applicants out there, so few seats in any given program. But what the heck - might as well give it a shot.

Chris Schumerth said...

First-time applicant in nonfiction. Here's the list, in no particular order:

Notre Dame
South Carolina
West Virginia
Oregon State
Ohio State
Georgia State & College University

Chris Schumerth said...
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Unknown said...


U of Oregon
Michener Center
Arizona State

I have yet to hear back from anyone...

wScott said...

Looks like Lorrie Moore just accepted a position at Vandy. It was already my top choice but now it's something of a crown jewel.

My (fiction program) list:
UMass Amherst

Fingers crossed.

Unknown said...

Pitched a tent by my mailbox; it's winter everywhere else but South Carolina, so I'll make it.

Fiction applications went to:

VA Tech
Ole Miss
McNeese State

Good luck to all fellow applicants.
-Brian D.

Josh said...

First-time applicant in poetry:

Michener Center
U. Va.
Indiana U.
Washington U. in St. Louis
U. Mass. Amherst
U. Mich. Ann Arbor

The wait is starting to get to me (as evidenced by my cathartic post). Good luck, everyone.

Meghan Drummond said...

First time applicant in Fiction/ Young Adult writing. Applied to:
The New School
University of Florida
Florida State University
California College of the Arts

Waiting is totally the hardest part.

Lucas M. said...

This is my first time around for fiction. My list:

Iowa State
Ohio State
Bowling Green
Washington University in St. Louis
UT-Austin (Dept. of English)

Woahthere! said...

Not my first time around.

My list for fiction:


It was longer in November and just shrunk as the new year neared. I am definitely going to apply again next year.

K said...

Second Go Around. Two years since first applying, but still not confident about anything. Went big school-wise though. Suspect I might be looking at a third round.

Notre Dame
Wash U

O.A said...
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O.A said...

First time Fiction applicant, I had a list of 11 but ended up applying to four, here is my list:

UMASS Amherst
Sarah Lawrence
American U (Accepted with possible full-scholarship)

S.C. said...


Three MFA programs:

American University, (Washington, D.C.) I was accepted with possible full-scholarship :)

Hunter College, (NYC)

University of Minnesota, (Twin Cities)

Moll said...

Congrats to those who have heard good news already! This waiting is killing me.

Applying for fiction:
UC Irvine
Umass Amherst
Washington Univ in St Louis
Brooklyn College
The New School
Hunter College

Anna Nimh said...

First time applicant in Fiction.

UCSD (accepted!)
Ole Miss (made it to phase II)
UT Austin - New Writers
UT Austin - Michener
UMass Amherst
UC Irvine
Rutgers - Newark
New Orleans

soup e nuts said...

I'm a poetry applicant. This is my second year applying. Last year I was waitlisted at UMass Boston and made it to the final selection round at BU. I'm feeling very confident this year in applying to:

U Wisconsin, Madison
U Iowa
U Arizona, Tuscon
Boston U
UMass Boston
Syracuse U
U Minnesota, Twin Cities

Best of luck to everyone!

letters said...

How will we make it through february??

Carla said...

First time applicant in fiction:
UT Austin--New Writers
UMass Amherst

I'm usually wishing February away (winter here) but this is going to be a little bit like willed time travel.

Unknown said...

This is not my first year applying for an MFA, but I think it's the first time I've felt so relaxed about this period just before the notifications begin. To be honest, a small part of me would not mind getting rejected (or accepted without funding, which I've been through) again. I have a career and a home and a relationship here, and my writing career is proceeding nicely without an MFA. Of course, an MFA program would be an exciting change and it's something I've been interested in for years. So I feel like it's a win-win -- if I get in, that's great, but if not, I've got a lot going for me already.

Of course, I can say all this and act all cool when it's not even February yet. Talk to me in a month and see how I feel about MFA news then...

Susie Derkins said...

Woke up this morning to a rejection from the Michener Center (fiction). First of the season. Still 14 more schools to hear back from.

Although I didn't expect to be admitted, it still upset me more than I thought it would. Notification came via an automated email to check the website.

Best of luck to the other applicants!

Tim Sardepartment said...

Didn't make it through to Phase II at Ole Miss. Obviously a bad sign for the rest of my apps if I couldn't even make it past round one!!

Good luck to everyone.

Marie said...

First time around:
The other UT one (New Writers Project)
U of Michigan
Western Mich
Northern Mich
U of Minnesota
West Virginia

Michener told me no today... so maybe if you haven't been denied yet you've got hope :)

Marie said...

Oh yeah I'm doing fiction

Robert said...

Does anyone know if Washington University in St. Louis has made fiction notifications yet? This is right around the time they notified last year.

J S said...

First time applicant, fiction:

Columbia Chicago
Southern Illinois - Carbondale
University of Iowa
Wichita State
University of Minnesota

Moll said...

I haven't heard anything about Wash U yet, though I'm not on the Facebook group. Maybe someone on that group can up date us pretty please?

Blue said...

Moll, no one on the Facebook group has reported an acceptance from WashU yet...
Also, I applied to:

Ole Miss
Washington Univeristy
Florida State
Georgia College and State

Blue said...

By the way, that was for fiction, and all I have heard so far is that I did make it to phase 2 for Ole Miss:)

Moll said...

Thanks, Blue. And congrats on Ole Miss!

letters said...

When has WUSTL contacted before February?

Jason said...
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Kholera Jones said...
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Kholera Jones said...

First time fiction:

U of Indiana, Bloomington
Ole Miss
VA Tech

Got the round 2 acceptance from Ole Miss last week. VA Tech sent me a friendly email two days ago saying they like me like me (writing sample and prior publications) and to sit tight. VA Tech has my heart right now, will see what Indiana and 'Bama have to say.

yogithecat said...

second app cycle for poetry:

West Virginia U
Northern Michigan U
Eastern Washington U
Oklahoma State
New Mexico State

Word is that West Virginia acceptances usually go out at the end of February/first week of March.

Jeff Conolly said...

First time: Fiction.

University of Michigan
Western Michigan
Northern Michigan
Ohio State
Bowling Green
Indiana University

No word from anywhere yet. Meanwhile eating my shirt collar.

EB said...

First time Fiction:

North Carolina State
Johns Hopkins
UMass Amherst
UMass Boston
Washington in St. Louis
U New Orleans

Michener rejection yesterday, no other word so far.

Unknown said...

So is the MFA Research Project not posting notification dates this year?

Blue said...

Well, someone (not me) has just reported a Wash U acceptance in the Facebook draft group... I believe it happened about an our ago or so, by email. Congrats to her:) and good luck to everyone else!

Robert said...

Hi Blue, Thanks for the info! Do you know if that was a poetry or fiction acceptance?

Shank said...

Hello. Old man, first time applying.

Ole Miss
Johns Hopkins
West Virginia

No from Michener and silence form Ole MIss
Yes from Pitt but no funding
Waiting for the rest.

Shank said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Blue said...

Robjiv21, it was for fiction.

Evan Corl said...

Very uncertain first-timer in fiction:

Arizona State University
Florida Atlantic University
New Mexico State University
Northern Arizona University
University of Arizona
University of Houston
University of Miami (assuming they accept my day-late writing sample...)
University of Nevada
University of New Mexico
University of Texas, English
University of Texas, Michener (denied, obviously...)

letters said...
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letters said...

fiction at washington (guess a rejection?), notre dame, syracuse, cornell, iowa, u of oregon, wyoming...

Unknown said...
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J said...

:-D thanks

J said...

uhh and I'm also Jamie Erickson lolol I have too many accounts.

letters said...

For those without facebooks, just some random/useful info- last year there were two Washington U acceptances via email on feb 15 (as well as feb 1)

K said...

Thanks W. That's interesting. I wonder if the later responses were people on a waitlist that were ultimately accepted?

In general, does Wash U let folks know if they've been waitlisted?

letters said...

I suspect yes, either very fast off the waitlist, or staggered notification because of how the funding is distributed (fellowship vs TA/teaching), maybe, or simply, a mistake in the facebook data gathering...

Unknown said...

First time

New Writers Project
Florida State
Miami University
University of Arizona
George Mason
UNC Greensboro

oh the anxiety!!!

JacobE said...

First time for Fiction:

Minnesota - Minneapolis
Ole Miss (didn't make it to second phase)
UMass Amherst
U Maryland
U South Carolina
Nevada- Las Vegas
Louisiana SU

Anybody have any idea when Amherst usually sends out notifications?


VgF said...

WashU waitlist email this morning.

K said...

Congrats Glen!

Moll said...

Contrats Glen.

Just got my Wash U rejection email (fiction).

Anonymous said...

I just got an email rejection from Washington University St. Louis (2/4). Text of the email is pretty standard:

Thank you for your application to the Creative Writing Program at Washington University in St. Louis. I’m sorry to be writing to say that we are not able to admit you at this time.

This year—for the third year in a row—we received an unprecedented number of applications, many of which were very strong. However, we were limited to admitting only 12 students—six in each genre. As is true each year, we had far too many candidates whose work we felt was promising and worthy. The sheer volume of applications we receive makes it impossible for us to make individual comments, but know that each application was read carefully by our staff of writers. We truly believe our decision should not be taken as a reflection of your work but rather of the level of competitiveness in this field. We hope and expect that many applicants whom we don’t accept will gain entry into other programs – had we the resources to accept more of you ourselves, we gladly would have – just as we regretfully presume that we will have under-appreciated some of your work.

Thank you again for your interest in the Writing Program at Washington University. We do wish you the best of luck with your work and your career.

Unknown said...

First time applying. Fiction.

Michener Center(Rejection)
Washington in St. Louis(Rejection)
VA Polytech
WV Morgantown
Carbondale Il.

Unknown said...

Got my rejection (poetry) from Wash U today. That's the first school I've heard from. Congrats to everyone who's gotten good news so far! Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone else:)

SnackAttack said...
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Blue said...

Rejection from Wash U today...
Congratulations Glen!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello, all! I just wanted to wish everyone good luck, and let those of you applying to West Virginia University (which seems like a healthy dose!) know that I'm available to answer any questions you may have. I'm a first-year in the program. Feel free to email me at:

To answer one person's question--three people that I know of, myself included, all received acceptance phone calls last year from WVU on February 18th. I remember the date quite clearly, partially because it was a Saturday night and I missed the call.

VgF said...

Should have specified: the WUSTL wait list was for fiction. Thanks for all the good vibes. Sending 'em back out to all of you!

Contessa said...
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Contessa said...

UT Michener
Wash U
Indiana U
Johns Hopkins
Northern Michigan

Waitlisted at Wash U as of yesterday

Ralphie said...
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SnackAttack said...

Have been trying to stay off this site to preserve what's left of my sanity, but I give up. I'm insane.

First time applicant in poetry, and I went big: Iowa, Cornell, Michigan, Purdue, Brown, Boston, Hopkins, Texas.

I've heard nothing from no one. How about some angst-ridden haiku?

Heard nothing today.
Refreshing email, waiting
in my tuxedo.*

*Thank you, Seth Fried:

Thought the WVU student post was particularly kind. And to those of us who receive rejections, repeat after me: I've been called worse by better.


Unknown said...

Woke up to a rejection from U of Arizona today (nonfiction). Wasn't holding out much hope anyway.

Unknown said...

My name is Barrett Smith, and I've been trying to get into the Facebook draft group for several months. Can someone please notify an Admin or accept my request?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Umass amherst started calling today for poetry

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Barrett....MFA Draft says to quit, and start again!

Unknown said...

vbrewste, any word on fiction responses for Amherst?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

No, but last year they notified the fiction folks a full day after poetry....I am anxiously waiting!

Unknown said...

We're sharing a fairly large boat on that front, I'm sure.

Susan said...

Does anyone know how many fiction writers UMass Amherst typically accepts?

SnackAttack said...

Anyone else have "In progress" after their Application Status for Cornell? Seems it should say "Complete" by now, as I've had everything in since November. Both Michigan and Brown use the same system, and they both say "Complete". Weird.

SnackAttack said...
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Molly said...

Subscribing! I applied in fiction to:

UMass Amherst
Johns Hopkins
UC Davis

I've heard zero, zilch, from any and all parties so far.

letters said...

Umass day is today, is now

Unknown said...

SnackAttack, same here on Cornell, but I think that likely means they're making decisions by voting on each application (just like submittable--Received vs. In Progress).

Also, according to the data on MFA Research Project, they contact accepted students like clockwork on the Fridays in February, so it's not unlikely that they're making decisions now.

Molly said...

W, do you mean fiction as well?

Contessa said...

snackattack, mine says complete and I submitted way later than you. You should probably look into that.

letters said...

Yes, reported phone calls/voicemails/emails in both genres

Unknown said...

Contessa, as long as Snack's letters and transcripts are in (and application is listed as "submitted"), I don't think it's a problem.

Per the e-mail Cornell sent out last month: "If any other critical materials are missing which prevents us from reviewing your application, I will email you asking for the missing documents."

Woahthere! said...

There's been one acceptance to UMass in fiction on Facebook today. Via phone....

Woahthere! said...
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Moll said...

Hey, Just want to say thanks to all of you posting the facebook updates over here. As a non-facebooker I really appreciate it.

Now back to staring at my phone in the hopes that UMass Amherst calls...

Woahthere! said...

Sorry. Before the fiction acceptance there was one in poetry also.

SnackAttack said...

Thanks for responding, Contessa and env. The application was confirmed in October ("Form submitted successfully" in green at top of page) and the application status further down says "In progress". I tend to agree with env. I contacted them via email once back in Dec. when my status read "incomplete" forever, and the nice woman replied that she was just getting around to updating statuses the next week.

I visited campus for the first time during winter break. Walked through the bldg that houses the creative writing program. It definitely felt classic and intense but in a good way. Campus is without question breathtaking.

Good luck, you guys! Poetry? Fiction? Let me know if/when you hear something.

Phie said...

First time for fiction (confined to the Austin, TX area this time around):

UT-Michener (rejected)
Texas State

Good luck to everyone!

Phie said...

Sorry, I'm posting twice so I can subscribe to the comments this time.

Kholera Jones said...
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Kholera Jones said...

Got the email for the phone interview, VA Tech today. They're scheduling interviews for February 8, apparently. Waiting to see news for U of Alabama.

Elmira Elvazova said...

Yesterday morning I got the call from UMass Amherst. Accepted into the program in poetry! Exciting!! Wishing everyone the best.

SnackAttack said...

Congratulations! Oh tell us how the call went so we can live vicariously!

nextstopeverywhere said...

Only applied to three this year (in poetry)

Florida State
University of Florida
University of Arkansas

Anyone know when they generally notify? Congratulations on all the acceptances so far!

SnackAttack said...

nextstop, check

nextstopeverywhere said...

SnackAttack - you're a star. Thank you!

sarahs41 said...

has anyone heard anything about poetry applicants to Michener center? I think I heard that fiction's alread been told

Woahthere! said...

So. There's been a wait list for UCSD and 2 acceptances in fiction for Indiana on Facebook today. As you may have guessed, none of these are for me
Like I said, I will be re-applying next year. Lol.

K said...

Woahthere!, thank you so much for reporting from the Facebook group. It's so helpful. And I feel as if I may be in your boat. You're not alone :)

magNcheese said...

Just a quick check: Everyone who applied to Alabama got that GA Recruitment day email from the grad school, right?

letters said...

Can someone on facebook inquire about wyoming (fiction) rumors/speculations/inside contacts/anything?

Woahthere! said...
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Woahthere! said...

K, yeah everything kinda went wrong this season. Next year......

letters said...

Arghh! Really? In the past they have notified as early as, today!

wScott said...

Anyone heard from Minnesota? My status is "Awaiting Program Decision;" MFA Research Project has them notifying around now.

Woahthere! said...

wScott there has been a poetry acceptance at Minnesota today on Facebook.

Woahthere! said...

And 2 CNF acceptances on January 30. No fiction yet.

wScott said...

Thanks whoa. Waiting to hear about fiction, with bated breath.

TheIronCage said...

Anything from Ohio State yet?

Kholera Jones said...

I got the 'Bama GA email, too. No word on acceptance/rejection from them, though. I'm assuming I'm done for Indiana, but that's cool, I somehow always knew that wouldn't work out. It's VA Tech Vs. Whatever 'Bama Says, now. Would be a tough but pleasant decision to make.

Jeff Conolly said...

@theIronCage OSU has notified those that qualified for fellowships (which means basically acing the GRE and having a rocking GPA) last week. The rest of us underachievers have to wait until march.

magNcheese said...

@Kholera, Yeah, Bloomington is pretty cool. I did my undergrad there, but I think the writing profs. at Alabama are better. Best of luck to you...and I hope that's actually your blog. It's awesome.

Woahthere! said...

Untitled sorry. That info was for another school. The word about Wyoming is that the committee is just awaiting approval from the dean's office. So, Anytime now:)

letters said...

Thanks a lot!



Julia said...

Hello :) I have 3 acceptances so far

Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of South Carolina Columbia
Indiana Bloomington

I haven't heard back from anyone else yet from my list:

Oregon, corvallis
NC STate
VA Tech.

I heard back from Illinois and South Carolina Pretty early in January. I just heard back from Indiana today.

This is for Poetry and this is for a 2nd round of applications. Last year I was accepted at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, and waitlisted at VA Tech.

K said...

Julia, congratulations! I hope you get into your number one if you haven't already. Even so, you've got great choices so far.

Unknown said...

SnackAttack, don't worry about Cornell. I was having the same problem. I called the office and they said it's nothing to worry about. Their system is just glitchy.

Unknown said...
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Molly said...

Rejection last night via email from Michener. ACCEPTANCE JUST NOW VIA PHONE FROM UMASS AMHERST.

Woahthere! said...

Molly! Congrats! What genre was the rejection and acceptance? Or post it on Facebook if you can. It would be a big help.

Moll said...

Wow, congrats Molly!!! That's incredible.

Has anyone heard any news yet from Syracuse (fiction)?

Elena Q said...
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Molly said...

Oh sorry, fiction. Acceptance in fiction. Not on Facebook so unfortunately can't post it to the group there. Thank you! I am so relieved.

Woahthere! said...

Genres ppl! Remember to include genres! That is what this is all about.

SnackAttack said...

Woahthere, I think Molly applied in fiction, judging by her previous posts.

Anna, thank you.

Woahthere! said...

Yeah. Lol. Sorry. Just reading and posting as I go. I'm on a phone not a computer so I'd have to scroll for an hour to get to old posts.

Susan said...

Hey, guys - I also was accepted in fiction at UMass Amherst! I'm feeling kind of dazed about it - it's hard to believe that I will actually be somewhere come September. Good luck to all!

Woahthere! said...

Congrats Susan!

Sally Jane said...

For those of you in the NYC area who applied to/are interested in Syracuse, I wanted to let you know that Dana Spiotta, Assistant Professor at Syracuse, will be reading/lecturing Monday night, February 11th, at the Stony Brook Manhattan campus, 101-113 East 27th Street, 3rd Floor, at 7pm. Free and open to the public! And of course, for those you interested in Stony Brook Southampton's MFA, these weekly lectures are a great way to check out the program!

Woahthere! said...

An acceptance in poetry to Amherst just now on Facebook. I don't mind doing this. I'm just glad we are getting notifications. Its been slow this year so far........

wScott said...

Congrats Amherst folks!

Anonymous said...

In poetry, first time applicant:

San Francisco State
and George Mason, who sent applicants a confusing email this morning about open houses. They should say right at the top that the invitation has nothing to do with admission status.

SnackAttack said...

And if you're lucky enough to get in, remember your rights:

Phillip Barron said...
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Phillip Barron said...

Congrats to those of you accepted to UMass. The Pioneer Valley is a great place to write: beautiful setting and strong literary history.

Blue said...

Two of the "lesser talked about" programs that I applied to are Florida State and Georgia College and State. Does anyone have any info on either of these? Pros/Cons, etc? I just haven't heard much talk over on the FB page or here about them, and I was wondering if anyone has any info or thoughts :)

Blue said...

And by the way, congrats to those who heard good news today!

dinah said...
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Opt to Adopt: Cycling for a Cause said...

Nonfiction, first time applicant

South Carolina
Univ of Arizona
UNC Wilmington
Notre Dame
George Mason
West Virginia
Oregon State
New Hampshire
Rutgers: Cambden
Georgia College & State Univ
New Orleans
Old Dominion University

Accepted: Univ of Arizona, George Mason.

Opt to Adopt: Cycling for a Cause said...
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Opt to Adopt: Cycling for a Cause said...
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EB said...

I also got a call from Amherst earlier today, accepted in Fiction. Such a relief. Now just waiting to hear about funding.

Anonymous said...

my comments keep disappearing!
Amherst fiction folks: Did whoever called you indicate how many more calls they might have? I am pretty sure they are done, but I wondered if you had any insight.

TheIronCage said...

Contacted today by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for an interview. It's a mild success, though an early and therefore reassuring one.

Woahthere! said...

vbrewste it is believed that Amherst accepts ten in each genre. There seems to have been 5 contacted for fiction on here and Facebook and four in poetry. So.........

Woahthere! said...

And there's been an acceptance to Syracuse for poetry just now on Facebook.

Jason said...
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Kholera Jones said...

@magncheese, ha, this blog on my profile is my work, but I'm neither a female nor Kholera Jones. I'm just a fiction writer like that, I created her, she went a little viral, and then abandoned her. Good luck to everyone, I'll be back after Alabama either shoots me down or says come on in.

letters said...

Considering that some iowa students read/screen apps, is there any info on that timing?

SnackAttack said...

Those of you/us waiting to hear from schools in the Northeast: lines for gas on Long Island were 30 cars deep last night in preparation for the storm. Wouldn't be surprised if notifying students takes the backseat today.

SnackAttack said...

untitled, looks like mid to late Feb. in the past, students or no:

letters said...

Right, yes, I meant only that there might have been word on facebook if the draft group has current students. Wishful thinking.

Woahthere! said...

I managed to apply to 4 schools that all notify in late Feb/early-mid march. I'm in for the long run.

SnackAttack said...

I hear you, Woah. I find myself wishing I'd applied to schools that notified early just so I'd know something by now. But that's just my impatience talking.

It could be worse. From BU's MFA website: "We do our best to respond to all applicants by the beginning of April."


Unknown said...

SnackAttack, yes, BU contacts their acceptances late, but their deadline isn't until 3/1, so at least there's a bit of give somewhere.

Chris Jones said...

Today is the day Cornell notifies. They called, probably in the morning, on the second Friday of Feb every year. Any news? There should be acceptances by now.

SnackAttack said...

Chris: There's a big storm out here. Wouldn't be surprised if Cornell held off.


letters said...
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Chris Jones said...

No, Ithaca is fine. I am 100% sure they have already notified this morning.

Chris Jones said...

You see? A Cornell acceptance on Facebook!

SnackAttack said...

*sigh* I liked my rationale better.

letters said...

Cornell fiction acceptance posted on facebook

EB said...

Anyone heard anything about Syracuse fiction?

SnackAttack said...

Cornell poetry notifies later, according to MRP.

letters said...

And still nothing about wyoming, apparently, going mad

SnackAttack said...

Sorry, re. I took my dog on an extra long walk at lunch just to keep away from my computer (don't have internet on my phone). It can all get a bit maddening, to say the least.

Time for a list:
my dog
power's still on, incl heat
roads still open
having the guts to apply to MFAs
oatmeal cookies

Joe Mazel said...

So, I can assume that if I did not get the call from Cornell already, I'm out of luck?

letters said...

I'm already snowed in! With dog and power. That is the extent of my objective positivity.

Unknown said...

Any news from Alabama? Or does anyone know how many fiction-types have moved onto phase II at Ole Miss? (My name may be added to the UM Phase II count.)

Anonymous said...

So, the MFA Research Project does not list dates for U Minnesota, Brown, Mills, or SFSU (in poetry). Anyone have other info, perhaps from the FB group?

Unknown said...

Does anyone know the status on Oklahoma State? I saw they usually notify applicants by Feb 9.

Ploi Pirapokin said...
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Ploi Pirapokin said...

I was accepted into SFSU's program last semester and honestly, I love this big program! There isn't funding, but as an international student, I pay just as much as out of state students (which, compared with private schools, is SO MUCH cheaper).

The program is big, but I love the freedom it allows me to choose what kinds of courses I want to take to become a better writer, meet enough people I can choose or not choose to hang out with and independently decide how involved I want to be as a writer with the SF community (Which, is SO supportive of up coming writers and authors).

Any doubts? Read my tumblr where I highlight what is going on at SFSU and feel free to send me questions:

jazz vox said...


Thank you for the updates.
Although they are killing me.

What is the Facebook group and how do I join? (Thanks in advance.)

My fiction aspirations lie with:


Michener no more (no via email to check website)

jazz vox said...
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Woahthere! said...

The Facebook group is called the MFA Draft '13. It's a terrific forum made of people applying to MFA programs and "vets" who applied, got into programs last year and stuck around to give advice and answer questions. It can get pretty crazy on there because there are heated debates and, of course, people begin to get depressed/ impatient and absolutely crazy around notification season. But ultimately it is a very helpful and wonderful thing to be apart of. Just go on Facebook and search MFA Draft'13. You will need a facebook account and would have to be accepted because it is a closed group. Come on over!

jazz vox said...

Whoa! Thanks, Woah. That sounds intense.....

yogithecat said...

@Brad Duffield

I got an acceptance (poetry) email from Oklahoma State on February 5th.

Unknown said...


Congrats on the acceptance. Have you heard about fiction? Do you know how many they're accepting (and how many applied)? I can't find anything.

Mary said...

I applied to 15 schools and so far have only received rejections from Michener Center and WashU. In my app, I mentioned that I'm working on a young adult novel (though the short story I submitted was more along the lines of literary fiction). Do you guys think this hurts of chances of being accepted?

K said...

Mary, I would say absolutely not. A friend of mine who attended Notre Dame said that multiple students were writing young adult novels and upon graduation one successfully published hers and is now working on its sequel.

I think it shows ambition and range to note that you're working on both a novel and short stories. Just remember that it's all subjective and it seems like you have a lot more schools to hear from so stay optimistic!

Mary said...

Thanks K! I've been freaking out and excessively checking this blog (I'm not on Facebook, so at least I can't access the Draft group). It seems like a lot of people apply twice, so if that ends up happening to me I know it's not the end of the world. Still, waiting is tough.

letters said...

Why would working on a novel and a short story hurt your chances? That's why they allow either/or as material for admission...

yogithecat said...

Thanks, Brad. I'm not sure if they do poetry and fiction notifications together or not, but I do know that they are trying to send out assistantship information in the next week.

I was looking into the same information about number of applicants vs number of spots, and haven't found anything. According to the okstate website, workshop sizes are under 10 people and there are about 25 MFA students enrolled at one time. Considering it's a 2-3 year program, I believe that's pretty small.

Best of luck to you!

magNcheese said...

Any word on UIUC fiction?

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